HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 197 07/06/1937 ~ .. .. ORDINANCE NO. 2 .. AN ORDINANCE TO TAX AND LICENSE FOREIGN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANIES. BE IT ORDAINED, by the President and Boord of Trustees of the Village of ~~+~_, Illinois: / SECTION 1. It shall be unlawful for any corporation or association, nJt / 1;~ incorporated under the laws of the State of Illinois, to engage in the Village, in effecting fire insurance, or to transact any business of fire insurance in the: Village, while in dofaul t by not fully cmnplying with any of the requirements of this Ordinance, and until such requirements shall have boen fully complied with; but thia provision shall not relieve any company, corporation or association froll tho payment of any risk that nay be undertaken in violation of this Ordinance SECTION 2. Any such corp')ration, conpany, or association not incorp')rated under the laws of the State of Illinois, which is engaged in the Village in effecting fire insuranco, shall pay the Village Treasurer, for the naintenance, use and benefit ')f the fire Department 0f tho Village, a sun of money equal in u.nount b two (2) p.Jr cent per annQ~ of the Gross receipts roceivod as preni'L~s upon fire insurance policies by any and all agents of such corporation, conpany or association, during the year ending on the first day of July in each year, for any insurance effected, or agrecQ to be effected on property locatod in tho Village, by or with such corporation, company or association during such year. SECTION 3. Every person acting in the Village as agont, for or on behalf of any such corporation, conpany or association, shall, on or before the fifteenth day of July of each and every year, render tho Village Clerk n. full, truo and just account verified by his oath, of all premiums upon fire insurance policies which, during the year ending the first day of July precoding such report, shall have been received by him, or by sono other person for h~, in his behalf of any such corpora. tion, c:,:mpany, or aS80ciatbn 'm pr()perty located. in the Village. Such agent shall also at the time of rendering the af:)rcsaid report, pay to tho Village Treasurer the sum')f money for which con:;? any , corporation or associatLm, represented. by him is chargeable, by virtue of tho provisions of this article. SECTION 4. The sum of m')noy for which such cJ!'1l'any, ci)l"p'Jration 'Jr associati')n is so shargeablo rmy be recovered of it, ')r its agonts or agent, by an aotion in the name of and for tho use of the Villago as for oone,y had and receiv2d. N,')thing in this secti0n shall be hold to exenpt any pors'm, corporation, conpany or association from indictment and convicti:m under the pr0visions of an act entitled "An Act to enable cities, t.owns and villa,3es, organizocl uncler any general or special la~, to levy and collect 0. tax or license feo from foreign insurnace companies for the benefit of organized fire depart.'1ents," in forco July 1, 1895. 1<37 ~ . -2- "" . SECTION 5. No insuranco ngont in the Villaso shall have any insuranco business ~r dealings with any c')mpany, o.ss)ciati~n or corporat1~n rr)t incorporatoQ under the laws of this State, which shall be in default for not repJrtiIl3 or making payments as horeinbefore provided, until 1 t shall have c:)t1plied with all the requirements of this 'ordinance. SECTION 6. i\ny person, firn, or corporation violating any of the provisions of this article shall be finod not less than twenty-five dollars nor m:)re than tW'o hundred d,)llars for oach::>ffense SECTION 7. That all ordinances, and parts of' ordinances, c')nf1icting with the provisions and tert'lS of this said ordinance arc hereby repealed. SECTION 8. This Ordinance shall be in full f)rcc and effect fron anel after its passage, approval and legal publicc.tion, ,pursuant ~;) law.. \"" Approved.: -,~'~'~Q~~~j Prosifl.0nt .:1f B'loxfl. of Trustees or Mnyr)r /fl.?1 Tho statuk,ry roquircnont with reforenoe tJ publicatLm Jf ordinances should be net. Th1s section is as follows: Ill. aDh 65 (104): '- ItpUBL ATION OF O~AN is - wHE~ TAKE EFFECT. All ordinances ;)f cities anti vi asos impos:t~ any fine, pnealty, 1m f orfe i turo,.i rok1ns any approi.a t1on, shall., wi;Ehin )no month afte hey arc passed, be 'published at leastnce :~n 0. nowspap,ep/'published in tho c or villQ.3e, )r, if no ,suc~ newspaper is p)fblisho therein, fi posting copies 0 th same in throe PUrlic.p\aces in tho c4-ty or vi 10-30, ana no such ordinance shall, take effoct until t(,tn days after it is ~r) published. And all other ord1nanQ'bs, orders and resolut1cns shall take effect from and after their passaGo, unless otherwise llrovided therein." ..- "..