HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 22 08/05/1919 ~~'""", ,# - . -OrcIinana'e- . lro-~g:r~-' ..,- Ordinanoe for the levy and assessmant of taxes for the aurrent fiscal year, aommenoing May I 1919 and ending April 30 , 1911. -~~~----------------- Be,it ordainded by the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Mount Prospeot, Cook County, Illinois. Seation 1.- That the sum of $1600.00 for general village purpose., The same being the total amount of appropriation. heretofore lesa111 . made for said oorpora.. purposes by the said village of .ount )~08.Peot in the oounty of Cook and state of Illinois, from whioh i8 deAuotea all unexpended balanoes and all sums derived from liaenses and other misoellaneous souroes, whioh sum is to be oolleoted from the tax leY7 of the ourrent fisoal year of said Village, be and the same i8 he~eb7 levied and assessed on all real and personal property within 8&i4 Village subjeot to a taxation aooording to the valuation of said propert7 a8 the same shall or may be assessed for state and oounty purpose., for the ourrent fisoal year, the said tax so levied and assessed being for the . ourrent fisoal year of said Village, and the appropriations, the total amount of whiah has been asoertained as aforesaid, being as follows:- "An ordinan::f~~ropriation for corporate purposes in the Village of MOunt ~rospeot, Cook County, Illinois, for 'the fisoal year begin~ng May I, 1919 and ending April 30, 1920. Be it ordained by the President and Board of Trustee. of the Village of Mount Prospeot, Cook County, Illinois:- Seotion 1- That the fOllowing sums, or so muoh thereof as may be au- thoriZed by law, be and the same are hereby appropriated for the oor- porate purpose. of the Village of Mount Prospeot, for the fis08l year beging May I, 1919 and ending April 30, 1920, towit;- . For street Lighting----____________________________________ 600.00 For Salarie.-----__________________________________________ 300~0 For Fire proteation-----__________________________________... 2ijO.rOO For P01ioe proteotion-----__.,-______________________________ 50.,00 For aealth and Drainage-----_______________________________ 100"00 For Eleotion Expenae----------________~____________________ 6O.rOO For Bridges and Sidewalks-----____________________________... 100.,00 For inoidental expenses, postage, printing, ' drafting ordinanoes, oontingenoies, eto,---------------$IOO.OO For Judioiary Department----------------------_____________tIOO.rOO F~r Maintenanoe and repair of streets-------------------.::.::.fII79.,92 , Making a total appropriation for the purposes aforesaid of--------____________________________________________----$2729.92 From which is to be deducted all unexpended balanoes and ' all sums derived from 1ioenses and other miaellaneous souroes aggre- gating '1229.92. _ ---------------------- ( \, Section 2:- all unexpented ba1anoes of any item or items of any adP:r;>ropriationma4e by thi. ordinanoe may be expended in making up a e~i01enoy ~. any item or items in this appropriation. f Section 3:- This ordinanoe shall be in full f effeot rom and after its passage a 1 oroe and , pprova and PUb1ioation. ! I I I J ,-~.'..~~-"-.",,,.~,-----_.~~~~ "...... ,"""" .......... ~, "" I Passed July I, I9I9. Approved July I, I9L9. Published july 2 to JulyI2, I9I9. (Tillage Seal) William Busse Village President.. Henry J. Ebarl Village .Olerk. Section 2:- the clerk is hereby directed to file with the County Clerk of Cook County, Illinois, on or before the third Tuesday of September, A. D. I9I9 a copy of this ordinance, duly certified by said Clerk. Section 3:- This ordinance shall take effect and be in full force from and after its passage, approval and publication. d~~!MI i a lark /?ha;'~< f~ Village Pres1den . Passed August 6, I9I9 /~~ Approved August 6, I9I9. \ Published Aug. 7 to the -I7th. I9I9. Posted at the following places, Post off:1... Depot. Busse -Hardware Store. , . ; ) > / ( I ~_J