HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 459 09/06/1955 iriI, o ~', '-.,.....,11 Ordinance NO.~~ AN ORDINANCr AUTHORIZING THE Ii!VY AND COL1.!CTION OF tAXES I'O.R COItPORATF AID llUNICtPAL PURPOSES 0' Tli! VILLAGE 0' MOUlT PROSPECT lOR THE nSCAL YEAR BEGIN.ING IAt 1, 1955 Mf} Fftpl.tt!i.AEmL" IQ... +95.9. ***** ~E IT ORDAINED BY THF!PR~SIDFNT AND BOARD OF TROSTEES OF THE VltLAGF or MOONT PROSPECT~ COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS: Section 1. That the sum of One Hundred Twenty Seven Thousand Six Hundred Sixty One Dollars and thirteen cents (tlt7,661.13), the same being the total amount to be levied of appropriGtions hereto- fore made for corporate and municipal purposes for the fiscal year beginning May 1, 1955 and ending April 30, 1956, as appropriated fdr the current fiscal year by the 5&id Annual Appropriation Bill, be and the same is hereby levied on all taxable property within the Village of Mount Prospect according to the valuation of s~id property as is, or shall be assessed or equalized for stote and County purposes for the c~rrent y~ar 1955. The Appropriations theretofore having heretofore made in and by ordinance adopted by the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Mount Pros~ect at a me~tlng thereof regularly convened and held iri the said Village of Mount Prospect, Illinois, on the 5th day of July, 1955 and t~ereafter duly published in the Mount Prospect Herald, a news- paner published in and haVing a general circulation within the said Village or Mount Prospect, on the 14th day of July, 1955, according ',. , to law; the various objects aitd purposes for which said appropria- tions were heretofore made are set forth under the column entitl~d "Amount Appropriated" and the specific amount hereby levied for , each object and purpose is as set forth under the columm entitled "Amount LeVied", as follows: Amount'" Moun t Appropr~~ed LIlied ARTICLE I - ~CQBf93Ut= ~P~O~Ie. Sec~ion 1.. !xecu~i:.ve ~paTtment. 1 Salary ot Pre.sident 2 Salary ot members ot Board of Truste.. 3 Salary of Village Clerk 4 Miscellaneous o ""~~- ~ection 2. Genera~ Gove~nmfnt De..rtment. 100 101 10E 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 llO III lIE 113 114 115 116 111 118 119 120 121 1~2 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 l3~ 133 :34 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 Salary of T~easuter-Col1ector Salaries or deputy clerks Salary of Buildi~g Superintendent Salaries Of bUilding in.pecto~s Salary of Municipal Building custodian Salaries of Judges and Clerks of election Auditing Vl11ag. cQrporate funds Auditing Special Assessment funds Printing and Stationery Telephone . Telegraph Publication of Ordinances Election supplies Pre.ium on Surety Bonds of official$ Revision of V11l6g. Atlas. & )laps Compensation & Liability Insurance Burglary & Messenger insurance Insurance on PUblic Building Car expense of Building Dep~rt- ment Employees Fuel for heating Municipal Publication of Tre~surergs Attorney fees Plan Commission Court costs and expenses Maintenance of Public Ground Maintenance of Municipal Building Painting Municipal Building Maintenance of Municipol Parking Area Office supplies Office equipment Salary of Night Clerk Postale Disbursements of Special Deposits for specified purposes Costs of making special U.S. population census Salaries of Building Department Clerks Recodification of Village ordi- nances Improvements to Municipal Building Social Security contributions Special clerical services To repay of advances from special assessment accounts Deposits for Reimbursement-others Zoning expenses Miscellaneous o . 500.00 1,700.00 500 . 00 l ~,3gg:gg i [,ose.OO E,400.00 8,000.00 8,000.00 E,4JO.00 EOO.OO 500.00 ~OO 000 1,000.00 1,6JO.00 1,000.00 EOO.OO [50.00 300000 400.00 100.00 400.00 1,~00.00 Building 1,000.00 Report 150000 8,000..00 100000 E,50a.OO [00.00 1,EOOoOO 800,,00 300.00 800.00 ~,OOO.OO 1,800..00 500000 500.00 3,000000 3,500.00 1,000000 E,OOOoOO 400000 3,~00000 16,000,,00 1,500.00 1,000,,00 4.000,,00 I 85,658.00 . 153.00 , 519.00 153.00 ~~.OO 8 .05 . 630.00 783.00 E,444.00 E,.44.00 733.00 61.00 153.00 61.00 305.00 489.00 305.00 61.00 76.00 92..00 l~E.OO 31000 1E1:.00 367.00 305000 46000 ~,444.00 31.00 764.00 61.00 367.00 ~44000 9~.00 ~44.00 611000 550 . 00 153000 153000 916.00 1,069000 305.00 611,,00 l[E"OO 978.00 4,889000 458..00 305.00 1.E2E.00 .-26,169.00 o ....3... 0' Amount Amount ApQro~f1at,d LeYi,4 Section 3. ijealt~ and ~agitat1on gepartmen~. ~OO 201 202 203 204 206 207 208 209 210 Salary of Water Supervisor Salary of Water Helper Coapensation and Liability insurance Services of dog/catcher POlta,e ' Supplies Food tor Impounded Dols IIlsc.11aneoul Social Security Contributions Clean1ng Sewers . 200.00 100.00 10.00 600.00 50.00 1,000.00 30.00 100.00 10.00 ~ 5..000,00 . 7,100.00 . 61.00 31.00 3.00 183.00 16.00 30 5.00 9.00 31.00 3.00 1.rt'.OO t E, 9.00 ~~2!! 4. Fire D!pa:rtmen~. 300 'Salaries of Firemen . 5,500.00 . 1,680.00 301 Compensation & Liability Insurance ~JO.OO 61.00 30~ Insurance on Fire Trucks 350.00 107.00 303 Purchase of New Hose 1,000.00 305.00 !O4 Purchase of Fire Equipment 500.00 153.00 305 Maintenance ot fire EqUlrtaent 300 .00 9~.OO 306 Oas and 011 for fire equ pment 150.00 46.00 307 Equipment tor new fire truck 100.00 31.00 308 Salary of night clerk 1,~JO.OO 366.00 309 lisee11aneous 100.00 61.00 310 Social Security Contributions __ ~y.OO 6.,OQ J 9,5EO..00 . ~,908.00 Section 5. I Street.LJ~htin~. 400 Energy $ 6,000.00 . 1,833.00 401 liscellaneous ~50.90 76.QQ i 6,ESO.CO t 1,909..00 Secti<?n 6. Police ~"Qartment. 600 Salary of Chief of Police 601 Salary of Lieutenant SOlA Salary of Sergeant eOIB Salary of police officers eo~ Salary of night officer e~~ Salary of special police 604 Compensation & Liabili~ insurance 605 Insurance on Police equipment 606 Gas & Oil for police equipment 607 Tires for police equip.ent 60S Repairs for police equipment 60eA Maintenance of police equipment 609 Ammunition 610 Prisoners expense 611 Purchase of police equipment GIlA Change-over of equipment 61E Maintenance of pOlice radios 613 Services of night clerk 615 Miscellaneous 616 Special service costs . 6,300.00 5,600.00 5,~JO.00 34,000.00 1,1:.00.00 800.00 500 Co 00 400.JJ 3,JOO.00 350.00 1,000.1)0 600.00 100.00 50.00 3,OJO.OO 000.00 600.00 600.00 700.00 800.00 t 65,600.00 IQ1~L GENERAL CORPOSATE PU~Q6ES.....$l76.9~8.00 $ 1,9E5.00 1,711.00 1,589.00 10,388.00 367.00 ~44. 00 153.00 1Et.OO 916.00 107.00 305.00 183.00 31.00 15.00 916.00 E44.00 183.00 183.00 E14.00 E,44,QO t 20,040.00 . 54.040.00 o C) -4- Amount Amount AD~ropr!.ted ~v~~ ARTICLE II - ~IC B~IF~T~. 7000 7001 7002 7003 7004 Weller Cree~ Drainage Maintenance . ~5.00 . ~5. 00 'eehanville Drainage Matntenance 1.00 1.00 Public Benefit Voucher 15, a/A Warrant '5~, due 1/1/58 1,6S9.M 1,689.5E Interest thereon due 1/1/58 608. ~3 608.E3 Public Benefit Voucher #1, a/A Warrant #54, Princl~al and ~.3gQ,~Q intere8t i ~;~3~:~g i ,6 3. 5 ARTICLE III - m.I~~_~i~~ ~ lIUmt~ 6000 Municipal Building bonds due January 1, 1956 $ 8,000.00 . 8,000.00* 6001 Interest due 7/1/55 and 1/1/56 ~.4,~.88 ~.~5,Q9* I 10,4 . t lO,~ !.OO* 6002 Library Building bond due December 1, 1955 . 1,000.00 . 1,OvO.00* 6003 Interest thereon due 6/1/55 and 1~/1/55 1Q9.~ i ,7~i:l: ~ 1,760.00 1,7~ . 6004 Fire truck bonds due 1/1/56 . ~,OOO.OO . E,OOO.OO* 6005 Interest thereon due 7/1/55 and 1/1/56 . E,H8:88 , ~S8 88* E,~ ~ * TOTAL BOlD AND INTEREST FUND.......$ 14,555.00 . 14,[79.38* * Levies made in accorda"afice v.ith f)rovlsions of bond ordinances.. ARTICLE IV - RQAQr ~l? ..~iY.Qg(: fUtioQ. J> . 1000 Salary of Street Supervisor . 1,~OO.00 298.00 10~)l Salary of street foreman 5,000.00 1,~41000 1002 Salary of Treasurer 606.00 150.00 1003 Salaries of Deputy clerks 650..00 l6~oOO 1004 Compensation and liability insurance 800.. 00 199.00 1005 Labor for street repairs 5,100..00 1,291.00 1006 Labor for cutting weeds, snow plowing and removal 4,5JO.OO 1,117.00 1007 Material for street repairs 5,000;.00 1,~4~oOO 1008 Spraying and trimming trees 10,000.00 ~,483.00 1009 Miscellaneous 1,~OO.00 298.00 1010 Bocial Security contributions 360.00 89000 10::&.1 Temporary 1.bor for street repairs 4,000.00 993000 1012 Cleaning catch-basins and 1n- takes under oontract [,JOO.OO 497.00 1013 Sidewalk improvements 5,000..00 1,~4~.00 1014 Rousing of street equipment 8,000.00 1,986.00 1015 Purchase of street equipment 4,000.00 993.. 00 1016 Street lig~ting improvements ~~9JO..00 9~,,00 r61, 516.. 00 t 15,~75,00 ARTICLE V - GAij~~GE 'U~p. 2000 For the collection and disposal of garbage . 28,000.00 . 14,977.00 2001 Miscellaneous 6JO . gg 3ii.00 . ~8,600. 0 ,wT15,E9 .00 3000 3001 3002 3003 3004 3005 3008 3007 3008 3009 3010 3011 3012 3013 3014 o -....~. ~, '-~ -5- Amount A1)Df,?Drla~,q ARTICLE VI - ~ Amount ~ Salary ot treasurer Salaries ot deputy clerks Wages tor labor Eneray tor tratfic liihts Vehicle ta'8 Tra ftl c slgns Compensation and liability insurance Insurance on street equipment Repairs for traffic lights Tires for street equipment Gas and 011 tor street equipment Repairs tor street equlpaent Purchase of street equipment Kisee11aneous Crossing gusrds . 606.00 none 700.00 none 1,200.00 none 300..00 none 1:00.00 none 1,000.00 none l,~OO.OO none zoo. 00 none 300.00 none 100.00 none 900.00 nODe 800.00 none 4,000.00 . none 300.00 : none n6.~09.gs D90' ....--_ 7, 06. 0 none . ~.. Cmm J'QIU2. ARTICLE VII - 4000 Salary of playground maintenance man ~ 4,000.00 . 2,811.00 4001 Purchase of playground equipment 1,000.00 703.00 4002 Rental ot playground rolling equlpment 100.00 70..00 4003 Garden supplies, seed, ferti- lizers 5,000..00 3,513.00 4004 Purchase of equipment 3,OJO.00 2,108.00 4005 Maintenance supplies f50..00 176..00 40CG Gas, 011 and grease for equipment 100.00 70.00 4007 Iliscellaneous 800.00 5&.00 4008 aecreatio~~l activity supervisor ~jg.OO $ 10,;~~~gg '15,0 .00 ARTICLE VIII - ,~~ ~03Ke ~JSX~ 5000 Salary of water rate collector . 3,030.00 none 5001 Salaries of deputy clerks 3,200.00 none 5()02 Salary of Water supervisor 8,000.00 none 5003 Salaries of meter readers 4,~00.OO none 5004 Power for pumping lE., 000.. 00 none 5005 Postage 800.00 none 5006 Printing 600 . 00 none 5007 Labor for cleaning reservoir ~50.. 00 none 5008 Supplies for cleaning reservoir 50.00 none 5009 New meters 15,000.00 none !SOlO Labor for repairing water leaks 5,OJO.00 none 5011 Labor for installing w~ter taps 5,000..00 none 5012 Repairs for water tower 100.. 00 none 5013 Water main check 2,000.00 none 5014 Repairs for w~ter trucks 200.00 none SOlS Tires for water trucks 100.00 none S016 Maintenance of pump houses 500.00 none 5017 Repairs for water pumping equipment 2,OJOoOO none 5018 ~lel for heating pumping houses 1,OJO.00 none 5019 Insurance on water trucks 100000 none 5()20 Water inspectt?n expense ~5000 none 5021 Chloride for treating potable water supply 1,200.00 none 50# r Auditing waterworks records 7~5..00 none ........ ~~3 Tapping material 8,000..00 none 5O~4 Gas and 011 for equipment 800.. 00 none o r-", \......, Amount Amount Aqpropr~ated ~evIed ARTI2LE VIlI - !ATFR WQ~S eyetll =-_~Q~t'p. 5025 5026 5021 5028 5029 5030 50Zl 5032 5033 5034 5035 5036 5037 5038 5039 5040 5041 5043 5044 -6- Compensation and lIability insurance Purchase of equipment Redemption of 3% Bond due 8-1-55 -1 Red_ption of 3;~ Bond due 1-1-56 Interest coupons due 7-1-55 and 1-1-56 Interest coupons due 8-1-55 and 2-1-56 Publication of water ordinances Repairs to fire hydrants Insurance on pump houses Material for repairlna water leaks lIeter repairs Maintenance of w&ter trucks lIisce11aneous Reaettvatine wells Red..ption of 3~~ bonda due 8-1-55 Interest coupons due 8-1-55 and 2-1-56 Labor tor maintenance work Well 10. 5 - construction Interest coupons due 10-1-55 and 4-1-56 (Serles 1955) . 500.00 E,OOO.oo 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,430.00 7fSO.00 100.00 1,000.00 300.. 00 300.00 1,000.00 400.00 3,000.00 8,,000.00 5,000100 4,7~5.oo 4,0~.00 20,000.00 ~ ARTICLE IX - ~ PU@IQ, t'Q'tj~. To be paid out of prooeeds as provided by law for setting apart, formation and disburse- ment or a police pension fund . 3,000.00 ARTICLE X ~ ~. ~ 1. Administrat.1sm. Salaries- Librarian and assis- tants Supplies Postage and express Printing and stationery Insurance lIiscel1aneous Telephone . 5,5JO.00 300.00 50 . 00 75.00 100.00 150.00 -"U5.OQ t 6,300.00 Section 2. ~i14in.S Expense. Heating Janitor Light Furniture llaintenance Landscaping . 700.00 850.00 250.00 350.00 250.00 7;S.00 , 2,475.00 Sect19D 3. Books. Adultbooks . . k,600.00 Children books 1,475.00 Periodicals ~OOoOO Book binding 100000 Records lS0000 Summer reading club I 200.02 i 4,725.00 TOTAL PUBLIC LIBRARY...........o. 13.500.00 none none none none none Done none none none none none none none none none none none none none Done . 1,000.00 . 5,500.00 300.00 ~"OO ~.OO 100.00 150.00 ~ 115~QQ . 8,300.00 . 700.00 850.00 250.00 350000 250.00 75.90 2,475.00 J . . 2,600.00 1,475.00 200.00 100.00 150.00 ...- l 20Q.00 I 4,725.00 . ~3.5QQ.OO ./ o :~"') \".., " , . -7- eY.~IAI!l GENERAL CORPORATE FOND PUBLIC BENEFIT GFNERAL OBLIGATIJN BOND AND INTEREST FUND ROAD AND BRIDGE FUND GARBAGF FUND VEHICLE TAX FUND PLAYGROUND PNG RECREA- TION CFNTFR 'UND WATERWO~S SYSTEM FUND POLICE PENSION FUND PUBLI C LIBRARY FOlD 'rom other A9Dr9Dri_ted SO~fqes $176,9~8.00 $l~f,878.00 3,683.75 none 14,555.00 61,516.00 28,6JO.OO 17,906.00 15,050.00 13~,393.34 3,O;,)().OO -1~t~.QO .46,1 .09 none 46,1.41.00 13,30~.JO 17,906.00 4,475.00 13~,393.34 1.,000.00 none 1339,195.34 ... %9 be J.ev~e4 .. . 54,050.00 / 3,883.75 r 14,E79.ae1(*) 15;'275.00 ,/ 15,E98.oo -/ none 10,575.00 j none 1,,000.00 ~ id31'~QQROQ / 127,661.13 (*) Levies made in accordance with Bond ordinancea. Section 2. That the Village Clerk is hereby directed to file a cert1f1~d copy of this ordin~nce with the County Clerk of Cook Countv, Illinois, wlt~tn the time specified by law. Section 3. That this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its pAss~ge and a~~roval, according to law. ,yilt pASSiP: this ~ ~~day of September, AXm: ~.r TeeJ' : ;tl,,~ y / ~f~. A Ie;" € i; 1955. W;' € y- (<>~ '/ A.r ~ (C.~ lJ'o~ ". v,j e y ~~day of September, 1955. ~~~ President - tic')} ~ ~SM: ~ /7e -<- ~, , 1m: APPROY$j2: this ATTEST: