HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 52 12/04/1923 ZONING ORDINANOE Ordinance No. 52 AN ORDINANCE classifying, regulating and restricting the location of trades and induetries and the location of buildings designed for specified uses; regulating and limiting the height and bulk of buildings hereafter erected or altered, regulating and limiting the intensity of the use of lot areas and regulating ani tetermining the area of yards, courts and other open space. with- in and surrounding such buildings; establishing the boundaries of districts for the said purposes; and prescribin<< penalties for the violation of its-provisions. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OP !RUS~ O~ THE VILLAGE O? MOUNT PROSPECT, ILLINOIS: SEOTION 1. - DEFINITIONS. For the purpose of this ordinance, certain terms and words are hereby defined, as follows: Words used in the present tense include the future; words in the singular number include the plural number, and words in the plural number inolude the singular number; and the word "'building" inol ude the ')ford. "struoture". Any words not herein defined shall be oonstrued as defined in the Buildin~ Ordinanoe of the Village of Mount Prospeot. Block: That property abuttin~ on one side of a street bet~een the two nearest interseoting streets, railroad ri~ht-of-way, or other natural barrier. Building Area: The maximum horizontal projeoted area of a building and its accessory buildings, .xoludin~ open steps, terraces, and cornioes projeoting not more than thirty (30) inohes. Depth of Rear Yard: The mean horizontal distance between the rear line of the building and the oenter line of the alley, where an alley exists, otherwise the rear lot line. Depth of Lot: The mean horizontal distanoe between the front and rear lot lines. Distriot: A section of the 1illage of Mount Prospeot for Inioh the re.ulatione ~overning the height, area, and use of build- figs an~prem!ses are the same. Family: Any number of individuals livin~ and oookin~ together on the premises as a sin~le housekeepin~ unit. Hei~ht of Buildin~: The vertioal distanoe measurea trom ~-~ the sidewalk or 1ts eauiT.lent established ~rade opposite the middle of the front ot the building to the hi~hest point of the roof or flat roots; to the <<leck line for mansard roofs: ~nd to the mean height leTel (between eaves and ridge) for ~ble and hip roofs. Where a building .is looated upon a terrac~ or slope the height may be measured from the averaee ground leTel at the bUilding 'wall. Height ofOourt of Yard: The Tertical distanoe from the lowest leTel of such court or yard to the highest point of any building wall. Length of Outer Oourt: The mean horisontal distance between the open and olosed ends of the court. Lot: Land occupied or to be ocoupied by one building and acoessory buildings and uses and inclUding the open spaoes reQUired under these regulations. A lot may be land 80 reo.rael on the Reoords of the Recorder of Deeds of Cook Oounty, Ill~nois. Lot Lines: The lines bounding a lot as defined herein. Non-Conforming Use: A building or premises oooupied for a use that does not oonform with the regulations ot the distriot in whioh it is situated. Outer-Court: An open unocoupied space on the sams lot with'. building, extending to and opening upon a street, alley or yard. Rea? Yard: An open spaoe unoocupied exoept for aocessory buildin~s on the same lot with a buildin~ between the rear line of the building and the rear line of the lot, for the full width of the lot, except as modified by side yard restrictions. Set Baok: The minimum horizontal distance between the front line of the building and the street line. Side YartI: An open unoccupied spaoe on the same lot wi th a buildin~ between the building and the side line of the lot antI extending from the front lot line to the rear yard. Single Family Dwelling: A detaohed building haTin~ aocommodations fo? and occupied by one family only, and inclUding a garage with liTing quarters therein. street Wall: The main wall nearest to and faoing on a street. not inoluding sun parlors, bay windows that do not a~gre~ate in width more than 1/3 of the width of the frontage of the buildings, not ground story porches and piaszas that are not olosed in. SECTION 2. - DISTRICT RmULATIONS. ( In order to olassify, regulate and restriot the 100ati0ns of trades and industries, and the looation of bui14in<<s desi~ed for speoified uses, and to regulate and limit the height .n4 bulk of buildin~s hereafter ereoted or altered, to re~ulate and limit the iateDsity of the use of lot areas, and to regulate anel letermine the ar.a of yaras, oO,urts, an,d other open spaoes wi thin and surrounding suoh buildings, the Village of Mount Prospeot is hereby diviaea Int. three olasses of -DISTRICTS." The use, Height, and Area regulations are uniform in eaoh olass of district and said distriots shall be known as: 1 ~ Residenoe Distriots 2 - Business Distriots 3 - Industrial Distriots 10 building sball be ereoted or altered, nor shall any building or premises be used for any purpose other than is per- mitted in the Distriot in whioh suoh building or premises are looated; 10 building shall be ereoted or al~.red to exoeed in height the limit herein established for the Distriot in Whioh suoh building is looated; No building shall be ereoted, no~ shall any existing build- i.g be altered, enlarged or rebuilt, nor shall any open spaoes surrounding any building be enroaohed upon or reduoed in any manner, except in oonformity with the area regulations hereby establishea for the Distriot in which suoh building is located. SECTION 3 - RESIDENCE DISTRICT REGULATIONS. Use: No building or premises shall be usea and no build- ing shall be hereafter ereoted or altered within any Residenoe Distriot, unless otherwise providea, in this ordinance, except for the follon ng uses: 1. Single and double Family dwellings. 2. Libraries and Pub1io Museums. 3. Churohes and Temples. 4. Sohoo1s, Colleges and other institutions of an educational nature. 5. Parks, Reoreation BUildings, and Oounty Clubs operated by the Village of 'Kount Prospect or for the use of private members only and Dot oonducted as business or for profit. 6. Farming, Truoks Gardening and Nurseries. 7. Temporary !uildings.and uses for oonstruction purposes, for a period not to exceed one year. 8. Aocessory uses inci4ent to the above uses includin~ private garage., professional offices, homeoccupa- tions and signs advertising pr.emises for sale or rent, but Dot inoluding the oonduot of any retail or whole- sale business or manufacture. Heights: No buildin~ shall hereafter be ereoted or alterea to exoe.a thirty-five (35) feet in height, or two ana one- half (~;) stories. AREA : Rear Yard: There shall be . rear yard having. aepth of not kess than fifteen (16) per cent of the depth of the lot,' pro- viled suoh rear Yllrd be not less. than ten (10) feet, and need Dot exoeed twenty-five (25) feet in depth. Siele Yard: Tnere shall be a side yard on .ach si4e of the building having a width of not less than ten per cent of the wi4th of the lot. Intensity of Use: No building witb its aooessory buill- ings aball eocuP7 in excess of fifty per cent (5~) of the are. of an interior lot, nor in exoess of fifty-five per cent (65~) of the area of a oorner lot. No sin~le family dwellings or group of single family dwellings shall hereafter be ereotea or altered to aooommodate or make provisions for more than six (6) families or any aore of land and no double family dwellings or group .~ double family dwellings shall hereafter be ereoted or altered to acoommodate or make provisions for more than twelve (12) families on any aore of land or make provision for more than a proportional number of families on any fraotional part of an aore of land. SEOTION 4 - BUSINESS DISTRIOT REGULATIONS. Use: No building or premises shall be used and no build- ing shall be hereafterereoted or altered, within any BU8ins8.s Distriot unless otherwise provided in this ordinanoe, except for the uses permittea in the Residenoe 'Distriots and for the followin~ uses: 1. Amusement plaoes. e. Apartment Houses and Multiple Dwellings. 3. Auotion Rooms. 4. Bakeries, employing not more than five (5) persons. 5. Banks. 6. Barber Shops. . 7. Battery Service Stations. 8. B1aoksmith or Horseshoein~.Shops. 9. Boarding and Lodging Housea. 10. Catering Est~blishments. 11. Oonservatories. 12. Comfort Stations. 13. Danoing Aoademies. 1.. Dressmaking Establishments. /-~._- \;-...: 16. Dyeing and Oieaning Works, emplo7in~ not more than five (5) persons. 16. Electric Repair Shops. 17. Employment Agencies. 18. rreight Stations. 19. Gasoline and Oil Stations having underground stora<<e tanks not to exceed 3,000 ~allons capaaity. 20. Greenhouses. 21. Hotels and Private Clubs. 22. Hospitals. 23. Laundries employing not more than fiTe (5) persons. 24. Laboratories. 25. Looksmith Shops. 26. Lodge Halls. 27. Messenger or Telegraph Servioe Stations. 28. Millinery Shops. 29. Offices. 30. painting and Deooratin~ Shops. 31. Photograph Galleries. 32. Plumbing Shops. 33. Polioe and Fire Department Stations. 34. Post Offioes. 36. Printing Shops. 36. Public Garages, subjeot to the regulations of the present or hereinafter adopted ordinances of the Village of Mount Prospeot. 37. Railroad Passenger Stations. 38. Recreation Buildings and Struotures. 39. Restaurants. 40. Roofing or Plastering Shops. 41. Sales or Show Rooms. 42. Sharpening or Grinding Shops. 43. Stores and Shops for the oonduct of Retail Business. 44. Shoe Repairing Shops. 45. Studios. 46. Tailor Shops employing not more than five (5) persons. 47. Telephone Exohanges. 48. Tinsmithing Shops. 49. Tire Repairing Shops. 50. Undertaking Establishments. 51. UphOlstering Shops. Any building primarily used for any of the above enumerated uses may haTe not more than forty (40) per oent of the floor area aevotea to industry or storage purposes inoilental to suob primary USe; provided that not more than five (5) employes shall be enga~ed at any time on the premises in any suoh inoidental use. Height: No building shall hereafter be ereoted or altered to exoe.d forty-five (45) feet in height or three (3) stories. .J> Area: Rear Yard: There shall be a yard of not less than ten (10) per cen~ of the depth of the lot, provided, however, suoh rear yard need no~ exceed ten (10) feet in dep~h. 'It..,..,. Side Yard: A side yard, if previled, shall be not .lel8 than three (3) feet wide. Outer Oourt: An outer oourt shall be not less than five (6) fee~ wide, nor les8 than two (2) inohes wide for eaoh foot of len~th of such court from the olosed end. Inner Court: An inner oourt shall be not less than 8ix (6) .feet wile, nor shall its area be less than twioe the square of its required least dimension. Intensity of Use of Lot: No building with its acoessory buildings, to be used for business purposes, shall ocoupY in exoess of ninety (90) per oent of the area of the lot. Buildings or parts of buildings used wholly for residential purposes shall conform to the restriotions provided herein for suoh buildings in the Reailenoe District. SEOTION 6 - INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT REGULATIONS. Use: No building or premises shall be used and no buildings shall be hereafter ereoted or al tered, wi tbiJl a Com- mercial Distriot, unless otherwise provided in this ordinance, except for the uses permit~ed in the other distriots and the following uses: Bakeries, employing more than five (5) persons. Battery Manufaoturing Establishments. Building Material Storage Yards. Carting, Express, Hauling or Stora~e Yards. Contraotors Plant or Storage Yards. Coal, Coke or ~{ood Yards. Dyeing and Cleaning Works, employing more than five (5) persons. Laundries employin~ more than five (5) persons. Publio Stables. Publio Servioe Bulldin~s and Uses. Lumber Yards. Milk Bottling and Distributin~ Stations. stora~e Warehouses and ~torage Yards. Stone "'Yards . Height: No buildin~ shall hereafter be ereoted or altered to exceed forty-five (45) feet' in hei~ht or three (3) stories. Area: Rear Yard: There shall be a rear yard of not less than ten (10) per cent of the depth of the lot, provided,' however, suoh rear yard need not exoeed ten (10) feet in aep~h. Side Yard: A side yard, if provided, shall be not less than f'" three (3) feet wide. outer Court: An outer oourt shall be not less than five (5) feet wiae, nor less than two (2) inohes wide for eaoh foot of le.gth of suoh oourt from the closed. end. Inner Court: An inner oourt shall be not less than six (6) feet wide, nor shall its area be less than twice the aouare of its required least dimension. Intensity of use of Lot: No building with its accessory building to be used for industrial purposes shall ooouPY i. exoe8a of ninety (90) per oent of the area of the lot. Buildings or parts of buildings used wholly for residential purposes shall oonform to the restriotions provided for suoh buildings in the Residenoe Distriots. SECTIOB 6 - NON-CON~ORMING USES. ~'l, The lawful use of a building or premises existin~ at the time of the adoption of this ordinanoe may be oontinued, although such use does not conform with the provisions hereof, and sucb use may be extended through-out the building or premises lawfnlly aoquired previous to the adoption of this ordinance. A non-oonforming use may be ohan~ed to a use of the same or higher classification acoordin~ to the provisions of thisordinance, and whenever. a District shall hereafter be ohanged. any then existin~ non-conformin~ use in such changed district may be continued or changed to a use of a similar or higher olassifioation, provid,d all other regulations governin~ the new use are complied with. <<heneTer a non-conformin~ use of a building has been discontinued or ohanged to a higher classification or to a conforming use, such use shall not thereafter be chan~ed to a use of a lower classification. No building which has been damaged by fire or other causes to the extent of more than fifty (50) per cent of its value shall be repaired or rebuilt except in oonformity with the regula- tions of this ordinanoe. SEOTION 7 - HEIGHT and AREA EXOEPTIONS. The foregoin~ reouirements in the height regulations shall be subjeot to the fOllowing exceptions: 1. Public or semi-publio buildings, churches, hospitals, sanitariums, or sohools may be erected to a height not exoeeain~ sixty (60) teet. but when they are 10cate4 in any residential Distriet, they must be set baok from each property line at least one toot tor eaoh toot of addit.ional building height abOTe the limit tor the distriot, in 4ddition to the other area reouire.ents of the District. 2. Dwellings in the residence distriots may be inorea.ed in hel~ht by not more than ten (10) teet when two (e) slde yards ct .ot le.s than titteen (16) feet each are provided. Suoh dwellings, however. shall not exoeed three (3) stories in height. 3. Chimneys, cooling towers, eleTator bulkheads, fire towers, monuments, pent houses, staoks, stage towers, or s..ne~ lofts, tanks, water towers, ornamental towers and spires, wirel... towers, or neoessary meohanioal appurtenance. may be ereoted to a height in aocordance with existing or hereafter adopted ordin- anoes of the Village of Mt. Prospeot. Area: 1. In the oase of buildings upon lots running thro~h from street to street the reouirement8 for a rear yard .ay 'e waived when such buildings oomply with the peroenta~e of 10' oooupanoy by furnishing other space in lieu of suoh r.~uirel rear yard. 2. In oomputing the depth of a rear yar4 or the width of a 8ide yard or open oourt for any building where suoh yard or court opeDs onto an alley, one half of the alley width may be assumed to be a portion of the yard or court. 3. Every part of a reouired yar4 or oourt shall be open from its lowest point to the sky unobstruoted, exoept for the ordinary projeotions of Sky-lights abaTe the bottom of suoh yard or oourt, and except for the projections of sills, belt oourses, oornices and ornamental features not to exoeed four (') inohes. 4. Open or lattioe enclosed fire e.oape., fire-pr.of outside stairways, and baloonies opening upon fire towers pro- jeoting into a yard not more than fiTe (5) feet or into a oourt Dot more than three and one-half (ai) feet, and the ordiDary projeoti..s of chimneys and flues shall be permitted. 5. No yard, court or other open spaoe provided about aDY bUilding for the purpose of complying with the proTisions of th..e regulations shall be used ~s a yard, oourt or other space for another building. 6. In Residende Distriots no accessory buildin~ shall be located within ten feet of its rear or side lot line where either such line forms part of the front half of the side line of an adjacent lot but the foregoing rule shall not prohibit the ere.tioD of an aocessory building fifty feet or more from any street bound- in~ the block. SECTION 8 - BUILDING LINE SET BACK. No buildin~ shall be ereoted in the resident district whose street wall is nearer than thirty feet from tbe street line, provided that: (a) Where a block is ocoupiea or partially .coupied by buildings which existed in the blook at the time of the passage of this ordinanoe, the. aTerage of the distanoes of the street walls of buildin~. in the residence seotion of such block trom the street line, shall be the established building line; but no buildin~ shall be reouired to set back more than thirty five feet in any case. (b) Where the rear line or side line of a lot 11'1 a business or commeroial District forms part of the slde 11ne of a lot restricted to residence use, the residenoe lot shall be for a distance of fifty feet from tne rear or side line of the business lot required to observ~ only hal!the established set back for the residenoe seotion of the blook. (c) Where owners of all propertles in a block petition in writin~ for the establishment of a buildin~ line within that block, which building line differs from that whioh would otber~ wise be established by the provisions of this Seotion, the Board of Appeals may, after, due notioe and hearings, reoommend to the oounoil the adoption of the building line proposed by the petitioners. SECTION 9 - BOARD OF APPEALS. Oreation and Membership: A Board of appeals is her._y authorized to be established. The word ~.ard" when used in this seotion shall be construed to mean the Board of Appeals. !he .all Board shall oonsist of five (5) members appointe4 by the President of the Village and subjeot to oonfirmation by the Vll1a~. Board. Said members of the Board of Appeals shall serve respeotive- 11' for the follOWing terms: One for one year, one fOr two years, one for three years, one for four years and one for five years, the successor to each member so appointed to serve for a term of five years. One of the members so appointed shall be namel as ohairman at the time of his appointment. The appointing authority shall have the power to remove any member of the board for cause and after public hearing. Vacancies shall be fil~.d for the unexpired term of the member whose plaoe has become vacant. All members shall serve for suoh compensation as the President and Village Board shall determine from time to time, and they shall not be subjeot to removal by either the President or the Board of the Village, exoept for just oause and after PUblio hearing. J Jurisdictlon: (1) The Board shall, upon application, reTlew the actions of the Superintendent of BUi141n<< Construotion 1. order to determine whether they are in aooordanoe with the pro- visiolls of this orlinance, ani in oase of dls.~eement th. leolsloD of the Boarl sllall supersede that of the Superintendent of Build- Ing CODstruotion. (2) The Board shall have the power t. reoommend to the Vill.~e Board suoh ohanges in the distriot bouna.ries or re~ul.- tioDS as it may deem necessary or aesirable, as more partiottIarly set forth in SeotioD 17 of this ordinanoe. ~ (3) The Board may trom time to ti~e aaopt suOb rules and re~ulations as may be deemed necessary to oarry Int. .tleet the proTisions of this ordinance. (4) The Board shall have the power to call on any of the other village departments for assistance in the performance of its duties, and it shall be the duty of suoh other departments to render suoh assistanoe as may be reasonably reouired. SEOTIOB 10 - OOOUPANCY PERMITS. 10 land shall be occupied or used and no building hereafter 'erected or altered sball be oooupied or used i. whole or i. part for aay purpose whatsoeTer until a oertifioate shall haTe beeD Iss11e. by tbe Superintendent of Building Construotion stating that the bllilai.g oomplies with all the building ani health 1~W8 and ordinance. an' with the proTisions of these regulations. No chan~e of use shall be made in any bUilding or part thereof now or hereatter ereoted or altered, without a permit having been issued by the Superintendent of Building Construotion, and no permit shall be issued to make such ohange unless it is in oonformity with the provisions of this ordinan~e or amendments thereto hereafter duly enacted. Nothin~ in this section shall prevent tne continuanoe of the present ocoupanoy or use of'any existing buildin~, exoept as may be necessary for, safety of life and property. Certificates for oooupanoy and oomplianoe shall be applied for coincident with the application for a bUilding permit and shall be issued within ten (10) days after the ereotion or alteration of suoh buildings shall have been completed. A record of all oertifioates shall be kept on file in the offioe of the Superintendent of Buildln<< Construotion and oopies shall be furnished, on reouest, to any perso. having a proprietary or tenanoy interest in the building affected. No permit for excavation for or the ereotion of any buildin~ shall be issued before applioation has been made for oertificate ot occupano7 and oompliance. No building or premises may be ooouple! until suoh certificate shall have been issued. SECTION 11 - PLATS. All application for building permits shall be aooompanied b7 a plat in duplicate, drawn to soal. showing the actu.l dime~sioD8 ef the lo~ to be built upon, the sise of the bUilding to be ereoted, and suoh other information as may be neoessary t. previde for the enforce- ment of these regulations. A careful reoord of suob applioations and plats shall be kept in the office of the Superinten4en't of Buildin~ Construction. SECTION 12 - INTERPRETATION, PURPOSE AND CONFLIOT. In interpreting and applying the provisions of this ordiDan~ they shall be held to be the minimum reauirements for the promotioD of the publio safety, health, oonvenienoe, oomfort, morals, prosperity, and (' ~eneral welfare. It is not intended by this ordinanoe to interfere with or abrogate or annul any ordinance, rules, regulations or permits previously adopted or issued and not in oonflict with any of the provisions of this ordinance or which shall be adoptea, or issued, pursuant to law relating to the use of bUildings or pre- mises, nor is 'it intenled by this ordinance to interfere with er abrogate or annul any easements, oovenants or other agreements between parties, provided, however, that where this orainanoe imposes a greater restriotion upon tbe use of buildings or premises or upon height of building or reouires larger open spaoes than are imposed or required by suoh ordinanoes, rules, regulations or per- mits, or easements, covenants, or agreements, the provision of , this ordinanoe shall oontrol. SEOTION 13 - COMPLETION OF BUILDINGS UNDER EXISTING PERMITS . Notbin~ herein oontained shall renuire any ohan~e in the plans, oonstruotion or designated use of a building for which a building permit has been heretofore issued or oomplete plans for which are on file with the Superintendent of Buildin~ Construotion at the time of the passage of this ordinanoe, and a permit for the erection of which is issued within one month after the pas8a~e of this ordinanoe and the construction of whioh, in either oase, shall ,have been dili~ently proseouted wi thin three months of the date of suoh permit, and whioh entire buildin~ shall have been oompleted aocording to such plans as filed within one year from the date of the passage of this ordinance. SECTION 14 - VIOLATION, PENALTY, ENFORCEMENT. Any person, firm or oorporation who violates, diSObeys, omits, negleots, or refuses to oomply with, or who resists the enforoement of, any of the provisions of this ordinance shall, upon oonviction, be fined not less tran ten (10) doll~rs, nor more than one hundred (100) dollars for each offense. Each day that a violation is permitted to exist shall oonstitute a separate offense. The Superintendent of Building Construotion is hereby designated and authorized to enforce this ordinance. SECTION 15 - DESCRIPTION OF REAL ESTATE INCLUDED IN THE SEVERAL DISTRICTS. INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT - All of Blook one (1) in Busse and Wille' a ReeubdiTision in the West 1/2 of Section 12, Town 41 N., Range 11 B. of '3rd P.M. Lata five (5) and six (6) and ten (10) to nineteen (19) inclusive in Blook two (2) of Busse and Wille's Reaubdivision in the West 1/2 of Section 12, Town 41 N., Range 11 E. of 3rd P.M. All of Block ten (10 ) of Busse and Wille's Resubdivision in West 1/2 of Section 12, Town 41 N., Range 11, E. of 3rd P.~~. All of that p~rt of tne North East 1/4 of tbe North FAst 1/4 of Seotion 11, Town 41 N., R. 11, E. of 3rd P.M. lyin~ north of the right of way of the Chicago and Northwestern Railway 00. Lot 8 of Charles Behlendorf',s Division of S. W.f I. W.f and W. 10.58 cJ.ls. of the5.W.";' of Seotion 34, Town 42lf. R.J'l~e 11 E. of the 3rd P... A strip of ground in the S.W.1 of ~ection 34, Town i2., Range 11 E. of the 3rd P.M. described as follows:: commenoing at a point where the North line of Central Road intersects 11'1:1 tb ,the North and East line of the Northwest Highway thence east a10n~ the north line of Central Road to a point Where said line intersects with the west line of the Katz Roact, (also known as the El'lllburst Road) thence north alon~ said west line of the Kats Road (also known as the Elmhurst Road) a distance of one hundred and fifty (150) feet, thence due west to a point where said line intersecte with the north and east line of the Northwest Highway, thence southeast alon&! the north and east line of the Northwest Highway to the place of be~innin~. BUSINESS DISTRICT - Lots seven (7) ei~ht (8) and nine (9) in Blook tw. (2), Lots one (1) to fourteen (14) inolusive in B100k three (3), Lots twelve (12) thirteen (13) and fourteen (14) in Block four (4), All of Block nine (9), Lots ten (10) and eleTen (11) in B100k eleTen (11), Lots nine (9) to ei&!hteen (18) inclusive in Bloek twelve, (12), Lots two (2) three (3) seven (7) eight (8) lId.e (9) and ten (10) and the west 8t feet of lot six (6) in Bleck thirteen (13) in Busse & Willie's Resubdivision in the west 1/2 of Section 12, Town 41 N., Range 11, E. of Zrd P.M. Lots nine (9) ten (10) and west twenty two (22) feet of lot eight (8) in ~lock fifteen (15), All of Block sixteen (16), Lots twenty-five (25) to thirty (30) inclusive in Block twenty (20) lets twenty eight (28) to thirty two (32) inolusive in Block twenty ene (21) in Egglestons SUbdiVision in Section 12, Town 41 N., Range 11 E. of 3rd P.M. (also known as Mount Prospect a subdivision of Part of N.W.t B. of R.H. and part of N.~.t of Section 12, Town 42 N., Range 11 E. of 3rd P.M.) A piece of ground in N.E.1 of Section 12, Town 41 If., Bange '11, aescribed as follows: oommenoin~ at a point where the west line of Block twenty one (21) of Busse's Eastern Addi tion to Mount Prospect a subd. in the E.t of Section 12, Town 41 N. Range 11 intersects with the north and east line of the Northwest Hi~hwaY',thence northwest altng the north and east line of the Northwest Hi<<hway to a point where said north and east line of the Northwest Hi~hway intersects with the east line..of b100k twenty one (21) 6f Egglestons Subd. in Section 12, Town 41 I., Ran~e 11 (also kno'm as Mount Prospect a Subtle of Part of N.W.";' N. of R. R. and part of N.E.';' of Section 12, Town 41 N., Ran~e 11 E. of 3rd P.M.) thence Borth along the east line of said alley a distance of 157 feet, thence southeasterly along a strai~ht line 'to the west line of Block twenty one (21) of Busse's Eastern Addition to a point on said west line of BlOCk twenty one (21) looated 157 feet south of the north and east line of the Northwest Highway thence south along the west line of said Block twenty one of Busse's Eastern Addition to Mount Prospeot . subdivision in the East 1/2 of Section 12, Town 41 N., Range 11, E. of 3rd P.M. to the point of beginning. The south one hundred fifty seven (157) feet of Blocks twenty one (21) and twenty two (22) of Busse's Eastern Addition t. Mount Prospeot in E. ~ of Section twelve (12) Town 41 N. Range 11. All of B100k twenty six and the Borth 150 feet of B100ks o.e (1) and two (2) of lusse's Eastern Addition to :Mount Prospect in the E.l of Seotion 12. Town 41 N., Range 11, E. of 3rd P.M.' Lots one (1) to ten (10) inclusive and lot forty three (43) 'of Wa1termar Krause's Addition to Mt. Prospeot in N.W.';' of Seotion twel 'fe(12), Town, 41 N., Range 11. ~. of 3rd P .u. .. Lots one (1) to three (3) inclusive in Block cne (1) Lots one (1) to three (3) inclusive in Block four (4) and lot one (1) in Bleok five (5) in George Meier's Addition to Mount prospect in N.W.~ ef Section 12, Town 41 N.. Range 11 E. of the 3rd P.M. All of Block four (4) and the West 70 feet of lots one (1) to ten (10) of Blook tnree (3) and south one hundred fiftY' (150) feet (exoepting the east eleven feet thereof of Lot A BlOCk one (1) in Ernst Busse's Addition to Mount Prospect a Subdivision in the E.l of S.w. t of Seotion 34, Town 42 N., Range 11, E. of the 3rd P.M. Tbe North one hundred fifty (150) feet of the E. 4.43 aores of W. 14.64 acres south of the Chica~o and Northwestern Railway Co.'s Right of way in the E.l of N.W..;t of Section 12 Town 41 N., Ran~e 11 E. of 3rd P.M. ' RESIDENCE DISTRICT - All real estate situated within the Village of Mount Prospeot not herein before deolared to be included within the business or industrial distriots shall be and the same is hereby deolared to be included within the Residence Distriot. SECTION 16 - VALIDITY. Should any seotion or provision of this ordinance be declared by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, suoh deoision shall not affeot the validity of the ordinanoe as & Whole nor any part thereof, other than the part so declared to be in- valid. SECTION 17 - CHAWGB3 AND AMENDMENTS. The Board of Appeals shall of its own motion, or upon petition signed by one or more property owners of any district or portion thereof, or upon instruotion from tne Village Boara, caused to be prepared a notioe indicating the changes proposed to be made in the regulations or in the district boundary lines. describing ). the boundaries of the territory to be affeoted. Suoh notice sball state the time and plaoe of a publio hearing for oonsideration of suoh proposed amendment, supplement or ohange and a place where maps of the proposed amendment, supplement or ohan~e wi,ll be aocessible for examination by interested parties. Notice of suoh public hearing shall be published at least fifteen (15) days in advance thereof in a newspaper of general circulation in the Village of Mount Prospect. After such public hearing, the Board of Appeals shall report to the Village Board of Trustees on the proposed amendment, supplement or ohange, and. -Y' oause an ordinanoe authorizing suoh proposed amendment, supple- ment or ohange to be introduce' at a meeting of the Village Board of ~ruste.s of the Village of Mount Prospeot~ Such hearing may be ad- journed from time to time. Whenever a written pretest against suoh proposed amendment, supplement or chang., Signed by the owners of twenty (20) per oent of the frontage proposed to be altered, or by the owners of twenty (20) per oent of the frontage immediately adjoining in the same blook or in the blook back of or aoross a. alley therefrom, or by the owners of twenty (20) per cent of the frontage in theblook direotly opposite the frontage proposed to be altered, shall have been filed with the Board of Appeals or with the Village Olerk within thirty daY'S after the adjournment of said public hearings, the ordinance providin~ for suoh proposed amend- ment, supplement or cha~e shall not be passed except by the favor- able Tote of two thirds of the members of the Village Board of Trus tees. SEOTION 18 - VffiEN EFFECTIVE. This ordinanoe shall beoome effective from and jfter its passage, approval and publication. Passed, December 4th, 1923. Approved, Deoember 4th, 1923. ~" ~ '7 I f ..c.'f...~. ( ~ld .l{ g Q er. I h/~~ ~ Village President. Posted at the following places to-wit: Busse's Hard- ware Store, Post Oftice and at Depot.