HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd SAO 53 02/10/1953 ,-.. '31\0- 53 (J / AN ORDINANOE FOR THE IMPROVEMEN'l' OF PART OF PINE STREET AND OTHER STREETS WITHIN THE VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT, COOK OOUN'!'Y, ILLINOIS, BY GRADING ,CURBING AND PAVING ,ETC. , INOLUDING THE.. COST OF FURNISHING ALL LABOR, EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS. * * * * * BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPEOT, COUNTY OF COOK AND STATE OF ILLINOIS: SECTION 1. That a local improvement shall be made within the Village of Mount Prospeot, the nature, charaoter, locality and description of which improvement is as follows: That a connected system of streets be im- proved by grading, curbing and paving and by oonstructing all necessary storm sewers, drains, manholes and oatch basins~ltb~ gether with all necessary connections, adjustments and other appurtenances, as follows: That the roadway of Pine Street, from the South line of H. Roy Berry & Co's~ 1st Addition to o. astle Heiehts, being a subdivision of the si, SE~, of NWt and the N. 95.02 feet of the Et of the SW~, all in Sec. 34, Tp. 42 N., R. 11 E. of the 3rd PlM. Cook Oounty, State of Illinois, to a line 10 feet south of and parallel to the center-line of Memory Lane (also known as Hill street), and the roadways of all intersecting streets between the curb lines and street lines of said Pine Street extended, between said ter- minii; And the roadway of Gregory Street, from a line 131.73 feet West of the west street line of Pine Street to a line 12 feet west of and par- allel to the centerline of Wille Street, and the roadways of all intersecting Streets Detween the curb lines and street lines of said Gregory Street extended, between said terminii; On each side of the roadways to be improved, except on the east side of Pine Street where there exists a concrete curb and gutter, there shall be constructed a Portland cement concrete combined ourb and gutter, except across the road- ways of intersecting streets to be improved as herein provided. The baok of the curb shall be vertical, three (31 inches in height above the gutter line, and nine (9) inches in depth below ~'H' ~;"'t'~""""""'''~-'"''''''''' " --- ~:AA~" the gutter line. The top face shall be construo- ted at right angles to the back of the ourb, and shall be one and five eights (1 5/8) inches wide. The back edge of the curb shall be rounded to an arc of a oirole having a radius of three-quarters (3/4) of an inch, tangent to the top face of the curb and back edge of the curb. The roadway face of the curb shall be in the form of a reversed ver- tical curve oonnecting the top face of the curb, with the upper surfaoe of the gutter flag, with two (2) arcs of a oircle having radii of four (4) inches. The width of ourb from gutter line to back of curb shall be eight (8) inches. The gutter flag shall be tne (10) inches in width and nine (9) inches in the thickness, and shall be laid with a rising incline toward the center of the roadway of one-quarter (1/4) of an inch. Concrete tor the combined curb and gutter shall be composed of one (l) part Portland oement, two (2) parts of sand, and three and one-half (3 1/2) parts of crushed stone. Sand when dried shall pass a screen having four (4) meshes per lineal inch, and not more than fiye (5) per cent shall pass through a sieve having one hundred (100) meshes per lineal inch. These ingredients shall be mixed in a batch mixer, and the mixing shall continue until the same are uniformly distributed and the concrete is uniform in color and homogeneous and sufficient water shall be added so as to produce concrete whieh can be spread into position with a template, but the amount of water used shall not be suffioient to cause a separation of the coarse aggregate from the mortar in handling the concrete, and said oonerete shall be of a consistency such that the mortar will flush to the surface under light tamping. The mix- ing of said concrete shall oontinue in the drum of the mixer not less than one (l) minute, and the drum shall be completely emptied before receiving material for the succeeding batch. The drum shall revolve at a rate of speed not less than twelve (12) revolutions per minute. The method of measuring the materials for concrete, 'including water, shall be one which shall insure uniform proportion of each of the materials at all times. Crushed stone shall be such as'to pass a one and one-half (l 1/2) inch opening, and no more than five (5) per eent shall pass a screen having four (~) meshes per lineal inch. Where the curb lines of one street to be improved intersect the curb lines of intersecting or ter- minal streets, sai4 intersecting curb lines shall be joined by the arc of a circle having a radius ot 16 teet, measured to the roadway edge of the gutter. The pavement shall oonsist of a bituminous macadam surface course of erushel stone, stone chips, and .\. ':A- ""'.....,.~""'.,,"~"..;.,... .""".,..~,..",,,..,... > -2- ""<'('r"_""""><~""''''T'''''''<-O;~ U~~~, _ ..""",,~~~_",,"~""_""''"'-''''''. ......J:i...., ~.., ." If I' ,......, /~~<" .....~'" asphalt cement, of a compacted thickness of 2 inches, constructe4 on the existing stone macadam base course. The existing macadam base course shall be soari- fied and reshaped to produce a crown of circular arc, being )k inches lower tllaa t he cent er-line at the junction with the edges of the gutter. All ruts, holes, and soft yielding areas shall be patched with moist crushed stone, well graded from coarse to fine, and the entire roadway shall then be rolled with a roller weighing not less th,n 10 ~ons. ~he bituminous macadam surface course shall be oonstructed upon the reconditioned base course, by spreading, rOlling and compacting thereon, to a com,aoted thickness of 2 inches, a combination of crushed stone, st0ne Chips, and hot asphalt cement applied at high pressure. Maximum size of crushed stone fragments used for the construction of the bituminous macadam surface course shall be such as to pass a Ii inoh square openillg. Asphalt cement fer the bituminous aacadam surfaoe oourse ,shall De petrOleum asphalt cement, and ahall be applied at a total rate of not less tllan 2 gal- lons per square yart of pavement surface. ~he width of the roadways to be improved shall be 26 feet, measured aetween and from back of ourb to back of curb, 1) feet on either side of the centerline of the streets herein described. ~8-inch diameter oateh Basins with cast iron frames and grates shall be constBuotei in the east and west gutter lines af Pine Street 102 feet north of the north property l~ne of Gregory Street, and in the gutter lines at the nerthwest and southwest corners ot the interseotion of Gregory street and Wille Street. Said catoh basins shall be connected to existing adjacent storm sewers BY means of eight inoh diameter clay sewer pipe. The trenches tor the sewer pipe shall De 'baokfilled with sand or stene screenings. 'l'lle base course of the pavement over the oonnections to the proposed catch Dasins at the intersection of Wille Street and Gregory Street shall be replaced with. crushed stone aacadam of a total ceIpaeted thickness of 8 inches, constructed in two layers ot equal thiokness. The crushed stone shall De evenly graded trom coarse to fine, and the largest particle shall pass a Ii inch square opening. The crushed stone shall be thoroughly compacted with pneumatic tampers. A bituminous macadam surface oourse as herein before described shall be constructed upon the completed base course. SECTION 2. That the recommendation of the Board of Local Improvements ot said Village of Mount Prospect, providing -3- ~~.,....,...".~~ ......~..........~ " ,_'~.t" , ~ tor said improvements" tOlether with the estimate of tke cost thereof as prepared my the Village Engineers and .ade my the President of the Board of Local Improvements and submitted to the President and Board of Trustees, moth hereto attaohed, be and the same are hereby approved. SECTION 3. That said improvement shall be made and the whole cost thereof, inCluding the sum of Seven Hundred Forty-one Dollars and Nine four cents (.741.94), being the amount included in the said estimate of said President of the Beard of Local Improvements hereto attached, to apply on the cost of making, levyiag and COllecting the assessment herein, as provided by law, to be paid for by a speoial assessment, in accordance with an Aot of the General Assembly of the State of Illihois entitled: ftAn Act Concerning Cities and Villages and Incorporated Towns and to Repeal Certain Acts herei. Named, Approved August 15, 1941 and Effective January'-l, 1942," together with all amenda- tory acts thereof (exoept Seotions 84.1-2 to 84.1-49). SECTION 4. That the aggregate amount herein ordered to De assesset and also the assessment on each lot and parcel of land and any assessment that may be made for public Denefit, shall be divided into ten (10) annual installments, in the manner provided by the Statute 1n such casei~made and provided, and each of said installments shall bear interest at the rate of six per cent (6%) per annum, acoording to law, until paid. SECTION 5. For the purpose of. anticipating the co- llection of the second and subsequent installments of said assessment for said jmprovements, bonds shall be issued payable out of said installments, bearing interest at the rate of six per cent (6%) per annum, payable annually, signed DY the Pres- ident and attested by the Clerk of said Village of Mount Pros- pect under the corporate seal thereof, said bonds shall be issued in acoordance with, and shall in all respects conform to -4- <"~l!I~8',.. . 11 .~u J, .J ~. ~,"'1!I'J... .,.....llltlllJ .wt ,,~'''''''', ......# ". the provisions of the Act of the General Assembly of the state of Illinois, entitled: -An Act Ooncerning Cities and Villages , and Incorporated Towns and To Repeal Oertain Acts Herein Named, Approved August 15, 1941 and Effective January 1, 1942-, to- gether with all ameadatory acts thereof (except Sections 84. 1-1 to 84. 1-39) SECTION 6. That upon the passage and approval of. this Ordinance, the Village Attorney of said Village, be and he is hereby directed to file a petition in the Gounty Court of Oook County, Illinois"in the name of the Village of Mount Prospect. praying that steps may be taken to levy a special assessment for said improTements, in accordance with the provisions of this Ordinance and in the manner provided by law. SECTION..? That all Ordinances and parts of Ordinances conflicting with this Ordinance 8e and the same are hereby re- pealed insofar as they confli~t herewith. SECTION 8. This Ordinance shall be in full torce and ettect from and atter its passage and approval by the President ot said Village. PASSED by the Board of Trustees of tae Village of Mount lrospect this . / 0 ~ day of ~f:tl.(~/{, j~:5.3 C 1 er k APPROVED thi s /095 day ~.b'YQYY of J."~1a1f, A.D. i'5~.... /953 ~~ If ~~ ;0> President -5- , ". .~ ' I "r'~. _ .tl,JI.... " J1". "~"""n_..,.,. FMO*CEL I I i 'I 1&40,. 8/5/52 ""...~ ....,,--_.....- .. - RECOMMENDATION AND ESTIMATE OF COST FOR THE IMPROvPEN'l' ,0' PINE STREET and OTHER STREETS WITHIN' 'I'EE VILLAGE OF MOuirI' PROSPECT , 'COOK COUNTY , 'ILLINOIS To the President ant Board of Trustees of the Village of Mount Prospect, Illinois. Gentlemen: We herewith submit aa Ordinanoe for the improvement of Pine Street and other streets within the Village of Mount Prospect ,Cook County, Il11noi s, by grading, curDing a11(1 paving and BY constructing all necessary storm sewers, drains, man- holes and catch Basins, together with all necessary connec- tions, adjustments and other appurtenances, together with an Estimate of the cost of said improvements, including a sum not to exceed six per cent (6~) of said estimated oost to be applied towards the making and oollecting the assessment as is by law provided, and reoommend the passage of said Ordinance and the making of said improvement oontemplated therein. Respeotfully submitted this 5th day of August, 1952. ~Cf~ L' / ,/. /' .~"-:f, / F" ,;/ / , _ {-." U'4/n .' / "~ ~ /7 / ,,< if; >1~ '-4--'C'L /f} \~ t9.. g~"r . '-- ,"',"~"'~~l.' ..lU If .' t.' . t."! 1'1".. i!!I .(IH~l .'t!',.....~j"'""--"'j""""q!!+"i,.,,,.. ~ 1&.40. . 8/4/52 FMO*C}E~ ESTIMATE OF COST Mount Prospect, Illinois July 2?, 1952 To the Board of Local Improvements, Mount Prospeot, Illinois. Gentlemen: I herewith submit an estimate of the oost of improving a oonneoted system of Streets in part of Pine Street and other streets within the Tillage of Mount Prospeot by grading, curbing and paving and by oonstruoting all necessary storm sewers, drains, manholes and oatoh basins, together witp all neoessary conneotions adjustments and other appurtenances; inoluding cost of furnishing all labor and materials and including a sum not to exoeed six per cent (6~) of the estimated cost thereof to be applied toward the eost of making and oolleoting the assess- ment therefor, as is by law provided, as follows:' 2850 square yards of scarifying, reshaping and patohing existing stone maoadam ba.e course, including all labor and materials, @ $0.50 per square ,ant 1375 lineal feet ot Portland cement eoncrete c0mbi.1le4 curb a.1ld gutter, includiag the ex- oavation therefor a.1ld the disposal of any exoess exoavated material~ c0mplete in place, inoludi ag all labor and materials, @ .3.00 per lineal foot . 1,425.00 4,125.00 4 Catoh Basins with cast iron frame and grate including exoavation and all labor and materials complete in plaoe, @ . 240.00 eaoh 80 lineal feet of 8 inoh clay sewer pipe con- nections, inoluding ezoavation, disposal of exoavated .aterial furniShing and plaoing of sand or secreeings baokfill, and all labor and materials, complete in plaoe, @ .5.00 per lineal foot 960.00 400.00 - "'" ...." ......-...--..--...... '-""'''r''-''-' , 4 rt."'.'IIl"fi'lI"'."'"'''' II """"" 20 square yards of stone maoadam pavement base oourse OYer trenohes, inCluding all labor and materials, complete in place, @ $5.00 per square yard 2 Manholes or Valve Vaults adjusted to grade, @ $35.00 each 2870 square yands of Bituminous Macadam Surface Cours., 2 iaches compacted thickness, iaQluding all labor and materials, eom,lete in place, @ 11.45 per square yard ENGINEERING AND INSPECTION 100.00 70.00 4,161.50 1,124.15 TOTAL LABOR AND MATERIALS . 12,365.65 Cost of making, levying and collecting the assess.ent, and all lawful expense attend- ing the .... as provided by law, not to exceed six (0) per cent 741.94 TOTAL ESTIMATED COST OF IMPROVEMENT...... 13,107.59 I hereby certify that, in my opinion, the above estimate does not exceed the probable cost of the said improvement and all lawful costs attending the same as provided by law. x~ ~.~~ President, -Board of Local ImProvements Village of Mount Prospect Cook Oo,~~y, Illinois -2- "..~.,.'"t ~''''''''''''''~_.~_.''''''!l'