HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 136B 01/07/1930 AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE CONSTRUOTING OF A CONNECTED SYSTEM OF STORM WATER SEWERS IN ISABELLA STREET AND OTHER STREETS AND AVENUES IN THE VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROsPECT, OOUNTY OF COOK &~ STATE OF ILLINOIS. BE IT ORDAINED By the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Kount Prospect, County of Cook and State of Illinois: SECTION 1. That a local improvement shall be made within the said Village of Mount Prospect, County of Cook and State of Illinois, the nature, character, locality and description of which local improvement i8 as follows, to-wit: That a connected system of storm water sewers, including manholes, catchbasins, catchbasin connections, house connections and all necessary appurtenances, be constructed and laid in said Village of :Mount Prospect, as follows: ISABELLA STREET and Isabella Street Extended from the West. A storm water sewer shall be constructed and laid along the centerline of Isabella street and said centerline extended from the west from and properly connected with the westerly terminus of the existing sixty (eO) inch sewer at the existing manhole located at the intersection of a line parallel with and eleven hundred fifty-one and five-temths (1151.5) feet distant east of the west line of Maple Street, and the centerline, ex- tended from the west of Isabella Street, to the centerline of Elmhurst Road. Said sewer shall be of sixty (60) inches internal diameter from its easterly terminus to a point three hundred and eighty (380) feet easterly of the centerline of Maple Street and thence of forty-eight (48) inches internal diameter to the centerli!.e of Maple Street and thence of forty-two (42) inches internal diameter to the centerline of Pine Street and thence of thirty-six (36) inChes internal diameter to the westerly terminus of said sewer. The elevation of the bottom of the inside of the above desoribed sixty (60) inch sewer at its eaBterly terminus shall be seventy-five and four-tenths (75.4) feet above Village Datum and thence the grade thereof shall rise at a uniform rate to an elevation of seventy-six and three-tenths (76.3) feet above Village Datum at the westerly terminus of said sixty (60) inch sewer. The elevation of the bottom of the inside of the last above described forty-eight (48) inch sewer at its easterly ter- minus shall be seventy-six and nine-tenths (76.9) feet above Village Datum and thence the grarle thereof shall rise at a uni- form rate to an elevation of seventy-eight and one-tenth (78.1) feet above Village Datum at the westerly terminus of said forty- eight (48) inch se~er. The elevation of the bottom of the inside of the last above described ~orty-two (42) inch sewer at its easterly terminus shal~- be seventy-eight and four-tenths (78.4) feet above Village Datum and thence the grade thereof shall rise at a uniform rate to an elevation of eighty and six-tenths (80.6) feet above Vil- lage Datum at the centerline of Emerson Street and thence the grade thereof shall rise at a uniform rate to an elevation of eighty-twP and thirty-five hundredths (82.35) feet above Village Datum at a line parallel wit~ and fifteen (15) feet distant west- erly of the easterly street line of Main Street and thence the grade thereof shall rise at a uniform rate to an elevation of eighty-two and fifty-one hundredths (82.51) feet above Village Datum at a line parallel with and fifteen (15) feet distant easterly of the westerly street line of ~ain Street, and thence the grade thereof shall rise at a uniform rate to an elevation of eighty-three and seven-tenths (83.7) feet above Village Datum at the centerline of Wille Street and thenoe the grade thereof shall rise at a uniform rate to an elevation of eighty-four and seventy-five hundredths (84.75) feet above Village Datum at the westerly terminus of said forty-two (42) inch sewer. The elevation of the bottom of the inside of the last above described tnirty-six inch sewer at its easterly terminus shall be eighty-five and five hundredths (85.05) feet above Village Datum and thence the grade thereof shall rise at a uni- form rate to an eleva;t ion of eighty-six and eighty-fi va hundredths (86.85) feet above Village Datum at the centerline of Russell Street and thence the grade thereof shall rise at a uniform rate to an elevation of eighty-eight and three-tenths (88.3) feet above Village Datum at the westerly terminus of said thirty-six (36) inch sewer. ELMHlJ.l.=ts'r ROAD. A storm water sewer shall be constructed and laid along the centerline of Elmhurst Road from the centerline of Gregory Street to a line parallel with and sixty-five (65) feet distant northerly of the centerline of Henry Street extended from the west. Said sewer shall be of thirty (30) inches internal diameter from its northerfY terminus to the centerline of Isabella Street and thence of thirty-three (33) inches interna.l diameter to the centerline of Thayer Street and thence of twenty-seven (27) inches internal diameter to a line parallel with and three hun- dred (300) feet distant south of the centerline of Thayer Street and thence of twenty-four (24) inches internal diameter to the southerly terminus of said sewer. The elevation of the bottom of the inside of the last above described thirty (30) inch sewer at its northerly terminus shall be ninety-one and one-tenth (91.1) feet above Village Datum and thence the grade thereof shall fall at a uniform rate to an elevation of ninety (90.0) feet above Village Datum at a line parallel with and three hundred and t~irty (330) feet dis- tant north of the centerline of Isabella Street and thence the grade thereof shall fall at a uniform rate to an elevation of eighty-eight and six-tenths (88.6) feet above Village Datum at the centerline of Isabella street. The elevation of the bottom of the inside of the last above described. thirty-three (33) inch sewer at its northerly terminus shall be eighty-eie;ht e,nd four-tenths (88.4) feet above Village Datum and thence the grade thereof shall rise at a uniform rate to an elevation of eighty-nine and four-tenths (89.4) feet above Village Datum at a line parallel with and three hundred rne] t'lirty (330) feet dista.nt ;:;:.:;,):1:"(\"2:;:'1.0 :1.' t:C:e center'lir:e of Isabella Street and thence the grade thereof shall rise at a uniform rate to an elevation of ninety and three-tenths (90.3) feet above Villa.ge DatulL at the southerly terminus of i.3e.id thirty-three(33) inch seWEr. The elevation of the bottom of the inside of the last a.bove described twenty-seven (27) inch sewer a.t the nortberly ter'minus sha.ll be ninety and six-tenths (90.6) feet above Village Datum and thence the grade thereof shall rise at a uniform rate to an elevation of ninety-one and two-tenths (91.2) feet above Villaze Datum ~tt the southerly t erGinus of said tvven ty-seven (27) i.neh se~ter . The elev<:l.tion of the bottoi"1l of the insid e of the last above described twenty-four (24) inch sewer a.t its uortherly terminus shall be ninety-one and two-tenths (91.2) feet above Villag.e Datum and thence the grade thereof shall rise at a uni- ...... form rate to an elevation of ninety-twp and one~tenth (92.1) feet above Village Datum at the southerly terminus of said twenty-four (24) inch sew~r. RUSSELL STREET. A storm water sewer shall be constructed and laid. a.long the centerline of Russell Street from the centerline of Gregory Stret to the centerline of Thayer street and thence along the centerline of Russell Street extended from the :,orth to a line parallel with cmd three hundred and sixty (360) feet distant south of the centerline of Thayer Street and thence along a straight line to a point at the intersection of the northerly street line of Henry Street extended from the east, and a line parallel wi th and four hundred a.nd thirty (430) feet distant west of the west line extended of that part of Wille Street ly- ing north of H~y Street. said sewer shall be of eighteen (18) inches internal diameter from the northerly terminus to a line parallel with and three hundred and thirty (330) feet distant north of the center- 1 ine of Isabella. Street and thence of twenty-one (21) inches internal diameter to the centerline of Isabella street and thence of fifteEn (15) inches internal dia.meter to the centerline of Thayer Street and thence of twelve (12) inches internal diameter tG the southerly terminus of said sewer. The elevation of the bottom of the inside of the last above described eighteen (18) inch sewer at its northerly terminus shall be ninety-one and three-tenths (91.3) feet above Village Datum and thence the grade thereof shall fall at a uni- form rate to an elevation of eighty-nine and four-tenths (89.4) feet above Village Datum at a line parallel with and three hun- dred and thirty (330) feet distant north of the centerline of Isabella Street. The elevation of the bottom of the inside of the last above described twenty-me (21) inch sewer at its northerly terminus shall be eighty-nine and twenty-five hundredths (89.25) feet above Village Datum and thence the grade thereof Shall fall at a uniform rate to an eibevation of eighty-eight and one-tenth (88.1) feet above Village Datum at the southerly terminus of said twenty-one (21) inch sewer. The elevation of the bottom of the inside of the last above described fifteen (15) inch sewer at its northerly terminus shall be eighty-eight and two-tenths (88.2) feet above Village Datum and thence the grade thereof shall rise at a uniform rate to an elevation of ninety-one and eight-tenths (9l.8) feet above Villa.ge Datum at a. line parallel with and three hundred and thirty (330) feet distant south of the centerline of Isabella Street and thence the grade thereof shall rise at a uniform rate to an ele- vation of ninety-three and eight-tenths (93.8) feet above Village Datum at the southerly terminus of said fifteen (15) inch sewer. The eleva.t ion of the bottom of the inside of the la.st above described twelve (12) inch sewer at its northerly terminus shall be ninety-three and ninety-five hundredths (93.95) feet above Village Datum and thence the grade thereof shall rise at a uniform rate to an elevation of ninety-seven and fifteen hun- dredths (97.15) feet above Village Datum at a point at the inter- section of the centerline of Russell Street extended from the north and a line parallel with and three hundred and thirty (330) feet distB.nt south of the centerline of Thayer Street and thence the grade thereof shall rise at a uniform rate to an elevation of ninety-eight and two-tenths (98.2) feet above Village Datum at the southerly terminus of said twelve (12) inch sewer. PINE STREET. - A storm water sewer shall be constructed and laid along the centerline of Pine street from the centerline of Gregory . Street to a line parallel with and twenty (20) feet distant north of the north 1 ine of Henry Street. Said sewer shall be of eighteen (18) inches internal diameter from its northerly terminus to a line parallel with and three hundred and thirty (330) feet distant north of the centerline of Isabella Street a.nd thence of twenty-One (21) inches internal diameter to the centerline of Isabella Street and thence of eighteen (18) inches internal diameter to a line parallel with and three hundred and thirty (330) feet distant south of the centerline of Isabella Street and thence of fifteen (15) inches internal diameter to the centerline of Thayer Street and thence of twelve (12) inches internal dia,meter to the south- erly terminus of said sewer. The elevation of the bottom of the inside of the northerly terminus of that part of the above desc~bed eighteen (18) inch sewer to be constructed north of Isabella Street, shall be ninety- one and six-tenths (tn.6) feet above Village Datum and thence the grade thereof snaIl fall at a uniform rate to an elevation of eighty-nine and seven-tenths (89.7) feet above Village Datum &~d the southerly terminus of said eighteen (18) inch sewer. The eleva.tion of the bottom of the inside of the last above described twenty-one (21) inch sewer at the northerly terminus sha.ll be eight~r-nine and fifty-five hundredths (89.55) feet above Village Datum and thence the grade thereof shall fall at a uniforln rate to an elevation of eighty-eight and four-teDt~B (88.4) feet above Village Datum at the southerly terminus of said twenty-one (21) inch sewer. The eleva.tion of the bottom of the inside of the north- erly terminus of that "part of the last above described eighteen (18) inch sewer to be constructed south of the centerline of Isabella Street, shall be eighty-six and two-tenths (86.2) feet above Village Datum and thence the grade thereof shall rise at a uniform rate to an elevation of eighty-seven and six-tenths (87.6) feet above Village Datum at the southerly terminus of said eighteen (18) inch sewer. The elevation of the bottom of the inside of the last above described fifteen (15) inch sewer at its northerly terminus shall be eighty-seven a~d seventy-five hundredths (87.751 feet above Village Datum and thence the gra.de thereof shall rise at a uniform rate to an eleva.tion of ninety-two (92.0) feet above Village Datum a,t the southerly terminus of said fifteen (15) inch sewer. The elevation of the bottom of the inside of the last above described twelve (12) inch sewer at its noxtherly terminus shall be ninety-two and fifteen hundredths (92.15) feet above Village Datum a.nd thence the grade thereof shall rise a.t a uni- form rate to an elevation of ninety-five and forty-five hundredths (95.45) feet above Village Datum at a line parallel with and three hundred (300) feet distant south of the centerline of Thayer Street and thence the grade thereof shall rise at a uni- form rate to an eleva.tion of ninety-seven and five-tenths (97.5) feet above Village Datum at the southerly terminus of said twelve (12) inch sewer. WILLE STREET. A storm water sewer shall be constructed and laid along the centerline of Wille Street from a line parallel with and fifty-five (55) feet distant south of the south street line of Gregory Street to a line parallel with and twenty (20) feet distant north of the north street line of Henry Street. Said sewer shall be of twenty-one (21) inohes internal diameter from its northerly terminus to the oenterline of Isa- bella Street and thence of eighteen (18) inches internal diameter to a line parallel with and three hundred and thirty (330) feet distant south of the centerline of Isabella Street, and thence of fifteen (15) inches internal diameter to the centerline of Thayer Street and thence of twelve (12) inches internal diameter to the southerly terminus of said s8wer. The elevation of the bot~om of the inside of the last above described twenty-One (21) inch sewer at its northerly terminus shall be eighty-six and sixty-four hundredths (86.64) feet above Village Datum a,nd thence the grade thereof shall fall at a uniform rate to an elevation of eighty-six and five-hundredths (86.05) feet above Vills,g'e Da,tum at a line parallel with and three hundred and thirty (330) feet distant north of the center- line of Isabella street and thence the grade thereof shall fall at a uniform ra.te to an eleva.tion of eighty-four and nine-tenths (84.9) feet above Village Datum at the southerly terminus of said twenty-one (21) inch sewer. The eleve,tion of the bottom of the inside of the last above described eighteen (18) inch sewer at its nottherly ter- minus shall be eighty-six and five-hundredths (86.05) feet above Village Datum and thence the grade thereof shall rise at a uni- form rate to an elevation of eighty-seven and forty-five hun- dredths (87.45) feet above Village Datum at the southerly ter- miz:D.ls of said eighteen (18) inch sewer. The elevation of the bottom of the inside of the last above described fifteen (15) inch sewer at its northerly ter- minus shall be eighty-seven and six-tenths (87.6) feet above Village Datum and thence the grade thereof shall rise at a uni- form :rate to an elevation of eighty-nine and six-tenths (89.6) feet above Village Da.tum at the southerly terminus of said fif- teen (15) inch sewer. The elevation of the bottom of the inside of the last above described twelve (12) inch sewer at its northerly terminus shall be eighty-nine and seventy-five hundredths (89.75) feet above Villa.ge Datum and thence the grade thereof shall rise at a uniform rate to a.n elevation of ninety-tw6 and ninety-five hundredths (92.95) feet above Village Datum at a line parallel with a.nd three hundred (300) feet distant south of the centerline of Thayer Street, and thence the gra.de thereof sha.ll rise at a uniform rate to B,n eleve,ticn of ninety-four (94) feet above Villa.ge Datum at the southerly terminus of said twelve (12) inch sewer. MAIN STREET (WEST SIDE). A storm water sewer shall be constructed and laid along a line parallel with and fifteen (15) feet distant east of the west line of Main Street from the centerline of Gregory Street to a line parallel wit~ and twenty (20) feet distant north of the north line of Henry Street. Said sewer shall be of fifteen (15) inches internal dia~meter from i ts ~rtherly terminus to the centerl;i:ne of Thayer Street and thence of twelve (12) inches internal diameter to the southerly terminus of said sewer. The elevation of the bottom of the inside of the last above mentioned fifteen (15) inch sewer at its northerly terminus shall be eighty-nine (89.0) feet above Villa~se D~,tuIl1 c.u1d thence the::;rade tiJ.e1'8of shall fall at a uniform rate to an elevation of eighty-seven and fifteen-hundredths (87.15) feet above Village Datum at a line parallel with and three hundred and thirty (330) feet distant north of the centerline of Isabella Street and thence the grade thereof shall fall at a uniform rate to an elevation of eighty-four and five-tenths (84.5) feet above Vil- lage Datum at the centerline of Isabella Street. The elevation of the bottom of the inside of the northerly terminus of that part of the last above described fifteen (15) inch sewer to be constructed south of the centerline of Isabella street shall be eighty-four (84.0) feet above Village Datum and thence the grade thereof shall rise at a uniform rate to an elevation of eighty- four and ninety-five hundredths (84.95) feet above Village Datum at a line parallel with and three hundred and thirty (330) feet distant south of the centerline of Isabella Street, and thence the grade thereof shall rise at a uniform rate to an elevation of eighty-five and seven-tenths (85.7) feet above Village Datum at the southerly terminus of said fifteen (15) inch sewer. The elevation of the bottom of the inside of the last above described twelve (12) inch sewer at its norhterly terminus shall be eighty-five and eight-tenths (95.8) feet above Village Datum and thence the grade thereof shall rise at a uniform rate to an elevation of eighty-six and eighty-five hundredths (86.85) feet above Village Datum at a line parallel with and three hun- dred (300) feet distant south of the centerline of Thayer Street and thence the grade thereof shall rise at a uniform rate to an elevation of eighty-seven and nine-tenths (87.S) feet above Vil- lage Datum at the southerly terminus of said twelve (12) inch sewer. MAl!. STREET (EAST SIDE)! A storm water sewer shall be constructed and laid along a line parallel with and fifteen (15) feet distant west of the east line of Main Street from the centerline of Gregory Street to a line parallel with and fifteen (15) feet distant north of Central !.oad. Said sewer shall be of fifteen (15) inches internal diameter from its northerly terminus to the centerline of Isa- bella street and thence of twenty~ne (21) inches internal diameter to a line parallel with and three hundred and thirty (330) fe~ distant south of the centerline of Isabella Street and thence of eighteen (18) inches internal diameter to a line parallel with and three hundred and thirty (330) feet distant south of the centerline of Thayer Street and thence of fifteen (15) inches internal diameter to the centerline of Henry Street and thence of twelve (12) inches internal diameter to the southerly terminus of said sewer. The elevation of the bottom of the inside of the north- erly terminus of tha.t part of the above described fifteen (15) inch sewer to be constructed north of the centerline of Isabella Street shall be eighty-nine (89.0) feet above Village Datum and thence the grade thereof shall fall at a uniform rate to an ele- vation of eighty-seven and fifteen-hundredt~s (87.15) feet above Village Datum at a line parallel with and three hundred and thirty (330) feet distant north of the centerline of Isabella Street and thence the grade thereof shall fall at a uniform rate to an elevation of eighty-four and five-tenths (84.5) feet aboye Villa~e Datum at the centerline of Isabella Street. o The elevation of the bottom of the inside of the last above described twenty-one (21) inch sewer at its northerly terminus shall be eighty-three and five-tenths (83.5) feet above Village Datum and thence the grade thereof shall rise at a uniform rate to an elevation of eighty-three and ninety-five (83.95) hundredths feet above Village Datum at the southerly terminus of said twenty-one (21) inch sewer. The elevation of the bottom of the inside of the last above described eighteen (18) inch sewer at its northerly terminus shall be eighty-four and one-tenth (84.1) feet above Village Datum and thence the grade thereof shall rise at a uni- form rate to an elevation af eighty-four and eighty-five hun- dredths (84.85) feet above Village Datum at the centerline of Thayer Street and thence the grade thereof shall rise at a uni- form rate to an elevation of eighty-five and forty-five hun- dreths (85.45) feet above Village Datum at the line parallel with and three hundred and thirty (330) feet distant south of the centerline of Thayer Street. The elevation of the bottom of the inside of the northerly terminus of that part of the last above described fifteen (15) inch sewer to be constructed south of a.lline parallel with and three hundred and thirty (330) feet distant south of the center- line of Thayer Street shall be eighty-five and six-tenths (85.6) feet above Village Datum and thence the grade thereof shall rise at a uniform rate to an elevation of eighty-six and thirty-five (86.35) hundredths feet above Village Datum at the southerly terminus of said fifteen (15) inch sewer. The elevation of the bottom of the inside of the last above described twelve (12) inch sewer at its northerly terminus shall be eighty-six and five-tenths (86.5) feet above Village Datum and thence the grade thereof shall rise at a uniform rate to an elevation of eighty-seven and fifty-five hundredths (87.55) feet above Village Latilla at a line parallel with and three hundred (300) feet distant south of tne centerline of Henry Street and thence the grade thereof shall rise at a uniform ra.te to an ele- vation of eighty-eight Rnd six-tenths (88.6) feet above Village Da.tum at the southerly terminus of said twelve (12) inch sewer. EMERSON STREET. A storm water sewer shall be constructed and laid along the centerline of Emerson Street from the centerline of Gregory Street to a line parallel with and fifteen (15) feet distant north of the north line of Central Road. Said sewer shall be of eighteen (18) inches internal diameter from its northerly terminus to a line parallel with and three hundred and thirty (330) feet distant n~rth of the center- line of Isabella Street and thence of t~enty-one (21) inches internal diameter to the centerline of Thayer Street and thence of eighteen (18) inches internal diameter to the centerline of Henry street and thence of fifteen (15) inches internal diameter to a line parallel with and three hundred (300) feet distant . south of the centerline of Henry Street and thence of twelve (12) inches internal diameter to the southerly terminus of said sewer. The elevation of the bottom of the inside of the northerly terminus of that part of the above described eighteen (18) inch sewer to be constructed north of a line parallel with and three hundred and thirty (330) feet distant north of the centerline of Isabella Street shall be eighty-eight (88.0) feet above Village Datum and thence the R,'rade thereof shall fall at a uniform rate to fu~ elevation of eighty-five and four-tenths (85.4Q feet above Village Da.tum at the southerly terminus of said eighteen (18) inch sewer. The elevation of the bottom of the inside of the last above described twenty-orne (21) inch sewer at its northerly term.inus shall be eighty-five and twenty-five hundredths (85.25) feet above Village Datum and thence the grade thereof shall fall at a uni.form rate to a.n elevation of eighty-three and ninety- five hundredths (83.95) feet above Village Datum at the center- line of Isabella Street. The elevation of the bottom of tbe inside of thst part of the last abo'\re described twenty-one (21) inch sewer to be constructed south of the centerline of Isabella Street shall be eighty-two and tVJO-tenths (82.2) feet above Village Datum at the centerline of Isabella, Street ,no.. thence the gr&.de thereof shall rise, at a. uniform r[Lte to an elevation of eighty-three ~nd fifty- five hundredths (83.55) feet c~bove Village Da.tum at a lin:~ para.- llel with a,nd three hundred emd thirty (330) feet distant south of the centerline of I88>el1a Street and thence the grade thereof shall rise at a uniform rate to an eleva.tion of eighty-four and six-tenths (84.6) feet above Villa.ge Datum at the southerly terminus of said twenty-one inch sewer. The elevation of the bottom of the inside of that part of the last above described eighteen (18) inch sewer to be con- structed south of the centerline of Thayer Street shall be eighty four and seventy-five hundredths (84.75) feet above Village Datum at the centerline of Thayer Street and thence the gra.de thereof sha.ll rise at a uniform rate to a.n elevation of eighty- six and forty-five hundred.the (86.45) feet above Villa,ge Datum at a line para.llel ,,'ith and three hundred and thirty (330) feet distant south of the centerline of Thayer Street and thence the grade thereof shall rise a.t a. uniform rate to an eleva,tion of eighty-seven and five-tenths (87.5) feet above Village Datum at the southerly terminus of se.id eighteen (18) inch sewer. The elevation of the bottom of the inside of the last above described fifteen (15) inch sewer at its northerly terminus shall be eighty-seven and sixty-five hundredths (87.65) feet above Village Datum and thence the grade thereof sha.ll rise at a uniform rate to ah elevation of eighty-eight and eight-tenths (88.8) feet above Village Datum at the southerly terminus of said fif- teen (15) inch sewer. The elevation of the bottom of the inside of the la,st above described twelve (12) inch sewer at its northerly terminus shall be eighty-eight and ninety-five hundredths (88.95) feet above Villa,ge Datum and thence the grRde thereof shall rise at a. uniform rate to an eleve,tion of ninety (90.0) feet above Vil- lage Datum at the southerly terminus of said twelve (12) inch se\'1;er. MAPLE 8.TREE T . A storm water sewer she.ll be constructed a.nd laid along the centerline of Maple Street from the centerline of Gregory Street loa line parallel with and three hundred and thirty (330) feet distant south of the centerline of 1sabella Street and thence alobg a straight line to a point at the intersection of the centerline of Thayer Street and a line parallel witp and twenty (20) feet distant east of the west line of Maple Street, and thence along the last above described parallel line to a line parallel with end three hundred and thirty (330) feet distant south of the centerline of Thayer Street, and thence along a straight line tc a point at the intersection of the centerline of Henry Street and the centerline of Maple Street. Said sewer shall be of eighteen (18) inches internal diameter from its northerly terminus to a line parallel with and three !lundl'eu cLnd thirty (330) feet dista,nt north of the center- line of Isabella. Street and thence of twenty-four (24) inches internal dia.meter to the centerline of Isabella Street and thence of twenty-one (21) inches internal diameter to the centerline cf Thayer Street and thence of eighteen (18) inches internal diameter to the southerly terminus of said sewer. The elevation of the bottom of the inside of the nortnerly terminus of that part of the last above described eighteen (18) inch sewer to be constructed north of a line para.llel with and three hundred and thirty (330) feet distant north oftthe center- 1 ine of Isabella Street, shall be eighty-two and. six-tenths (82.6) feet above Village Datum and thence the grade thereof sha.ll fa.ll at a uniform rate to an elevation of eighty (80.0) feet above Villa.ge Datum at a line parallel with and three hun- dred and thirty (330) feet distant north of the centerline of Isabella Street. The elevation of the bottom of the inside of the la.st above described twenty-four (24) inch sewer at its northerly terminus shall be seventy-nine and eight-tenths (79.8) feet above Village De,tum and thence the grade thereof shall fa.ll at a uniform rate to an elevation of seventy-nine and fifteen- hundredths (79.15) feet above Village Datum at the southerly terminus of said twenty-four (24) inch sewer. The eleva,t ion of the bottom of the inside of the la.st above described twenty-one (21) inch sewer at its northerly terminus shall be eighty and nine-tenths (80.9) feet above Vil- lage Datum and thence the grade thereof shall rise at a uniform rate to an elevation of eighty-two and twenty-five hundredths (82.25) feet above Villa,ge Datum at a line para.llel with a,nd three hundred and thirty (330) feet distant south of the center- line of Isabella Street and thence the grade thereof shall rise at a uniform rate to an eleva.tion of eighty-three and three- tenth.s (83.3) feet above Village Datum at the southerly terminus of said twenty-one (21) inch sewer. The elevation of the bottom of the inside of the northerly terminus of that part of the last above described eighteen (18) inch sewer to be constructed south of the centerline of Thayer Street shall be eighty-three and forty-five hundredths (83.45) feet above Village Datum and thence the grade thereof shall ri8e at a uniform rate to an elevation of eighty-five and fifteen hundredths (85.15) feet above Village Datum at a line parallel with and three hundred and thirty (330) feet distant south of the centerline of Thayer Street and thence the grade thereof shall rise at a uniform ra.te to an elevation of eightY-Six and two- tenths (86.a~ feet above Village Datum at the southerly terminus of said eighteen (18) inch sewer. Said improvement shall also include the construction of vitrified tile pipe house connections of six (6) inches internal diameter in portions of Elmhurst Road, Russell Street, Pine Street, Wille Street, Emerson Street and Maple Street from and properly connected to the sewer hereinbefore provided to be constructed in said streets to lines para.llel with and eighteen (18) feet (mea.sured at right angles) from the centerline of sa.id streets and opposite to and extending toward each of the lots, blocks, traots and parcels of land described as follows: SUBDIVISION BLOCK LOT Laudermi1k Villa being a Sub- division 1n the SE-1/4 of Section 34, T. 42 N. R. 11 E. of the 3rd Principal Meridian 1 to 24 both inclusive 29 to 148 both inclusive Hill Crest being a subdivision of the NE-l/4 of the SW-1/4 (Except the N. 2-7/8 acres thereof) of Section 34, T. 42 N. R. 11 E. of the 3rd P.M.; also the N. 23.5 acres of the SE-l/4 (except the W.295.l feet of the S. 295.1 ft. ~IVISIO:N" BLOOK LOT lying North of the South 543 ft. of the E-l/2 of the ~(-1/4) of said Section 34 1 11 to 20 both inclusive 2 1 to 20 both inclusive 3 1 to 20 both inclusive 4 1 to 20 both inclusive 5 1 to 22 both inclusive 6 1 to 22 both inclusive 7 1 to 22 both inclusive 8 12 to 22 both incluwe 9 12 :tio 22 both inclusive 10 1 to 22 both inclusive 11 1 to 17 both inc Ius i ve 12 1 to 12 both inclusive & 15 to 22 both inclusive Prospedt Manor being a subdivision of part of the 6-3/4 of W-l/2 of the w-lla of Section 34, T. 42 N., R. 11 E. of the 3rd P.M. 9 1 to 6 both inclusive N.SO ft.Lot 7 8.50 ft.N.I00 ft. Lot 7 S.50 ft.N.150 ft. Lot 7 N.SO ft.S.lll ft. Lot 7 S.61 ft. Lot 7 16 1 to 11 bmth inclusive 17 1 to 11 both inclusive H. Roy Berry and CO.IS 1st Addn. to Castle Heights, being a subdivision of the S. 1/2 of 8E-l/4 of the NW-l/4 and the N. 95.02 ft. of the E-l/2 of the SUBDIVISION BLOCK LOT SW-l/4 all in Section 34, !. 42 N. R. 11 East of the 3rd P.M., Cook County, Ill. 12 13 36 37 60 61 84 85 The Village Datum for the purposes of this improvement is ascertained by measuring from a bench mark which is the top of the north head bolt of a fire hydrant located at the northeast corner of Lancaster Street and Henry Street'ln the Village of MOtmt Prospect, Cook County, Illinois, said bench mark being one hundred t~enty-four and seventy-six one-hundredths (124.76) feet above Village Datum. All sewers herein provided for with an internal diameter of tnirty-six (36) inches or less shall be constructed of vit- rified tile sewer pipe. All sewer's herein provided for with at"'], internal diameter of fottYJ-t_Q (42) inches or more shall be constructed of rein- forced Portland cement concrete pipe. Eight (8) manholes shall be built on said reinforced Port- land cement concrete sewers along the centerline of Isabella Street and along the centerline of Isabella Street extended, at the following points: One at the centerline of Pine Street, Wille Street, Emerson Street an(, Maple Street, one at a point fifteen (15) feet east of the west street line extended of Main Street, one at a point fifteen (15) feet west of the east street line extended of Main Street, one at a point three hundred and fifty (350) feet east of the east street line extended of Maple Street, one at a point seven bundred and t "enty (720) feet east of the east street line extended of Maple Street. Two (2) manholes sha.ll be bull t on said vi tr ified tile pipe sewer in Isa.bella Street at the following points: One at the centerline of Elmhurst Road, and one at the centerline of Russell Street. Six (6) manholes shall be built on said vitrill5'ied tile pipe sewer in Elmhurst Road at the following points: One at a point five hundred seventy-five (575) feet south of the south street line, extended, of Thayer street, one at a point two hun- dred and seventy (270) feet south of the south street line, ex- tended, of Thayer Street, one at the cent erline of Thayer Street, one at a point three hundred and thirty (330) feet south of the south street line, extended, of Isabella Street, one at a point two hundred and eighty (280) feet south of the south street line, extended,of Gregory Street, and one at the centerline of Gregory St reet . Six (6) manholes shall be built on said vitrified tile pipe sewers in Russell Street at the follOWing points: One at the north street line, extended, of Henry Street, one at a point three hundred and thirty (330) feet south of the south street line, extended, of Thayer Street, one at the centerline of Thayer Street, one at a point two hundred and ninety (290) feet south of the south street line, extended, of Isabella. Street, one at a point two hundred and eighty (280) feet south of the south street line, extended, of Gregory Street, one at the centerline of Gregory Street. Six (6) manboles shall be built on said vitrified tile pipe sewers in Pine street at the following points: One at a point twenty (20) feet north of the north street line, extended, of Henry Street, one at a point two hundred and seventy (270) feet south of the south street line, extended, of Thayer Street, one at the centerline of Thayer Street, one at a point three hundred and ten (310) feet south of the south street line, ex- tended, of Isabella Street, one at a point two hundred and eighty (280) feet south of the south street line, extended, of Gregory Street, and one at the centerline of Gregory Street. Five (S) manholes shall be b~ilt on said vitrified tile pipe sewers in Wille Street at the following points: One at a point twenty (20) feet north of the north street lihe, extended, of Henry Street, one at a point two hundred and seventy (270) feet south of the south street line, extended, of Thayer Street, one at the centerline of Thayer Street, one at a point three hun- dred and ten (310) feet south of the south street line, extended, of Isabella Street, one at a point two hundred and eigyty (280) feet south of the south street line, extended, of Gregory Street. Six (6) manholes shall be built on said vitrified tile pipe sewers in Main Street (West Side) at the fol16wing points: One at a point twenty (20) feet north of the north street line, extended, of Henry Street, one at a point two hundred seventy (270) feet south of the south street line, extended, of Thayer Street, one at the centerline of Thayer Street, one at a point three hundred and ten (310) feet south of the south street line, extended, of Isaoella street, one at a point two hundred and eighty (280) feet south of the south street line of Gregory Street, one at the centerline of Gregory Street. Eight (8) manholes shall be built on said vitrified tile pipe sewers in Main Street (East Side) at the following points: One at a point fifteen (IS) feet north of the north street line, extended, of Oentral Road, one at a point two hundred and seventy (270) feet south of the south street line, extended, of Henry Street, one at the centerline of Henry Street, one at a point three hundred t300) feet south of the south street line, extendeq,. of Thayer Street, one at the centerline of Thayer Street, one at a point three hundred and ten (310) feet south of the south street line, extended, of Isabella Street, one at a point two hundred and eighty (280) feet south of the south street line, ex- tended, of Gregory Street, one at the centerline of Gregory Street. Eight (8) manholes shall be built on sa.id vitrified tile . pipe sewers in Emerson Street at the following points: One at a point fifteen (15) feet north of the north street line, ex- tended, of Oentral Road, one at a point two hundred and sixty (260) feet south of the south street line, extended, of Henry Street, one at the centerline of Henry Street, one at a point three hundred (300) feet south of the south street line, ex- tended, of Thayer Street, one at the centerline of Thayer Street, one at a point three hundred (300) feet south of the south street line, extended, of Isabella Street, one at a point two hundred and eighty (280) feet south 0 f the south street line, extended, of Gregory Street, one at the centerline of Gregory Street. Five (5) manholes shall be built on said vitrified tile pipe sewers in Maple Street at the following points: One at a point three hundred (300) feet south of the south street line, extended, of ~hayer Street, one at the centerline of Thayer Street, one at a point three hundred and ten (310) feet south of the south street line, extended, of Isabella Street, one at a point two hundred and eighty (280) feet south of the south street line, extended, of Gregory Street, one at the centerline of Gregory street. Four (4) catchbasins shall be built at the following points and connected with said sewer in Elmhurst Road: One (1) on a line ten (10) feet south of the north street line, extended, of Henry Street and ten (10) feet east of the west street line , extended, of Elmhurst Road, one at a. point ten (l<))ffeet north of the south street line, extended, of Thayer Street and ten (10) feet east of the west street line, extended, of Elmhurst Road, one at a point ten (10) feet north of the south street line, extended, of Isabella street and ten (10) feet east of the west street line, extended, of Elmhurst Road, one at a point ten (10) feet north of the south street line, extended, of Gregory Street and ten (10) feet east of the west street line, extended, of Elmhurst Road. Four (4) catchbasins shall be built at the following points and connected with said sewers in Russell Street: One at a point ten (10) feet north of the south street line, extended, of Thayer Street and ten (10) feet east of the west street line, extended, of Russell Street, one at a point ten (10) feet north of the south street line, extended, of Isabella Street and ten (10) feet east of the west street line, extended, of Russell Street, one at a point ten (10) feet south of the north street line, extended, of Isabella Street and ten (10) feet west of the east street line, extended, of Russell Street, one at a point ten (10) feet north of the south street line, extended, of Gregory Street and ten (10) feet east of the west street line, extended, of Russell Street. Six (6) catchbasi~s shall be built at the following points and connected with said sewers in Pine Street; One at a point ten (10) feet south of the north street line, extended, of Henry street and ten (10) feet east of the west street line extended , , of Pine Street, one at a point ten (10) feet north of the south street line, extended, of Thayer Street and ten (10) feet ea.st of the west street line, extended, of Pine Street, one at a point two hundred and ninety (290) feet south of the south street line, extended, of Isabella Street and ten (lQ)feet west of the east street line of ~1ne Street, one at a point ten (10) feet north of t~e south street line, extended, of Isabella Street and ten (10) feet west of the east street line, extended, of Pine Street, one at a point ten (10) feet south of the north street line, extended, of Isabella. Street and ten (10) feet east of the i'Vest street line, extended, of Pine Street, one at a point ten (10) feet north of the south street line, extended, of Gregory Street and ten (10) feet east of the west street line, extended, of Pine Street. Five (5A catchbasins shall be built at the following points and connectQd with sa,id sewers in Wille Street: One at a P9int ten (10) feet south of the north street line, extended, of Henry Street and ten (10) feet east of the west street line, extended, of Wille Street, one a,t a point ten (10) feet north of the south street line, extended, of Thayer Street and ten (10) feet east of the west street line, extended, of Wille Street, one at a point three hundred (300) feet South of the south street line, extended, of Isabella Street anC' ten (10) feet west of the ea.st street line of Wille Street, one at a point ten (10) feet north of the south street line, extended, of Isabella Street and ten (10) feet east of the west street line, extended, of Wille street, one at a point ten (10) feet south of the north street line, extended, of Isabella Street and ten (10) feet east of the west street line, extended, of Wille Street. Three (3) catohbasins shall be built at the following points e,nd connected with said se'~"iers in Main Street (West Side): One at a point ten (10) feet south of the north street line, ex- tended, of Henry Street, and ten (10) feet east of the west street line, extended, of Main Street, one at a point~ ten (10) feet north of the south street line, extended, of Thayer Street and tan (10) feet east of the west street line, extended, of Main Street, one at a point ten (10) feet north of the south street line, ex- tended, of Isabella Street Fnd ten (10) feet east of the west street line, extended, of Main Street. Four (4) c6.tchbas ins shall be built at the following points and connected 'Ni th said sewers in Main Street (East Side): One at a point ten (10) feet north of the south street line, extended, of Henry Street and ten (10) feet west of the east street line, extended, of Main Street, one at a point ten (10) feet south of the "orth street line, extended, of Thayer Street and ten (10) feet west of the east street line, extended, of Ma.in Street, one at a point ten (10) feet south of the north street line, extended, of Isabella Street and ten (10) feet west of the east street line, extended, of Main Street, one at a point ten (10) feet north of the south street line, extended, of Gregory Street and ten (10) feet west of the east street line, extended, of Main street. Six (6) catchbasins shall be built at the following point~ and connected with said sewers in Emerson Street: One at a point ten (10) feet north of the south street line, extended, of Henry Street and ten (10) feet eest of the west street line, extended, of Emerson Street, Qne at a point three hundred (300) feet south of the south street line, extended, of Thayer Street end ten (10) feet e~ci..st of -~he west str'eet l:Lrle ')1 J.:..Lle:CS'.)rl 3~;:.c;:'c'(:, '-'.. -,-. ,r (.... .. ~ l<<Lt ten (10) feet r~ol'th of thE: south street line, extended, of Thayer Street and ten (10) feet eest of the west street line, e'-+''''nded o+' -;;',,',c"~'aor' Streeo+ "De' .'."t ' .l~vC. , _~ J,.;"I,l.!................ ..L 1..J, ~.;L ct., ci p01.nt ten (10) feet north of the south street line, extended, of Isabella Street and ten (10) feet east of the west street line, extended, of Emerson Street, one at a p~int ten (10) feet south of the north street line, extended, of Isa,belle, :3tl'eet and ten (10) feet west of the east stI'eet line, extended, of Emerson Street, one at a point ten (10) feet north of the south street line, extendec, of Gre- gory Street and ten (10) feet east of the ~est street liB~, ex- tended, of Emerson Street. Five (5) catchbasins shall be built at the follOiv5_ng p)ints and connected to to,a.id sewer in Maple Avenue: One at a point ten (lO)feet north of the souttl street line, extended, of Thayer Street and ten (10) feet east of the west street line, extended, of Maple Avenue, one at a point ten (10) feet north of the south street line, extended, of Isabella Street and ten (10) feet east of the west street line, extended, of Maple Street, one at a point ten (10) feet south of the north street line, extended, of IBc-!bella. Street and ten (10) feet west of the east street line. extended, of Maple street, one at a point two hundred and eighty (280) feet south of the south street line. extended, of Gregory street and ten (10) feet east of the west street line of Maple Street, one at a po ._nt ten (10) feet north of the south street line, extended, of Gregory Street and ten (10) feet east of the 'West street line, extended, of Maple Street. TILE PIPE. The tile used in the construction of the vitrified tile pipe sewer she'},1 be smooth, strcdght and sound, thoroughly burned ~nd vitrified, well gla.zed, free from lumps or other imperfections and with the least possible variation from the specified dimen- s ions or true cylindrica.l shape. All straight. pipe must be straight in the direction of the axis of the cylinder and the inner a.nd outer surfaces of each pipe must be concentric. All of the tile pipe shall be Vitrified, shale, clay sewer pipe. The stand.ard thickness of the tile pipe hereinbe- fore provided for shall be respectively as follows: OF THIRTY-8IX INCH PIPE - - - 2-3/4 OF THIRTY-TtiREE INCH PIPE - - - - 2-5/8 OF THIRTY INCH PIPE - - - - - - - 2-1/2 OF T~~NTY-SEVEN INCH PIPE - - 2-1/4 OF TWENTY~F'Ot)"R INCH PIPE - - - - 2 OF' TWENTY-ONE INCH PIPE - - - - - 1-3/4 OF EIGHTEEN INCH PIPE - - - - - - 1-1/2 OF FIFTEEN INCH PIPE - - - - 1-1/4 OF T~~LVE INCH PIPE - 1 OF TEN INCH PIPE - - - - - - - - 7/8 OF EIGHT INOH PIPE - - - 3/4 OF SIX INOH PIPE - - - - - - - - 5/8 REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE. -,_._.,.,- INOHES INCHES INCHES INOHES INCHES INCHES INCHES INCHES INCH INOH INCH INCH Reinforced concrete pipe sha.ll be constructed of Portland cement concrete reinforced with steel wire mesh fabric and shall be roB.de in sections not less than four (4) feet in length and so formed that when the sections are lE\id together and joints filled wi th mortar they shall make a cant inuous and. uniform line of pipe. All pipe shall be marked with the date of their manufac- ture, and no pipe shall be lcdd that is not at least fourteen (14) days old. All reinforced concrete pipe shall be reinforced with two (2) layers, rings or ca.ges of steel wires mesh fabric placed concentrio '!ii th ea,ch other, one layer being near the inside sur- face of the pipe and. one layer near the outside surface of the pipe. Said layers of reinforcement shall in all cases be com- pletely enca.sed in the concrete and shall be so placed that the main steel wires shall be not less than three-fourths (3/4) of an inch Dor more than one and one-fourth (1-1/4) inches from the inner or outer surface of the pipe as the case may be. The wall thickness of the pipe and the cross-sectional area in square inches of the main steel wires in each layer, ring or cage of reinforcement per lineal foot of pipe wall, shall be" not less than as s110wn in the following table, it being understood that in computigg the area of the IDa,in steel wires the cross-sectional area of only such wires as lie in planes normal to the axis of the pipe shall be included: Internal diameter of pipe in inches Wa.,ll thickness of pipe in inches Cross-sectional area of main steel wires of each layer per lineal foot of pipe wall in square inches 42 48 60 4-1/2 5 6 .216 .234 .252 In a,ddition to the ma.in steel wires above specified to be placed in planes normal to the axis of tne pipe, each la,yer, ring or cage of wire mesh reinforcing fabric shall contain lon- gitudinal wires running parallel to the axis of the pipe spaced at intervals of not more than eight (8) inches. Said longitudinal wires shall be placed adjacent to the main steel wires and firmly welded to the Same at each intersection. Said longitudinal wires shall be of such area and diameter as to permit of ready welding to the main steel wires without resulting in imperfect welds or defects of any kind and in no case shall any such longitudinal wire have a diameter of less than 0.1483 inch. All steel wire used in such steel wire mesh fabric shall consist of cold dra.vm steel wire having an elastic limit of not less than fifty-five thousand (55,000) lbs. per square inch. Main steel wires shall be spaced at unifarm intervals of not less than three (3) inches nor more than six (6) inches. Each layer of reinforcement shall be rolled or otherwise formed in such a manner that the main steel wires lie in a tr~e cylinder. The main steel wires shall be lapped at least eight (8) inches and rigidly wired or welded together with two ties or welds for each main wire. The layers shall be so for,ned and the main steel wires so spaced tha.t the main steel wires lying near the ends of the pipe shall be not less than one (1) inch nor more than two (2) inches from the extreme ends of the pipe. Forms Shall consist of iron or steel bottom and top rings and steel plates rolled to a true circle. The latter shall be reinforced, if necessary, to prevent idstortion while the con- crete is being placed. Forms shall not be removed from the pipe before the concrete he,s attained sufficient set. Joints between plates ...11 be tight to prevent leakage of concrete, and the plates shs.ll be locked together in such a ma.nner that the joint will be smooth and without offset. Concrete used in the construction of concrete pipe shall consist of the following mixture: 1 part of Portland. cement 2 parts of sand 3 parts of crushed stone or coarse gravel All concrete shall be mixed in a batch mixer until the concrete is uniform color and of proper consistency. The minimum amount of water shall be used which will make a workable mix. JOINTS. Joints shall be of the bell and spigot type. Recesses which shall be not less than three-qua,rters (3/4) of an inch in width, shall be provided for in the entire length of the joint, which recesses are to be filled with mortar after the pipe is laid. Pipe shall be so fitted together and matched that when laid, a smooth and uniform invert will be obtained. The joints shall be of such a design that when cemented they will reduce leakage and infiltration to a minimum as well as to pre- vent appreciable irregularity in the flow line of the sewer. FINE AGGREGAT]~. All fine aggregate or sand herein provided to be used shall consist of quartz paxt icles or other equally hard ma.terials graded from fine to coarse, with the coa.rse particles predominat- ing. Said fine aggregate when dried, shall pass a screen having four (4) meshes Der lineal inch. Not more than twenty-five per cent (25%) shall pass a sieve having fifty (50) meshes per lineal inch and not mOI'e than five (5%) per cent shaJl pass a sieve having one hundred (100) meshes per lineal inch. Said fine aggregate Shall contain no vegetable or other deleterious matter, or more then three per cent (3%) by weight of clay or loam. COARSE AGGREg~ Ooarse aggTegate herein provided to be used shall consist of clean, ba.rel, tough, durable crushed rock or pebbles, graded in size, free from vegetable or other deleterious matter, and shall contain no soft, flat or elongated pieces. The size of sa,id crushed rock or pebbles shall be such as to Dass a two and one- half (2-1/Z) inch round opening and shall range down so tha,t no more than five per cent (5%) shall pass a scrwwn having four (4) meshes per lineal inch, and so that no intermediate sizes shall be removed, except that coarse aggregate for concrete pipe shall all p~ss through a one (1) inch round opening and shall range down so tnat no more than five per cent (5%) shall pass a screen having four (4) meshes per lineal inch and no intermediate sizes shall be removed. PORTLAND CEY..ENT. All Portland cement used in this improvement shall be sound and of the best quality and shall be of a fineness such that ninety-two per cent (92%) will pass through a sieve having one hundred (100) meshes per lineal inch. Briquettes made of a mortar composed of one (1) part of said Portland cement and . three (3) parts of Torpedo sand exposed to the air for one (1) day and emersed in water for six (6) days shall have an ultimate tensile strength of two hundred (200) pounds per square inch. MORTAR. The mortar used in this improvement, shall be composed of one (1) part of Portland cement and two (2) parts of Torpedo sand. CONCRETE CRADLE. The lower half of all sewers hereinbefore provided to be constructed with reinforced concrete pipe shall be bedded in a concrete cradle. Said concrete cradle shall be so cnstructed that a plane normal to tne axis of said pipe shall cut the outer surfaces of said concrete cradle in the following described lines. The bottom of the crarlle shall be a horizontal line six (6) inches below the lowest point of the outer circumference of the body of the pipe and shall be of a width equal to the internal diameter of the pipe. The mid-point of said line shall be co- incident with the vertical centerline of the pi~e. The top line of the cradle shall be a horizontal line passing through the centerline of the pipe and extending to a point six (6) inches beyond the outer circu~Jerence of the body of the pipe on each side of each pipe. The side lir:.es of the cradle shall be straight lines con- necting the upper end laroeI' extremities as above described and lying on each side of the vertical centerline of said pipe. Vitrified tile pipe sewers shall be bedded in a concrete cradle at the locations hereinafter described. Sa,id concrete cradle shall be so constructed the-It a plane normal to the axis of said pipe shall cut the outer surfaces of said concrete cradle in the following described lines: The bottom of said concrete cradle shall be a horizontal line four (4) inches below the low- est pOint of the outer circumference of the body of the pipe and the sides of said concrete cradle shall be vertical lines equi- distant from the vertical centerline of the pipe and a distance apart equa.l to four-tb.irds (4/3), of the inside diameter of the pipe plus eight (8) inches. The top line of said concrete cradle , shall be a horizontal line parallel with the horizontal canter- line of said pipe and a distance above said horizontal center- line equal to one-fourth (1/4) of the internal diameter of said p,ipe . The concrete used in the construction of the concrete cradle sha.ll be composed of one (1) part of portland cement, three (3) parts of fine aggregate and five (5) parts of coarse aggregate. MANHO~ES . Manholes located on sewers thirty-six (36) inches or less in internal diameter shall be three (3) feet internal diameter with concrete walls five (5) inches in thickness, concrete found- ation eight (8) inches in thickness, lying directly below the invert of the lowest sewer entering the manhole. The upper two and one-half (2-1/2) feet of sa.id manholes on sewers thirty-six (36) inches in internal diameter or less, shall be drawn in cone shape to an int ernal diameter of two (2) feet at the top. Manholes located on sewers over thirty-six (36) inches in internal diameter shall have an interior diameter at the bottom $qual.tt;j tbe~fulbfuiite:tnal'~;diamei'te~f'o:ltl.le':largest sewer on which they are located, plus twelve (12) inches. Cormnencing at the top of the outside of the largest sewer entering the manhole, the manhole shall be drawn in cone-shape from an internal diameter equal to the internal diameter of the largest sewer entering the manhole plus twelve (12) inches, to an internal diameter of two (2) feet at the top of said manhole. Said manholes shall have concrete walls eight (8) inches in thickness and concrete foundation eight (8) inches in thickness lying directly below the invert of the lowest sewer entering the manhole. The floors of all manholes shall be built of concrete in tegral with the founde.tion, and manhole walls shall extend from the top of the foundation to the horizontal plane passing through the horizOntal centerline of the largest sewer entering the man- tI hole. All sewers entering a manhole shall terminate at the in- side face of the manhole. Sewers entering a manhole below the top of the floor of the manhole sha.ll be connected by means of chan- nels formed in the floors of the manholes. Said channels shall be formed so as to coincide with the lower ha.lf of the inside of the pipes with which they connect at the points of connection with said pipes, and said channels shall extend through the man- hole so as to provide an open channel for the passage of sewer- age and storm water through the manholes. That part of any chan- nel lying above the centerline of a sewer shall have vertical walls. All of said manholes shall be equipped with a cast iron frame and cover, the combined weight of which shall be not less than five hundred and forty (540) pounds. The topof said covers shall be set at the elevation of the surface of the adjacent road- way. Sa.id cover shall be similar and equal to the cover now in place over a manhole at the intersection of Albert Street and Evergreen Avenue in the Village of Mount Prospect, Illinois. OATOHBASINS. Said concrete catahbasins shall be cylindrical in shape, of an internal diameter of four (4) feet, and seven (7) feet deep, measuring from the top of the concrete walls to the top of the floor of the catchbasin. The walls shall be of concrete five (5) inches in thickness, the foundation or floor to be of concrete and eight (8) inches in tnickness, and equal in diameter to full external diameter of catchbasin. The upper two and one- half (2-1/2) feet of the walls of the catchbasin shall be drawn in cone-shape, from four (4) feet to two (2 ) feet in internal diameter B.t tlle top, and upon said wall shall rest a cast iron frame with perforated cover, the combined weight of which shall be not less than three hundred and twenty (320) pounds. The top of said cover shall be set at the elevation of the adjoining ditch, or ground where no ditch exists. Bettd cover Shall be similar and equal to the cover noW in place over catchbasin at the southwest corner of Albert Street and Evergreen Avenue in the Village of Mount Prospect, Illinois. Said catchbasins shall be trapped with a half-trap of vitrified tile pipe of eight (8) inches internal diameter and shall be connected with the nearest manhole by means of vitrified tile pipe of eight (8) inches internal diameter, laid on a straight grade with a rise from said manhole of one (1) inch vertical to ten (10) feet horizontal to said half-trap. Said half-trap shall be set So that the ele- vation of the bottam of the half-trap within the catchbasin shall be two (2) feet and six (6) inches above the floor of the catcb- bas in. The concrete for catchbasins and for manholes on sewers thirty-six (36) inches or less in internal diameter, shall be oomposed of one (1) part of Portland oement, two and one-half (2-1/2) parts of fine aggregate and four (4) parts of coarse aggregate. The ooncrete for manholes on sewers over thirty-six (36) inohes internal dia.meter shall be oomposed of one (1) part of Portland oement, two (2) parts of fine aggregate and three (3) parts of coarse aggregate. All concrete shall be mixed in a batch mixer until the ooncrete is a uniform color and of proper cons1svency. The minimum amount of water shall be used which will make a workable mix. SLANTS AND T BRANCHES. One house oonnection slant or T branch of vitrified tile pipe of eight (8) inches internal diameter shall be plaoed in the side of said sewers opposite each lot, parcel and piece of land in said Village having not to exceed fifty (50) feet abutting upon said sewers, except street and alleys, provided that wher- ever such lot, parcel or piece of land has a greater frontage than fifty (50) feet an additional house connection slant shall be constructed for each additional fifty (50) feet of frontage or fractional part thereof, exoept opposite railroad property. All unconneoted slants, branohes and sewer pipe shall be sealed with vitrified tile disks three-quarters (3/4) of an inch in thickness and of the same width as the exterior diameter of the pipe they are to close, said disks being oemented in with mortar as herein described for other joints in said tile pipe. CAST IRON COVERS. All cast iron covers herein provided for shall be of tough, gray, iron free from blow holes, cinder spots or cold shuts. The ultimate tensile strength of the roof shall be not less than sixteen thousand (16,000) pounds per square inch, and all meh cast iron covers after casting and before cooling shall receive a thorough co~t of asphaltic paint. EXCAVATION. The necessary excavation shall be made for the purpose of constructing all pa.rts of the improvement to the depth necessary to secure the required grades, elevations and locations. All open trenches for pipe, except as otherwise provided, shall be excavated to a width at the bottom of not less than twelve (12) inches greater than the outside diameter of the pipe to be laid therein. The trench shaJ.l be so excava.ted as not to cause any abrupt change in the grade or line of the pipe, and shall be such as to allow each section of pipe a full bearing along its entire length. Undernea.th the bell of the pipe, the earth or rock shall be cupped in such a manner so that the bearing shall not be at the joints. All trenches and special construction work must be kept free from water until the joining materials and other fresh concrete work has been sufficiently hardened to pre- vent injury from flowing water. All trenches shall be thoroughly braced for the protection of the work and all such bracing shall be removed as the work progresses in such manner as to prevent caving or any damage to the work. The bracing shall be left in place only when necessary to protect the work, the pipe or ad- j acent property. LAYING. Sections of pipe shall be laid with the spigot end toward the outlet and the sections shall be tightly fitted together. The bottom of the trench shall be shaped to conform to the outer surface of the pipe. BACKF'IJ;~!.N~ After laying of said pipe, the trenches shall be back- filled. The material used in backfilling the trench around the pipe and to a depth of twelve (12) inches over the top of it shall be free from large stone. The backfilling shall be tamped in six (S) inch layers up to twelve (12) inches above the top of the pipe. The perpetual right, privilege and authority to construct, operate, repair) :1'.' anew and. maintain sewer or sewers shall be ac- quired by condemnation in, under, through and along the following described strip of land. That part of the south sixty (SO) feet of the north six hundred and ninety (690) feet of the South- east quarter (SE-l/4) of Section thirty-four (34), Township Forty-two (~2) North, He,nge Eleven (11) East of the Third Principal Meridian, lying between a line parallel to and 220.04 feet east of the west line of llaple Street and a line parallel to and eleven hundred and fifty-one and one-half (1151-1/2) feet east of the west line of Maple Street in Village of Mt.Prospect, Cook County, Illinois, secept insofar as said right, privilege and authority is now held by. the Village of Mount Prospect. The entire i~provement and all appurtenances thereto shall be constructed and laid in a good and workmanlike manner and under the supervision of the Board of Local Improvements of the Village of Mount Prospect and in accordance with this Ordinance. SEOTION 2. That the recommendation of the Board of Local Improvements of the Village of Mount Prospect providing for said improvement, together with the estimate of the cost thereof , made by the President of said Board, both hereto attached, be and the same are hereby approved. SEOTIOll 3. That sa.id improvement shall be made and the whole cost thereof be paid for by special assessment in accord- ance with an act of the General Assembly of the State of Illinois, entitled) "An Act Concerning Local Improvements", approved June 14, A.D. 1897, and the amendments thereto. SECTION 4. That the aggregate amount assessed and each individual assessment and also the assessment agains t the muni- cipality on account of property owned by the municipality and for public benefit, shall be divided into ten (10) installments in the manner provided by the statute in sucp case made and provided and each of said installments shall bear interest at the rate of six percent (6%) per annum, according to law, until paid. SEOTION 5. And for the purpose of anticipating the co~lec- tion of the second and succeeding installments of said assessment for said improvement, bonds shall be issued payable out of said installments, bearing interest at the rate of six percent (6~) per annum, payable annually, and signed by the President of said Village and attested by the Village Olerk, under the corporate seal of said Village. Said bondB shall be issued in accordance with and shall in all respects conform to the provisions of an act of the General Assembly of the State of Illinois entitled: II An Act Concerning Local Improvements", approved June 14, 1897, and amendments thereto. SEOTION 6. That the sum of SEVEN THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED AND FIFTY ($7,650.00) DOLLARS of the amount of said assessment shall be applied toward the payment of the cost of making and collecting said assessment as is by law provided. SECTION 7. That upon the passage and approval of this ordinance the President of said Village be and he is hereby directed to file a petition in the County Court of Cook County, Illinois, in the name of the Village of Mo~nt~rosp.~t , pray- ing that steps may be taken to levy a special assessment for said improvement in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance and in the manner prescribed by law. SECTION 8. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval. Passed this 7th day of January, A. D. 1930. (; " ,r \ ~ _ ", / ~l',i' r~l ,_,_ "./ Cfur. n ' i~. - A.A/I"~'" <.:". l, Villa.ge Clerk. Lr- Approved this 7th day of January, A.D. 1930. <) --;1~ ' 'bvr-'~'U;e-'~'7 ,r:;~ .?t/. . President. /~ ~, ;,,, ~; I' I ... \../ To The President and Board of Trustees of the Villa.ge of Mount Prospect, County of Cook and State of Illinois. Gentlemen: We herewith submit an ordinance for the constructing and laying of a connected system of storm water sewers, including manholes, catchbasins, catchbasin connections, hosse connections and all necensBry appurt enances, in Isabella Street and other streets and avenues in the Village of Mount Prospect, County of Cook and State of Il1inois, all as more fully described in said draft of ordinance; together with an estimate of the cost of said proposed improvement (exclusive of the cost of tight: of ':a.s~ to be acquired), including all labor, ma.terial and other lawful expenses attending the same, together with six per cent of the cost to be a,pplied toward the cost of making and collecting the ltSSessment theI' efor a.nd such other costs a.s is by law provided; and we hereby recommend the passage of said ordinance and the January, A.D. 1930. ;&..~ ;# ??7~. -!Ji ~. / ~Ji__ -- ' .- ~,~~ 1c;?"fi:;/ ~ _d~L) making of the improvement described therein. Dated, Mount Prospect, Illinois, this 7th day of To The Board of Local Improvements of the Village of Mount Prospect, And to the President and Board of Trustees of said Village. Gentlemen: The Board of Local Improvements of said Villa.ge having adopted a resolution providing for the constructing and laying of a connected system of storm water sewers, including necessary manholest catchbasins, catchbasin connections, house connections, and all necessary appurtenances, to be constructed and laid in said Village of Yount Prospect as follows: Along the centerline of ISABELLA STREET and said centerline extended from the west from and properly connected with the westerly terminus of the existing sixty (60) inch sewer at the existing manhole located at the intersection of a line para.llel with and eleven hundred fifty-one ani f~ve-tenth8 (1151.5) feet distant east of the west line of Maple Streett and the centerline, extended from the west of Isabella Street, to the center- line of Elmhurst Road; Said sewer shall be of sixty (60) inches internal diameter from its easterly terminus to a point three hun- dred and eighty (380) feet easterly of the centerline of Maple Street and thence of forty-eight (48) inches internal diameter to the centerline of Manle Street and thence of forty-two (42) inches internal diameter to the centerline of Pine Street and thence of thirty-six (36) inches inter- nal diameter to the westerly terminus of said sewer; Along the centerline of ~~ ReAD. from the centerline of Gregory Street to a line parallel with and sixty-five (65) feet distant northerly of the centerline of Henry Street extended from the west; Said sewer shall be of thirty ~30) inches interne.l diameter from its northerly terminus to the centerline of Isabella Street and thence of thirty-three (33) inches internal diameter to the centerline of Thayer Street and thence of twenty-seven (27) inches internal diameter to a line parallel with and three hundred (300) feet distant south of the centerline of Thayer street and thence of twenty -four (24) inches internal diameter to the soutb- erly terminus of said sewer; Along the centerline of RUSSELL STREET from the centerline of Gregory street to the centerline of Thayer Street and thence along the centerline of Russell Street extended from the north to a line parallel with and three hundred and sixty (360) feet distant south of the center- line of Thayer Street and thence along a straight line to a point at the intersection of the northerly street line of Henry Street extended from the east and a line parallel with and four hundred and thirty l430) feet distant west of the west line extended of that part of Wille Street lying north of Henry Street; Said sewer shall be of eighteen (18) inches internal diameter from the northerly terminus to a line parallel with and three hundred and thirty (330) feet distant north of the centerline of Isabella Street and thence of twenty- one (21) inches 1nternal diameter to the centerline of Isabella Street and thence of fifteen (15) inches internal diameter to the centerline of Thayer Street and thence of twelve (12) inches internal diameter to the southerly terminus of said sewer; Along the centerline of PINE STREET from the cen- terline of Gregory Street to a line para,llel with and twenty (20) feet distant north of the north line of Henry Street; Said sewer shall be of eighteen (18) inches internal diameter from its northerly terminus to a line parallel with and three hundred and thirty (330) feet distant north of the centerline of Isabella Street and thence of twenty- one (21) inches internal diameter to the centerline of Isabella Street and thence of eighteen (18) inches internal diameter to a line para.llel with and three hundred and thirty (330) feet distant south of the centerline of Isa- bella Street and thence of fifteen (15) inches internal diameter to the centerline of Thayer Street and thence of twelve (12) inches internal diameter to the southerly terminus of said sewer; Along the centerline of WILLE STREET from a line parallel with and fifty-five (55) feet distant south of the south street line of Gregory Street to a line parallel with and twenty (20) feet distant north of the north street line of Henry street; Said sewer shall be of twenty-one (21) inches internal diameter from its northerly terminus to the oenterline of Isabella Street and thence of eighteen (18) inches internal diameter to a line parallel witp and three hundred and thirty (330) feet distant south of the center- line of Isabella Street, and thence of fifteen (15) inches internal diameter to the centerline of Thayer Street and thence of twelve (12) inches internal diameter to the southerly terminus of said sewer; Along a line parallel with and fifteen (15) feet distant east of the west line of MAIN STREET from the centerline of Gregory Street to a line parallel with and twenty (20) feet distant north of the north line of Henry Street; Said sewer shall be of fifteen (15) inches internal diameter from its northerly terminus to the centerline of Thayer street and thence of twelve (12) inches i*ternal diameter to the southerly terminus of said sewer; Along a line parallel with and fifteen (15) feet distant west of the east line of MAIN STREET from the cen- terline of Gregory Street to a line parallel with and fif- teen (15) feet distant north of Central Road; Said sewer shall be of fifteen (15) inches internal diameter from ita northerly terminus to the centerline of Isabella Street and thence of twenty-one (21) inches in- ternal dia.meter to a line parallel with and three hundred and thirty (330) feet distant south of the centerline of Isabella Street and thence of eighteen (18) inches internal diameter to a line parallel with and three hundred and thirty (330) feet distant south of the centerline of Thayer Street and thence of fifteen (15) inches internal diameter to the centerline of Henry Street and thence of twelve (12) inches internal dia,meter to the southerly terminus of said sewer; Along the centerline of EMERSON STREET from the centerline of Gregory Street to a line parallel with and fifteen (15) feet distant north of the north line of Centra.l Road; Said sewer shall be of eighteen (18) inches internal diameter from its northerly terminus to a line parallel with and three hundred and thirty (330) feet distant north of the oenterline of Isabella Street and thence of twenty- one (21) inches internal diameter to the centerline of Thayer Street and thence of eighteen (18) inches internal diameter to the centerline of Henry Street and thence of fifteen (15) inches internal diameter to a line parallel with and three hundred (300) feet distant south of the centerline of Henry Street and thence of twelve (12) inches internal diameter to the southerly terminus of said sewer. Along the centerline of KA~lE STREE! from the cen- terline of Gregory Street to a line parallel with and three hundred and thirty (330) feet distan~ south of the centerline of Isabella Street and thence along a straight line to a point at the intersection of the centerline of Thayer Street and a line parallel with and twenty (20) feet distant east of the west line of Maple Street, and thence along the last above described parallel line to a line parallel with and three hundred and thirty (330) feet distant south of the cent erline of Thayer street, and tte nf along a straight line to a point at the intersection of the centerline of Henry street and the centerline of Kapl( Street; Said sewer shall be of eighteen (18) inohes in- ternal aia.meter from its nor therly terminus to a line parallel with and three hundrid and thirty (330) feet distant north of the centerline of Isabella Street and thence of twenty-four (24) inches internal diameter to the oenterline of Isabella Street and thenoe of twenty- one (21) inohes internal diameter to the oenterline of Thayer Street and thenoe of eighteen (18) inches internal diameter to the southerly terminus of said sewer; All in the Village of Mount Prospect, County of Cook and State of Illinois; I herewith submit an estimate of the cost of suoh improve- ment (exclusive of the cost of right of way to be acquired), in- cluding all labor and materials and other lawful expenses attend- ing the sanJ€, and including also a Sum not to exceed six percent of the estimated cost thereof to be applied toward the payment of making and oollecting the assessment therefor and suoh other lawful expenses as is by law provided, viz: ESTIMATE 7218 lineal feet of vitrified tile pipe sewer of six (6) inches internal diameter at $1.10 per lineal foot 3440 lineal feet of vitrified tile pipe sewer of twelve (12) inches internal diameter at $1.50 per lineal foot 3900 lineal feet of vitrified tile pipe sewer of fifteen (lS) inohes internal diameter at $2.00 per lineal foot 3960 lineal feet of vitrified tile pipe sewer of eighteen (18) inches internal diameter at $2.50 per lineal foot 3210 lineal feet of vitrified tile pipe sewer of twenty-one (21) inches internal diameter at $3.00 per lineal foot 640 lineal feet of vitritl1ed tile pipe sewer of twenty.-four (24) inches internal diam- eter a,t $4.40 per lineal foot $7939.80 5160.00 7800.00 9900.00 9630.00 2816.00 300 lineal feet of vitrified tile pipe sewer of twenty-seven (27) inches internal diameter at $6.00 per lineal foot 660 lineal feet of vitrified tile pipe sewer of thirty (30) inches internal diameter at $7.00 per lineal foot 660 lineal feet of vitrified tile pipe sewer of thirty-three inches internal diameter at $8.00 per lineal foot 660 lineal feet of vitrified tile pi~ sewer of thirty-six (36) inches internal diameter at $9.00 per lineal foot 1420 lineal feet of reinforced Portland cement concrete pipe sewer of forty-two (42) inches internal diameter at $12.50 per linE'E:.l fo,-,t 380 lineal feet of reinforced Portland cement concrete pipe sewer of forty-eight (48) inches internal diameter at $14.00 per lineal foot 760 lineal feet of reinforced Portland cement concrete pipe sewer of sixty (60) inches internal diameter at $17.50 per lineal foot All the above prices for vitrified tile pipe sewer and reinforced concrete pipe sewer shall include the necessary ex- oavation, fillin~ of joints with mortar composed of one {I) part of Portland cement,and two (2) parts of fine aggre- gate, vitrified tee branches or slants and disc stoppers, baokfilling and all labor and materials necessary to install said sewers complete in place, ready for use in good and workmanlike manner, excepting concrete cradle. 2400 lineal feet of Port1andcoement concrete cradle for eighteen (18) inch sewer at $1.67 per lineal foot 2650 lineal feet of Portland cement ooncrete cradle for twenty-one (21) inoh sewer at $1.82 per lineal foot $1800.00 4020.00 5280.00 5940.00 $17,750.00 5,320.00 13,300.00 4,008.00 4,823.00 610 lineal feet of Portland cement concrete cradle for twenty-four (24) inch sewer at i2.28 per lineal foot 300 lineal feet of Portland cement concrete cradle for twenty-seven (27) inch sewer at $2.81 per lineal foot 52 Portland cement concrete manholes on vitrified tile pipe sewers, including cast iron cover and manhole foundation $1,390.80 843.00 at $100.00 ecwh 5,200. 00 8 Portland cement concrete manholes set on reinforced Portland cement concrete sewers including cast iron cover and manhole foundation at $162.50 each 1,300.00 37 Portland cement concrete catchbasins, including cast iron cover and half-trap at $110.00 each 1146 lineal feet of eight (8) inch internal diameter vitrified tile pipe for oatch- basin connections 4,070.00 at $1.25 per lineal foot ENGINEERING AND INSPECTION TOT AL LABOR AND MATERIALS 1,432.50 7.2~~.9~ $ 127,540.00 Cost of making, levying and collecting the assessment and all lawful expenses attending the same, as provided by law, not to exoeed six percent (6%) 7,650.00 $ 135,190.00 TOTAL ESTIMATED COST OF SAID PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT ,;? resident of the Board f Local Improvements, Village of Mount Prespect, Illinois. AND I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT, in my opinion, the above estimate does not exceed the probable cost of the above desoribed improvement and all other lawful expenses attending the same, as provided by law. ~ -...4 '" .1--" .', /' -I ".I.,t ." , ~A _ _" .' - I~.,' .-t. /.,-, I '.'oVvvrt?t--1P? "- ('~' ,"- I P~esident of the Board 6.f Local Improvements, Village of Mount Prospect, Illinois. Dated, Mount Prospect, Illinois, lanuaxy 7, A. D. 1930.