HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 20 07/01/1919 .~ "',,,.. '--- . --O-l'crinancse-lfO". -M".-' . ....- ...--_,_~~~_.'-.r- -.----, An ordinanoe to lioense and regulate oertain businessea, oooupations, callings and employments as expressed herein, and to provide the term, the fee and the method of procuring and issuing such license., together with the conditions under which same are issued, and fixing a penalty for violations of this ordinance. Be it ordained by the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Mount Prospeot, Illinois: Seotion 1.- No person,firm or oorporation shall oonduct &n1 business, oocupation, calling or employment hereinafter specified with- in the Village of Mount Prospeot, without first havingseoured a licen.e so to do. Seotion 2.- All persons, firms or oorporations oonducting or engaging in any of the followingbusinessess, oocupations,callings or employments, are hereby required to obtain a license and pay in advance to the Village Clerk therefor, the amounts set opposite thereto, for the periods hereinafter speoified, to-wit: -"c. Annual Lioense Fee. Auotione ers- ------- ---- ---- ------------------$100 .,00 Itinerant merohants-------------------------- ' Hawkers and peddlers, exoept beer peddlers, per wagon----------------------- Foot peddlers-------------------------------- Beer pe4ilers----~--------------------------- Theatricals, moving piotures and other shows andamussements oharging 25 , or less admission, exoept oirouses--------- 60.00 Theatricals, mOVing piotures and other shows and amuseme1\t s oharging more than 25, admission, except oircuses----------------- 200.00 Omnibus driT8rs,oarters, cabman, porters and expressmen and licensed chauffeurs----- 5.0e Junk wagons or dealers---------------------- 15.,00 Bi,lliard, bagatelle, pigeon hole and"other table or implement kept or used in any public re.o~-------------------- --------- Lumber yard8~~...;------------------------------ Livery sta'bl.s and publio garages, eaoh------ Second hand stores, junk stores and yards---- Cirouses------------------------------------- Public dance halls--------------------------- Dealers in fireworks and pyrotechnic displays Dry cleaners or agents for dry oleaners------ Coal yards----------------------------------- Expressmen and drarmen--------------~~------- Ice dea1era---------------------------------- House MOVer-...-'-- ---- -- -- --- -- -;.. -- - - -- - - - - --- Wholesale dealers in coal oil, gasoline or other petroleum produots------------------- 26.00 t!prette. dealers, including tobaooo dealers-- 10.'00 ce cream parlor8-----------------~---------- 15.00 Grooery s1;ores------------------------_______ 26.'00 <.:" '-".... I \, ~ \.;;J 15.00 15.00 50.,00 7.50 20.00 40 .,00 50.00 ( 100.00 30 .,00 5.00 20.,00 5.,00 25.,00 30.00 \ License License Fee for lee for I Dal' I Montb.. $ 6.00 t36.00 p.,OO 25~OO 1.00 1.00 3.00 I5.QO 2.00 3.00 2.00 per table. 10.00 IO .,00 1.'00 3.00 1.00 3.'00 15.00 1.00 1.00 ..00 10.00 '- Barber shops(pe~ ohair) --------------------------$ Dealers in paints and oils------------------------ Blaoksmith .hops---------------------------------- Plumbers---~-------------------------------------- Eleotrioians-------------------------------------- Fruit stores-------------------------------------- Bill boards and sign boards for eaoh 25 lineal feet steam engine or steam boiler tender---------------- BaDka--------------------------------------------- Brokers-----------------------~------------------- Druggists----------------------------------------- Meat market8----------------~--------------------- Delioatessen store-------------------------------- Milk dealer or milk distributor------------------- Restaurants--------------------------------------- Dealers in oement blooks, sand, gravel, oement and tile------------------------------ Dealers in farm implements------------------------ Hardware stores----------------------------------- Onion set warehouses------------------------------ Piokel salting stations--------------------------- Milk pasturizing plants--------------------------- Battery manufaoturers----------------------------- Village President to grant and may revoke. Seotion 3;- In all oases where lioense are required tobe pro~ed suoh lioense shall be granted by the Village President, and attested by the Village olerk, exoept where provision is expresely made for the granting of lioenses by some other offioer in the village. The Village President Shall-also have power to revoke for oause, any lioense granted by him. ........ 'd"" ~ ......., 5.00 10..00 10.,00 25.00 25.,00 25.-00 5.,00 5.,00 50.,00 50.,00 25.-00 25.,00 35.-00 10.-00 15.,00 1.00 1.-00 (per wagon) 10.00 15.-00 15.,00 25.,00 10.,00 25.,00 10..00 . Subjeot to ordinanoes. Seotion 4:- All lioenses shall be subjeot to all the ordinanoes whioh may be'llloroe at the time, of issuing thereof, and all whioh may be subsequen__ll' passel.. the Village Board. Applioations - Affidavits. Seotion 5:- All lioense authorized to be issued and required to be prooured in and by this ordinanoe, whioh are granted by the Village President, shall be issued by the Village Clerk upon instruotion~'or direo- tion from the Village President so to do. Written applioation for suoh lioense shall be made to the Village Clerk in eaoh oase upon blanks furnished by hi., exoept whereotherwise speoifioally provided for, and a new applioation shall be made upon the expiration of any license issued, before a new lioense shall be issued. In case the ordinanoe of the Village or in absenoe thereof, the Village President requires an investigation on reoeipt of the applioation, the Village Clerk shall, at onoe, prooeed to make suoh inTestigation of the applicant as is required by the ordinance of the Village of Mount Prospeot or shall transmit suoh applioation to tfte proper department for suoh investigation. If such report reoommends e granting of the lioense, the Village Clerk shall notify the applioant ~d upon payment of the lioense fee and the filing of a bOnd in aooordance w1th the ~rdinanoes of the Village of Mount Prospeot, when bond is requir- ed, th~ v11lage Clerk, if authorized to do so by the Village President, shall 1ssue to the applioant a license bearing the seal of the Villa e of Mount Prospect for the period for whioh payment is made. g ~ ( ( c- ~. ~----~-"---"~--"-----"--- "1 ! Term of Lioense. Section 6:- No license shall be granted for a less period nor for a longer period than one year, exoept where otherwise speoifically provtl- ed herein, and every lioense shall expire on the first day of May, follow- ing the date of its issuanoe. No license shall be issued for any p~~,d of time less than the unexpil'ed year, and at the pro rata amount o(~:jhe full annual license fee, except otherwise specifioallY provided. ,fl. fee for each license issued shall beoolleoted in full at the time of th~ issuanoe and delivery thereof. No Rebate. Section 7:- In no event shall any rebate or refund be made of any lioense fee or part thereof, by reason of the death of the lioense., ~r by reason of non-user of the lioense or by reason of a ohange of location of suoh licensee. Notioe of termination. Section 8:- If a lioense extend beyond one month, it shall be the duty of the Village C1Grk from ten to twenty days prior to the terminatina- tion of the lioense period to oause a written notioe to be mailed to eaoh . licensee, direoting the attention of suoh lioensee to the faot that a new/lioense will be required on the day following the expiration of his existing lioense, and direoting his attention also to the amount of the license fee and to the penalty for failure to prooure a lioense in aooor- danoe with the provisions of the ordinanoe of the Village governing the issuanoe of suoh lioense; provided however, that failure on part of the Village Olerk to oause suoh notioe to be mailed to each lioense. shall not b. deemed a defense to a suit brought by the Village of Mount Prospect to recover the penalty for a violation of the ordinance under whioh the lioense, is required to be seoured. No lioense or permit to any person indebted to village. Seotion 9:- Hereafter no lioense or permit shall be is~ued to any. perso., firm or oorporation unless suoh perso~, firm or oorporation dis- oharges and pays to the Village of Mount Prospeot all indebtedness then due from suoh person, firm or oorporation. Seotion 10:- The Village olerk shall prooure and keep a book to be oalled the lioense register of the Village of Mount Prospeot, in whioh book he shall enter the name and location of eaoh lioensee, the nature of the lioense granted, the date of issuanoe of said lioense, and the date of expiration thereof, togetherwith the amount of the lioense fee colleoted, and he shall prepare and transmit to the village Eoard monthly, a report oontaining said information. Transfer of license. Seotion 11:- No lioense granted under this ordinance shall be assigned or transferred, exoept as hereinafter provided,nor shall any such lioense authorize any person to do business oraot under it but the person named therein. .AnY l)erson to whom any license shall have been issued, may, with the permisalob of the Village President, assi~ and transfer the same to any other person, and the person to whom suoh license issued or the assigneeof suoh lioense may have a new lioens. issued for the unexpired t!rm of the old lioense authorizing the assignnee or transferee of such l~oens. to carryon the same business or oooupation at suobR~~~y be named in suoh new lioense; provided, futher, that nothing herein oontain- .P''''''''' - """ ..~ shall be, held to authorize the assignment or transfer of auotioneers') or runners' licenses; s~oh licenses shall be non-assignable and non-transferrable. LIOENCE - - BOND - - APPROVAL OF SEOTION 12. - Any bond given by any person or corporation to the Village where such license bond is required under this ordinano. shall, before a license is granted, be approved by the Village .Clerk. exoept where otherwise proVided, and the Village Olerk shall thoroughly investigate the sureties on any lioense bond, and ,if, satisfied that the same are good, he shall approve S't1oh bond,_ OHANGE OF LOCATION - NOTIOE TO VILLAGE OLERK. SEOTION 13. - If any person or corporation licensed by the Village to -carry on, engage in, or conduot any business or oooupation required to be licensed by this or4inano8, and having designated to his or its license a particular place in whioh business so licensed is to be carried on, engaged in, or con - ducted, shall, before the expiration of suoh lioense, change the location of suoh plaoe of business, he or it shall forthwith notify the Village Olerk of such fa.ct, and no 'bl1s1ness shall be oarried on, engaged in, or conducted, under the authority of suoh license at such new location, until notice of such change has been given as herein provided. c/ LIOENSE TO BE POSTED. SEOTION 14. - Every license granted by the Village president for the purpose of conducting any business or oocupation required by this ordinance to be licensed, and having designated therein the particular room, store,office or place in which such business so licensed is to be conducted, shall be posted, and at all times in a conspicuous place, so that the same may be easily seen. upon the wall of the principal room or office of the store or plaoe in whioh suoh licensed business or occupation is carried on; . and when suoh lioense shall have expired, it shall be removed from suoh plaoe in wh:i:oh it has been pos1;ed and no license which is not in foroe and effeot shall be permitted to remain posted upon the wall or upon any part of any room, store, offioe ,or place of business. after the period oj such license has expire4~ CLEANLINESS OF STALL. SEC~ION 15. - Every perRon who is the owner, lessee, or oco~pant of any room, stall or place where any meat, fish or vegetable designed or held for human food shall be stored or kept or shall be held or offered for sale shall put and keep such room, stall or place and its appurtenances in a clean and wholesome condition. (~ , ~ CONTENTS OF PACKAGE TO BE mlIFO~i . SECTION 16. - No person or corporation shall, within the V111age, sel~ or of~er for sale, or have in his possession for the purpose of sel11ng or offering for sale, any basket, box barre~, bag or other package of fruit, berries or vegetables of a~y k1nd, the contents of which are not of uniform quality and S1ze throughout. . ^__"_~,_"~_~,_,~,~_,~_"-""""",-"",~>",,,,;,,,: .' -4M-',.. '--' .""""" ".,,, l a~s IN BULK EXCEPTED~ Section 17. This ordinance shall not apply to sales in bulk, either by the car load, by the bushel or otherwise, where such fruits or vege+'ables are not sold in boxes, bags, or other package or parcels, (. "--. DETECTION OF OFFENDERS. SECTION 18. - Any person who shall have purchased any fruits, vegetables or berries sold in violation of the provi- wions of this ordinance may produce the package or parcel contain- ing the same at the office of the department of health, and furnish therewith an affidavit duly subscribed and sworn to showing that said paroel was purchased within twenty-four hours from the time it is so produced and showing that the parcel as produoed.. oontains all of the fruit, berries or vegetables and none other~ whioh it oontained a(; the time of its purchase; and if the depart"7 ment of health shall find by measuring, weighing or inspeoting the same that it is short in quantity or weight, or that the same~ is not of uniform quantity, or was otherwise sold in violation .of the provisions of this ordinance, itshall be ahd it is hereby made the duty of the department of health to cause the arrest of the person so violating this ordinance, or begin suit against such vendor to recover the penalty herein provided for such violation. UNWHOLESOThm VEGETABLES AND FRUIT. / ( ". SECTION 19. - No person or corporation shall bring or cause to be brought into the village any deoayed or unwholesome vege- tables or fruit intended to be consumed or sold or offered for sale for human food, nor shall any person or oorporation keep or store in the village any decayed or unwholesome vegetables or fruit. IMPURE OR A~, ULTEr.1ATED WATER, DRUGS OR FOOD, SECTION 20. - No person or corporation, or any agent or employe thereo~. shall keep for sale, of~r for sale, or exchange or shall sell, or deliver, or expose for sale, any drugs not oon- forming to the rules and standards of m~ITED States pharmacopoeia, or any water, or liquids or foods which shall be impure, un- wholesome or adulterated or to which any harmful.or injurious foreign substance has been added. SECTION 21.- If any olause, sentence, paragraph, or part of this ordinanoe 'shall for any reason be adjudged by any court of competent Jurisdiotion to be invalid, such judgment shall not affect,impat%~ or invalidate the remainder of this ordinance, but shall be ~onfined in its operation to the clause, sentence, para- graph or part thereof direotly involved in the controversy in whioh such judgment shall have been rendered. SECTIDON 22.- ~ person, firm or oorporation who shall violate an~ of the terms or provision8,of this ordinance, or who shall faJ.1, negleot or refuse to c amply with any of the foregoing provisions of this ordinance shall, on conviction, be fined in a sum not less than thr d 1 ee 0 lara nor more than two hundred dollars " " 1 ( for each and every offense. SEOTION23.- All ordinanoes or parts of ordinances conflicting with the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed so far as they oonflict herewith. SECTION 24. - This ordinanoe shall be in full foroe and effect from and after -its passage, approval and publication aooording to law. i SECTION 25. - This ordinanoe shall be known as Ordinance No, 20 t /' Passed this First day of July, A.D. 1919. Approved this First day of July l.A.-D. 1919. PUblished,July 2,1919 to July ~2,-I919. ' " , j , Pv~'~ Presiden . . :,-, c=) :~';.:"~ Posted at the following places .'Post Office. Depot. ' Busse',B Hard.ware store. to-wit: ( -'~.' tfj ... J ~. t .j