HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 397 04/06/1954 LAW QF"F'ICII:8 QF' FRANK M. CPEKA ORDINANCE No. 397 " AN OllDIBANCE AlmDIRG THE VILLAGE OF MOVlfT PROSPECT ZOHDlG ORDDAlfCE AS AJlElmED **************** I i II PrOBpect at a public ...t1ng duly called and held accG1'd1ng to Ii Ii II WHEREAS, the Zon1ng comm1ss10n of the V1llage ot Mount law, considered the quest10n of reclass1tying trom R-l Res1dence District to B Business D1str1ct, the real estate here1nafter descr1bed; and WHlREAS, the Pres1dent and Board of Trustees, atter con- III sidering the recommendat1on of the sa1d Zoning Comm1ss1on, find II II Ii :1 II' I, l.' ! ~ ! ~ and be11eve that the best and h1ghest use for the real estate herein is that of B Bus1ness; HOW, T.tiEREFORB, BE IT ORDAIDD BY THE PRESIDD'!' AID BOARD Ii OF 'l'Rt1STEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MOnT PROSPECT, Ct'B COUI'TY, ILLINOI : I L I SECTIOR 1. That an Ord1nance entitled "An Ord1nance classify1ng, regulat1ng and restr10ting the locat1on of trades ,~ and 1ndustries and the locat1on ot bu1ldings des1gned tor specif1ed uses; regulat1ng and l1mit1ng the he1ght and bulk of bu1ldings hereatter ereoted or alte~d, regulating and l1mit1ng the intens1ty of the use of lot areas and regulat1ng and determin- ing the area of yards, eourts and other open spaces w1th1n and surrounding such bu1ldings; establishing the bOW'ldar1es ot district. tor the said purposes; and prescribing penalt1es tor the violat1on of ita provisions", passed and approved December 4, 192 , and amendments thereto, and known as Ord1nance No. 52 as amended, be further amended by reclassity1ng troll R-l Res1dence D1strict to B Bus1ness D1strict, the tollow1ng descr1bed real estate: Lots Ninet.en (19) and 'l'Wnety (20) 1n Block E1ght (8) in A. C. Me Intoea Northweat Meadows. . I -2- SECTI'. 2. That said real estate as reela.sitied shall be subject to all limitations and conditions based upon properties . . in B Bustn.s. District as detined in said ordinance heretRbetore mentioned. SEC'!'!'. 3. Thi. orcl1Darloe shall be in full toroe and etrect from and arter its pa8.ag., approval and publication according to law. PASSED: this APPROvED: this /..7'7 t9 ,,'.2 clay of 6?7 clay ot /~j'/ 4rj"/' 195.11.. 1954. ~/a,~ President ~ A'i"fUT: ~- ~r- '1111- --~ PUBLISBJm in the MOUlT PROSPECT HIRALI> the ~ day of ~,/ . 19511. LAW DFFICES DF FRANK M. OPEKA