HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 522 10/16/1956 '"."~,..> j('lilr-~> f"'-';" o o ~ < Ordinance No. 5~Z AN OR DINANCE amending the Village of M:ount Prospect Zoning Ordinance &s ar.nended. ******=C<* WHEREAS, the Zoning Commiesioll of the Village of Mount Prospect, at & public meeting duly called and held accordinw to law considered the question of reclassifying from R-I Residence District to B Business Dietrict, the real estate hereinafter described; and ' WHEREAS, the Pre8ident and Board of Trustees, after cODsider- baa the recommendation of the said Zoning Commission, find and belteve that the best and highest use for the real estate herein i. that of B Busmes. ; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Mount Prospect. CookCounty,Dlinoil: SectiOJl 1. That an ordiJ:Ja~ce entitled "An Ordinance clas8ifyiDg, regulating and 3!8triCting the location of trades and industries and the location of buildings destped for specified use8; regulating and limitiDg the height and bulk of builcUugs hereafter erected or altered, regulating and limiting the !nteD.ity of the use of lot areas ed regulatml &!1d deter- mining the area of yards, courts and other open spaces within and surroU1ldiag such buUdiuilJ; establishing the boundaries of districts for the said purposes; and preaJC:ribing penalties for the violation of its provisions't, pt.ssed aad approved December 4, 1923, and amendments thereto, and known a.a Ordinance No. 5Z as amended, be further amended by rec1as8iiyiDgfrom R...l Residence District to B Businees District, the following described real estate: Lots 8,9, and 10 in Block 4 in Busse and Wille's He- subdivision in MOUllt Prospect, in the West Half (1/2) of. BecUOD 12. TOWllship 41 North, RaDge 11, East 01 the Third Prblclpal Meridiml in Cook County, Ulinois Abo Lots 1,4.5 and 6 in Block 13 in Busse and Wille'8 Re.. subdivision in M01U1t Prospect in the West Half (l/Z) of Sectioa 12, Township 41 No:rth~ Ra.nge 11, East of the third principal rnedcUan in Cook County, Illinois. Section Z. That said real estate as rec1a8sified shall he subject to all limitation. and conditions placed upon properties in B Business District &8 defined ill said OrcUhance hereinbefore mentiOlled. Sectioa 3. This or~in.Dce shall be in full force and effect trom and after lU pasAge, approval~ and publication according to law. P~D: . WI ~1!i. day of ~ II 1956. APPROVED: this day of , 1956. Attest: ~ . Cle PU SHED in the Mount Prospect Herald ~ .-. - ~