HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 69 10/06/1925 ORDINANCE NO. 69 AI ORDINANCE CHANGING CERTAIN PRO~ERTY DBSORIBED AS INDUSTRIAL TO BUSINl'lSSS PROPERTY, Alrn CHANGING OERTAIN RESIDENCE PROPERTY TO BUSIlmSS PROPERTY. SEOTIOJ 1. BE IT ORDAINED BY TD :PR~ IDENT AND BOARD OF TRtTST~S OF T~ VIJ~GE OF KO~ PROSPECT, ILLINOIS, that that part of Seo. 1~ of an ordinanoe entitled: AI ORDINAJCE olassifying, re- gulating and restrioting the looation of trades and industries and the looation of buildings designed for speoified uses; regu- lating and limiting the height and bulk of buildings hereafter ereoted or altered, regulating and limiting the int..-str of of the use of lot-areas and regulating and determining the area of yards. courts and other open spaoes within and surrounding suoh btildings; establishing the boundaries of distriots for the said purposes; and prescribing penalties for the violation of its provisions; desoribing property included in the industrial Distriot be~ and the same is hereby amended by omitting therefrom the fol- lowing described property;- A strip of ground in the S.We t of Seo. 34. Town 42, Range 11 E. ofmthe 3rd P.M. desoribed as follows: oommenoing at a point where the Worth Line of Central Road inter- sects with the North and East line of theNorthwest Hi~hway thence Bast along the North line of Oentral Road to a point where said line intersects with the Westline of the Katz Road. (also known as the ~lmhurst Road) thenoe North along said West line of the.Katz Road (also known as the Elmhurst Road) a distance of one hundred and fifty (150) feet. thenoe due West to a point where said line inter- sects with the North and East line of the Northwest Highway. thence Southeast along the North and Bast line of the Jorthwest Highway to the place of beginning. 'and that part of Seo. 1~ 4escribing property included in the Business Distriot be. and the same is }e. reby amended by adding thereto the following described property;- ~ots 1 to 6 in blook 21. ~~~s 5 to 17 in block 22, lots 4 and 5 Jr and lots 8 to 15 in block/1 and lots 10 to 14 in block 25 in Prospect Manor. being a subdivision of part of the S. t of the W.t of the W. t of Seo. 34, Twp 42. N. R. 11, E. of 3rd Principal Meridan, and apiece 'of ground desoribed as fol1ows:- commencing at a point 55 feet West of a point where the North line of Central Road and ~he West line of Ridge Ave.. interseot. thence Jorth 136.97 feet thence West 100 feet, thence South to a point where said line intersects with the North and East line of the lorthwest High~y.thenoe Southeast to a point where the North and Bast line' of the Northwest Highway intersects with the Worth line of Oentra1 Road, thence Bast along the north line of Oe*tral Road to the place of beginning. located in the Southt of the w. t of the W. t of Seo. 34 Twp 42. R. 11 E. of 3rd P.Y. Also lots 1 to 23 inclusive in block 4 in Prospect Park Subdivision #1.. being a Subdivision of the W. t of the WelO rods of the s.w. t of Seo. 12. Twp. 41. R. 11 E. of the 3rd P.M. SECTION 2. This ordinanoe shall be in full fo 08 and effeot from and after date of its passage. approval and publioation. Passed this 6th day of October A.D. 1925. Approved this 6th day of Ootober A.D. 1925. Signed ?;u~~es~ .-- Attest f!.jL... t m~ ~C'18rk.r - r . )