HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 48 05/22/1923 ORDINANCE NO. 48. AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE REGULATION AND MANAGE- MENT OF THE WATER WORK6 SYSTEM OF THE VILLAGE OF' MOUNT PROSPECT, AND ESTABLISHING RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR THE GOVERIDIfENT OF WATER CONSUMERS AND OTHERS, AND REGULATING CONNECTIONS WITH SAID SYSTEM AND ESTABLISHING RATES AND CHARGES AND LICENSE FEES FOR PLmmERS. BE IT ORDAINED by the President and Board of Trustees of the Villa~e of Mount Prospect, in the County of Cook and state of Illinois, as follows: Section 1. Tha tall consumers of water furnished by the Village of Mount Prospect sha.ll pay for same according to the following rates and charges, where meters can be permanently set:- For the first 5,000 gallons j.40 pe,r thousa.nd gallons, " " next 5,000 " .35, " " " '''', c~ " " " 10,000 " .30 " " " , ... ~ " " " 10,000 " .25' " " " . " " " 10,000' " .25' " " " " n " 10,000 " .20 " " " It " " 10,000 . " .20- " " " " " " 10,000 " .20 " It " " " " 10,000 " .20 " " " " " " 10,000 " .20 " " It " " " 10,000 " .20 " " " " " " lQ,OOO " .20 " " " The foregoing rates are to be for water consumed during the period of three month~, or fraction thereof, for eaeh individual consumer and in no case shall the char~e be less than One Dollar and fifty oents ($1.50) per quarter or traotion thereof. Special ra~es may be fix~d by the Board of Trustees . for amounts over One Hundred Thousand gallons (100.000) per q uarter~. '1'1 \ , I , , In the event any meter fails to register properly, the Village Colleotor shall make an estimate of the water used during the period of such failure based upon the average quantity registered by such meter during the preoedin~ like periods. No allowanoe shall be made for leakage. ( All water rates, assessments and rents shall be due and J ,<.; I j -,_..._~,) ._.,._------.~.---~~-~..~~ payable on the First day of January, April, JUly and October, of each year, for the Quarter precenin~. If such water rates are not paid within ten days after the same are due there shall be added thereto and collected therewith a penalty of ten per cent (10%) of the amount so due. If the entire amount so due, includin~ said penalty is not paid within twenty days after the same is due, the collector shall at once order the water shut off and meter taken out of the premises of the person so delinquent and the water shall not be turnen on a~ain until all past due rents and penalties, top-ether with a charge of ~2.00 for shutting off and turninp- on the water and re- settinp- the meter are paid. v~ere the water is shut off temporarily, at the renuest of any consumer and t~e meter is not removed, t'he consumer shall pay tne re~lar minil'T\um rate of One Dollar and fifty cents ($1.50) per quarter. All 11lJater used for which rates and methods of measurements are not specifically providen for by any ordinance shall be estimated by the Superintendent of vmter Works or such officer as may be designated by the President and Board of Trustees to perform the duties of such Superintendent, and assessed at the rate of twenty cents (201$) per thousand gallons or fraction thereof. Whenever practicable, a meter shall be used as the basis of such estimate. The following are adopted as and for the charp-es and rates for water used by water consumers where meters cannot be installed: For laying Stone, per cord $.10 " " Brick, per thousand .10 >> wetting Brick," " .10 " plastering, per hundred so. yds. .20 >> laying Cement or concrete work, per 100 cu. feet. .20 Section II. The President and Board of Trustees at the be~inning of each fiscal year, may appoint a Superintendent of Water Works, wno shall hold his office for one year from t'he date of his appointment and until his Successor is appointed and Qualified. He shall be a resident of said Village and m::iy be removed at any tir;le by the Boa.rd of Trustees 'vi th or 'vi thout cause. He shall give bond in the sum of One thousand Doll::irs (~lOOO.OO) conditloned for the f::iithful dischar~e of his duties. His compensation shall be fixed by the Board of Trustees from ti~e to ti~e. He shall preserve and protect the property of the Village, rel::iting to the Water System, ::ind shall be the general executive officer of the Water Works; he shall supervise and direct the laying of all 'vater pines in t'he Streets, alleys and Public grounds of said Village; inspect all plumbin~ in any way connected with said water system; have char~e of the tapping of all water pipes or mains for public or private use; he shall keep a complete and accurate record of all the taps and connections made with the water system, their exact location, number and si~e, the length and size of all servioe pipes and the location of the shut off boxes. He shall furnish to the Village Collector a true copy of said record, and shall, at all times keep the Village Collector informed of all work done in connection with said water system as soon as saia work is completed. He shall make and submit to the President and Board of Trustees, at the end of each year, or whenever directed so to do by said Board, a report in writing showingtbe condition of said Water-works-system, and such other information as may be proper or ordered by the Board of Trustees. If directed by the Board of Trustees so to do. he shall act as engineer of said water Works, and perform such other duties as said Board may prescribe from time to time. If in the disoretion of the President of the Board of Trustees of the said Village said President and Board shall at any time deem it advisable not to appoint suoh a Superintendent of Water Works said president and Board of Trustees may designate any other officer or employee of said Village to perform any and all the duties of suoh Superintendent of Water Works, or engineer, as presoribed by this ordinance. Section III. The President and ~oard of Trustees may appoint an engineer who shall have direct oharge of all the machinery appliances and appurtenances of the water system and make all necessary repairs in connection with the same. H~ shall furnish to the Village Colleotor a quarterly reading of all meters conneoted with said system, and when so directed by the Board 0 f Trus tees or the Village Collector, shall turn on or shut off the water and shall perform such other duties as, may be required of him by the President and Board of Trustees. Seotion IV. All applications for connections with the Water System shall be presented in writing to the Village Collector, who shall issue permits 8S hereinafter provided. He shall keep an acourate account with each consumer of all the water used. He shall also keep an acourate record of all the taps and conneotions made with said system and shall submit to the President and Board of Trustees, at eaoh regular meeting, and oftener, if requested so to do a statement in writing of all taps and oonnections made since his last report. It shall be his duty to oolleot a~l water rates assessments and other moneys 411_th~ ,TiJ,.l;-.ge,on',llctHrti.fi'b6l 8ij.ia:Wi>ter' System, iin~ BIl t"e -...---"':...- -~--'-~-^"" -_.. -.- ..---.-....---- .~._. -', -""---".~- ,.~.::..;. last business day of each month, he shall pay to the Villa~e Treasurer all moneys in his hands received by him on account of said water system. He shall keep such books and records as are necessary to olearly and oorrectly show all moneys reoeived by him on aooount of said water system, and from whom reoeived and when, and the disposition that is made of same, taking a receipt which shall be kept on file and a part of the record of his office for all moneys paid out by him. He shall keep a blank reoeipt book with stub attachments, and eaoh receipt blank with its aocompanying stub shall bear corresponding numbers and shall give a receipt properly filled out from said blank reoeipt book for,all moneys reoeived by him, and shall enter an exact and complete memorandum of eaoh transaotion on the oorresponding stub. At each regular meeting of the Board of Trustees, he shall submit to said Trustees a written report of all moneys reoeived and paid over by him, for and on account of said Water System, which said report shall be filed by the Village Clerk. All records, books, papers and memo- randa specified by the ordinances of this Village to be kept by the said Collector, shall be the property of the Village, and shall at all times, be open and subjeot to inspection and examination or the President and Board of Trustees, and it shall be the duty of the said Colleotor to submit the same, and all of them, to the said Board of Trustees at any time upon request. Said Colleotor shall instruot the Superintendent to shut off the water supply from any consumers, who are, for any reason delinquent or who have violated any of the rules, regulations or provisions of any Ordinance that may be, at any'time, adopted, relating to said ,vater system. The Village Collector shall be paid Four percentum (4~1 of all moneys oolleoted by him in connection with said Water gystem as oompensation in full for his services. The President and Board of Trustees of said Village may appoint a water rates colleotor who shall, in the event of such appoint- ment, perform all the duties herein presoribed to be performed by the Village Collector and who shall receive the same oompensation here- in provided for for the, collector. Seotion V. All applioations to conneot service or supply pipes with the said water system shall be made to the Village Colleotor, upon forms to be furnished by said Village, and shall be signed by the applioant. Said applioation shall state the size and the location of the tap reouired, the size of the servioe pipe to be used, and a description of the property to which said service pipe is to be laid, and the looation where the meters is to be placed. Said application shall contain an agreement on the part of the applicant that he or she .~~~..,>","~,..,.,.---,.-,- will fully oomply with all the rules and regulations, conditions and provisions of any ordinanoe or resolution relatin~ to the water system and will pay and disoharge when due, all water rates, assessments and rents, and all fines and penalties assessed, oharged or imposed against said applioant or the property described in said applioation. If said applioant shall fully oonform to. the provisions of all ordinanoes relating to said water system, and the applicant shall have paid all fees and oharges reouired to be paid, then the Villa~e Colleotor shall issue a written or printed permit granting the applioant the right of oonneotion "vi th the distributinlZ' mains in aooordanoe with the terms set forth in the application. No water shall be turned into any servioe or supply pipe nor into any premises with- out the written permit of the Village Colleotor, and no suoh permit be issued until all fees have been paid, whioh the ordinanoes of t'he Village shall reouire. Suoh permit shall be presented to the superintendent, who shall turn on the water to the premises there- in desoribed. Seotion VI. No consumer shall be supplied with water from the Village System until a meter shall be set and ready for use,... exoept in oases where it is impractioable to set a meter, and in suoh eases the use and consumption of water shall be lZ'overned by the Ordinanoes of the Village. All meters used in oonneotion with said water system shall be and remain the property of said Village, and shall be purohased and installed by tbe Village and the oonsumer shall pay to said Village a flat rental during the life of suoh meter, aocording to the following sohedule: For a meter of 5/8 of an inch oapaoity $10.00 " " " " 3/4 " "" " 17.50 " " " " 1 inch oapacity 26.00 " " " " It inches oapacity 31 .00 1t " " " 1 " " 48.00 " 'f " " 2 " " 71.00 Such payment shall be made in advanoe to the Colleotor before such meter is installed, and shall entitle the oonsumer to the use of said meter during its life, actual wear and tear exoented, and exoept during such periods durin~ which the water for such con- sumer may be shut off for any reason as in this ordinance provided. One meter of proper capacity will be furnished to each water oonsumer and if more than one meter is desired it shall be furnished by the Village upon payment in advanoe to the Colleotor of the same amount as specified in the foregoing schedule, according to the size of the meter desired. The aotual cost to the Village of installing eacb meter shall be paid by the person ordering tbe same immediately upon the installation and before the water is turned on, and tbe --_._....._....--..-~--_.._..._._.__.._._- ' actual cost of keepin~ each meter in repair shall be paid by the person upon whose application such meter was installed as soon as the bill therefor is presented. The person upon whose application any meter is installed shall be liable for any breakage, by freezing or otherwise, or any loss or dama~e to said meter in any we, except by ordinary use and wear, and the cost of making good such damage" or loss shall be paid by the person upon whose application such meter was installed as soon as the bill therefor is presented, and the amount thereof shall be a lien against the premises upon which said meter is located to the same extent and with the same effect as water rates. In the event a meter shall have become worn out and unfit for use the consumer may have a new meter installed upon the same terms and consideration as provided for herein in case of a first meter. Section VII. Before a permit for the use of water shall be issued, where meters cannot be conveniently used, the person apply- ing for the same shall deposit Ten Dollars (~10.00) with the Village Collector as payment on account of water to be used by him. On or before thirty days from the date of the permit, the person to whom such permit is issued, shall file with the Collector a statement in writing, verified by his affidavit, sho"ling fully the purpose for which the water was used by him for that time, and the amount and location of all 'JlTork done by him during said time in connection wi th which any water was used or required. The Collector shall ascertain from said statement and other information, the amount due for water so used. If the amount so found to be due, together with all other fees and costs chargable against such person is less than the sum deposited. then the surplus shall be paid to the depositor. If the amount IDle for water so used is more than the sum deposited. then the excess shall be paid at once to the Collector by such person. If such person desires to continue to use the water after he shall have filed his statement he shall again deposit Ten Dollars ($10.00) with the collector and shall continue to make such deposits there- after and in the same manner as is provided herein with respect to the first deposit, and the method of determining the amount of water used and the charge for seme and the other provisions respecting the first deposit, as hereinbefore provided. Section VIII. Water consumers, licensed plumbers and others shall be ~overned by the fOllowing rules, and regulations, which are hereby'established. 1: All work done in the streets and alleys or public places of said Village, in connection with the water system shall be done in a thorough and workmanlike manner and under the Supervision and Direction.oi'the Superintendent and subject to his approval. 2: No oonneotion shall be made with the said water system without proper permit from the VillageColleotor. 3: The sum of Thirty Dollars (!30.00) shall be paid in advanoe by each applicant for each separate service required to be placed, for which the village will furnish all th~ necessary pipes, cocks, valves and shut off box, cast iron service box and labor neoessary to lay and oonstruot suoh service pipes, and which service pipes shall be construoted aooording to the fol1o\rtng speoifioations: ' a. Said water servioe pipes shall be of lead, "extra strong" of a three-fourths (3/4) of an inoh internal diameter and a weight of three (3) pounds eight (8) ounoes per 1 inea1 foot. -- b. Each of said pipes shall be oonnected with said main water pipe by a brass tap of three-fourths (3/4) of an inoh diameter and a weight of not less than twenty-three (23) ounces, and shall ex- tend horizontally at right angles with said main water pipe to a point eighteen (18) feet from the center line of the street, and shall be provided with a brass stop cock of three-fourths (3/4) of an inoh diameter and a weight of not less than twenty-three (23) ounoes; and a spiral shut-off box of the best quality of cast iron or first grade steel pive, of not less than one and one-half inches (It") nor more than two and one-half inohes (2+") internal diameter, and five -(5) to six (6) feet in length, and if of cast iron, weighing twenty-eight pounds, placed at a point seventeen (17) feet from the centerline of the street. On the top of the oover of said shutoff box shall be oast the words "City Water." All oorporation and ourb oocks used in conneotion with the water system shall be made of bronze which shall have the following composition: "Copper 83% to 85%; Tin 4% to 6%; Zino 4% to 6%; Lead not more than 4%." All casts shall be high grade, true to from and dimensions, smooth and free from all sand or blowholes or other foundry defects, and all material used herein shal1.be .of the best ouality and subjeot to the approval of the Board of Looal Improvements of the Village of Mount Prospect. c. No water service pipe shall be laid nearer than eighteen (18) inches from a parallel trenoh. d. The main must be tapped at an angle of forty-five (45) degrees with the vertical, and the oock must be turned so that the T-handle will be on top. e. A gooseneok shall be provided for each service pipe and must be supported by means of brick buil t up from the bottom of the trench. , j f.. The servioe pipe shall be laid suffioiently W8vin~ to allow not less than one (1) foot. extra length, and in suoh manner as to prevent rupture by settlement of the earth about it, and shall be laid at a depth of at least five (5) and six (6) inches below the established grade of the street. g. Samples of corporation cocks and stop cocks must be sub- mi tted to the Board of Looal Improvements for inspection before. installa- tion. h. All earth removed in exoavatin~ for said water service pipes shall be returned to the trenohes from whioh it was taken, and shall be replaoed in layers not exceeding six (6) inches in depth; eaoh layer shall be thoroughly oompacted by ramming, and the earth shall be moistened sufficiently to permit the return of all the earth to the trenches by ramming as above speoified. When completed, the surfaoe of the backfillin~ in the trenohes shall not be hi~her than ~ the general surfaoe of the ground on either side of same, and the roadways of all streets shall be left, and shall be maintained for a period of one year, in as aood condition for travel as they were before the commencement of the work. i. Said work shall be done in workma.nlike manner, under the superintendenoe of the Board of Looal Improvements of said Villa~e of Mount Prospeot, and shall '"ithstand a test of One Hundred twenty-five (125) pounds pressure for a period of ten (10) minutes without leak- ing. Where larger service pipes are reruired, the increased cost shall be paid by the applicant; and in business streets, the shut-off bos shall be set Nine (9) feet from the lot line instead of Seventeen (17) feet from the oenter of the street, as hereinbefore provided, and the differenoe in the cost of setting such shut-off box at Nine (9) feet from the lot line shall be paid by the a.pplicant. The labor and materia.l to complete such connection from the shut-off box to the meter may be furnished by the applicant or by a lioensed plumber employed by such applicant, but must be done subjeot to the inspection and approval of the Villa~e. The pipe to be used in the construction of said service pipes from the shut-off box to the meter may be lead pipe of the same specifications as herelntief6're prescribed for service pipes between the main and shut-off box, or galvanized pipe of the same dimensions. The tapping of the water main shall be done by means of a tapping maohine to be furnished by the licensed plumber, employed by ~he Village to make said tap. . 4: All servioe pipes shall be so laid as to prevent freezing, breaking or rupture by settling. S: All boilers oonneoted wi th the water system shall. be provided with a tank of suffioient oapaoity to hold at least six hours supply, and in case this supply is shut off for the purpose of repair or any other purpose, the Villa~e will not be responsible ~r any damage that may result. Consumers and other persons are prohibit- ed from oonnecting pipes direot with the Village pressure to supply steam boilers. 6: No alteration, change of location or addition of any. kind shall be made to any water meter, water cock or service pipe, oonneoted in any way with the supply to any building or premises, without first obtaining a written permit from the VillaRe Collector. 7: A complete statement in writing shall be made to the Collector by the person doing the work of all conneotions made with the water system. 8- All hydrants or plugs plaoed in said Village for fire purposes, are hereby declared to be the public hydrants, and no person. except such as have been authorized by the Board of Trustees. shall open or draw water therefrom. or in any manner interfere with same except in case of fire. ~ 9: The Superintendent and the Village Colleotor and other authorized persons shall have free acoess to any premises in Which water is introduoed for the purpose of examining the fixtures and pipes at any time between the hours of 7:00 o'clock A. M. and 6:00 o'clock P. M., of any day. Section IX. No person, firm or corporation shall engarre in or work at the business of plumbing in the Village of l~ount Prospect until they shall first have obtained a license so to 00 from the President Rnd Board of Trustees of said Village. and shall have paid a fee therefor of Twenty-five Dollars ($25.00) to the Village Clerk. which shall be the annual license fee for conducting the business aforesaid. No person, firm or corporation sha.ll reoeive sucb license until sa.tisfactory evidence has been given to the Collector of the responsibility and skill of the applioant in the business of plumbing, and unless such person, firm or corporation holds a plumber'S license issued by the State of Illinois. Every person, firm or corporation, makin~ application for a lioense to engage in the plumbing business in the said Villa~e shall file with the Villa~e Clerk a ~ood and sufficient bond, signed by two or more sureties to be ap~roved by the president and Board of Trustees. Said bond to be in the sum of Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00), conditioned that the principal will save and keep harmless the Village of Mount Prospect from all accidents caused by any inferior or defeotive material ~lrnished, or any negligence, unskillfulness or inoompetenoy, in performin~ any work done by suoh person, or anyone employed by him in said Village, and that said Principal will oonform to all oonditions and re~ulations of said Villa~e, pertainin~ to the business of plumbin~, in aocordance with the laws and ordinanoes of said Villa~e, then existin~ or which may thereafter be passed. Seotion X. The license fee to be paid by a person, firm or corporation engaging in the business of plumbin~ shall cover a period of one year from the date of the issuanoe of such license, and said fee shall be paid annually thereafter in advance to the Colleotor. Any failure to pay said fee, when due, shall forfeit the lioense of suoh person, firm or corporation and the ri~ht to engage in the plumbin~ business in said Village. No person shall in any manner, obstruct the free access to any stop cock, meter, apparatus, appliance or appurtenanoe conneoted with any water pipe, and shall not refuse the free access thereto of the proper Village authorities. All fixtures, a~pliances and appurtenances, shall be at all times, ke~t in good condition, and water shall not be needlessly wasted. )( Section XI. Any person, who shall lay any water servioe pipe or introduoe into or about any buildin~ or grounds any water pipes or do any plumbing work in any buildin~ or on any grounds for the purpose of conneoting any pipes or plumbin~ work with the pipes of the water system, or prepare them for such connections, with a view of hs.vin~ such premises supplied with water from the Village system, without bein~ licensed to perform such work, and without first having obtained a permit, for doing such work, from the Superintendent shall be punishable by a fine of Three (3) to Fifty Dollars ($50.00) for each and every offense. Any person who shall violate any of the provisions of any ordinance, rule or regulation of the Village respecting the water system where a specific penalty is not provided, shall be punishable by a fine of from three (3) to One Hundred Dollars (~lOO.OO). Section XII. Any person, firm, or corporation beinv a re~ular consumer, may be permitted by the Board of Trustees to make special connections with the street mains, to~ether with hydrants and house cocks, to be used in oase of fire. For such permit, and for all water used for fire purposes, therewill be no charge, but all such work in connection with the water system must be done by the Village, and under tne direction of the Superintendent of Water Works. r Section XIII. In addition to the penalty provided for violations of the ordinances, rules and regulations of said Village, pertaining to the water system any offender may be denied the use of water from said system and be deprived of any right to make connection with said system by the President artd Board of Trustees. All penalties imposed for violation of the ordinan~es, rules and regulations of the Village, governing the water system, shall be paid to the Village Collector, and by him shall be turned over to the Village Treasurer, and shall be used in the Construction and maintenance of the water system and for no other purpose whatever. Section XIV. It shall be the duty of the Superintendent and Police of the Village and all persons in the employ of the Village, having police power, to enforce the provisions of all ordinances, rules and regulations respeoting the water system and to arrest or cause to be arrested all persons violating the same. Section XV. Any person, firm or corporation to whom a license shall have been issued to en~a~e in the plumbing business, who shall be guilty of any violation of any of the provisions of any ordinanoe of the Village relating to the water works system, may have his permit revoked by the President and Board of Trus tees. ;r Seotion XVI. Any person, who shall turn on the supply of water to any premises for which the supply has for any reason, been cut off the Villa~e, without first havin~ obtained a permit so to do from the Superintendent shall be subjeot to a fine of not less that three $3) nor more than One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) for each and every such offense. -r The Villa~e reserves to itself, throu~h its President and Board of Trustees, the ri~ht to shut off the" water supply of any oonsumer, at any time, without preliminary notice, and all consumers of water shall be subject, at all times to this reservation and ri~ht. Section XVII. All moneys received fr~m water rates, assessments or rents or from any source connected with the water system, exc~pt fines and penalties, shall be kept in a separate fund, to be applied as may be decided by the President and Board of Trustees. Seotion XVIII. Any person may be appointed to hold one or more positions connected with tre water system except that the same person shall not be appointed to the office of Superintendent and Collector. Section XIX. In the event the President and Board of Trustees of said Village shall not create the office of Superinten- dent of Water Works and appoint some one for that office, but shall delegate the duties herein prescribed for suoh officer to any other person or officer of said Villa~e, then and in that event the person to whom such duties are delegated shall perform the same duties and shall have the same powers as herein prescribed for the Superintendent of Water Works. And in the event said President and Board of Trustees shall appoint a Water Rates Collector as herein provided, then suoh water rates collector shall perform all the duties herein prescribed to be performed by the Village Collector. Section XX. All ordinanoes or parts of ordinanoes Which may oonflict with this ordinance are hereby repealed. ~(.t -!~:.... ....~ {J... '" ~ .! Section XXI. This ordinance shall be in full foroe and effect from and after its passa~e, approval and posting, as reouired by law and shall be known as Ordinanoe Number 48. Passed this 22nd day of May, A. D. 1923. Approved this 25th day of May, A. D. 1923. 4t' - ~ ~~resident. ' Posted - May 26th, 1923 to June 7th, at the following places - Bysse's Hardware Store, Post-office and Depot.