HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 66 06/05/1925 ., )(~~& I l l 1 1 , I 1 AN ORDINANOE ]'01:\ THE LEVYING AND ASSESSM.ENT 0]' TAXES FOR ~IHE CURRENT FISCAL YEAR OF THE VILLAGE OF MOUNT PrtOSPECT, ILLINOIS COMMENCING MAY 1 1925 AND ENDING APRIL 30, 1926. WHEREAS, ~he 'reSident and Board of Trustees of the Village of Mouat Prospeot im the County of Cook and the State of Illinois, did on the 26th day of May A.D. 1925, pass the usual appropr~ation ordinance for said village for the liscal year beginning on the 1st day of May 1925 and ending on the 30th day of April, 1926, the amount of which is asoertained to the a,gregate sum of Seventy Four Hundred Forty (7440.00 Dollars which said appropriatiom . ordinanoe was duly posted on the 28th day of May A.D. NOW ~HEREFORE BE IT ORDAJNED by the President and Board of ~rustees of the Village of Mount Prospeot: Seotion 1. ~hat there be and is hereby levied upon all the tax- able property within the oorpprate limits of said village, for the year of 1921 the total sum of Forty Two Hundred Eighty Six (4286.00) Dollar. for the followiDg speoifio purposes mentioned i. said appropriation ordinance and in the reJpeotive sums as follows: For Street Lighting For salaries of offioers and emp- loyees For equipment and other need for fire proteotion For Police Proteotion For purpose of health proteotion and draillage For Eleotion Expenses For legal and judioiary department expenses For i.oidental expenses, postage printing and other oontingenoies 200.00 For maintenanoe smd repairs of streets1200.00 For maintenance of publio grounds and buildings For payment of installment and int- erest all Speoial Assessment No 1 & 2 For prinoipal all water works bond due April 1, 1926 For interest on water works bond due April 1, 1926 FQr payment of interest on Weller Creek Drainage AsseSsment ITEMS 0]1 APP~:WPRIATION AND LEVY TOTAL Amount Appropriated 1100.00 ArnoUJlt Levied 5'7 '7.00 v 600.00 309100 v 500.00 950.00 258.00 ~. 489.00 v 300.00 65.00 155.00 v 34.,00 ./ 52.00 \/', 103.00 ./ 400.00 ., 100.00 200.00 103.00 v '700.00 360.00 v 1000.00 1.000.00 360.00 86.00 ,4286.00 360.00 165.00 i'7440.QO ~otal amount levied................................. .$1286.00 ~,~-,~-"~~~_,..,..,.,:;:~~,_,~....:."").~:.,;,p~~:-~;j-",,~:,,,;,;,",",,,,",'ii'O"~_~_c::...,L':...L.~"r'-":::;.:~~~~.l,;;;;.;;;;&-~~~~~~~14wrll.lq.L21j I J ..-. ~ Estimated amounts receiva~le from sources other than taxation 17440.00 3164.00 't744O .,00 Sectio. 2. The Village Olerk is hereby directed to file with the Oounty Olerk of Oook Oounty Illinois on or before the Third Tuesday i. September 1926 a copy of this ordina.oe duly oBrtif1ed by said clerk. Sectio. 3. This ordinance shall be in full force and effeot from and after its passage and approval. Passed this 5th day of June A.D. 1926. g~~,. Village Cler J Approved this 5th day of June A.D. 1925. / ,