HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 654 01/13/1959 AN ORDINANCE (.:;~ v PROVIDING FOR THE MAKING OF A LOCAL IMPROVElVIENT IN AND FOR THE VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS BE IT ORDAINED BY the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of MOUNT PROSPECT, Cook County, Illinois: SECTION 1: That a local improvement shall be made in the Village of MOUNT PROSPECT, Cook County, Illinois, the nature, character, locality and description of which improvement is as follows: SECTION 2: That the recommendation of the Board of Local Improvements of the Village of MOUNT PROSPECT, providing for the improvement, and the estimate of the cost thereof made by the President of the Board of Local Improvements, both hereto attached and made part hereof, be, and the same are hereby approved. That said improvement shall be made and the whole cost thereof, together with an amount not exceeding six per cent (6%) of the estimated cost, to-wit: TWENTY THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED EIGHTY SEVEN and 12/100 DOLLARS ($20,887.12), which is hereby provided for to SEC TION 3: apply towards the cost and expense of making, levying, and collecting said special assessment and all other expenses allowed by law, being the amount included in the estimate therefor, shall be paid by special assessment, in accordance with the Revised Cities and Villages Act, approved August 15, 1941, and amendments thereto, not including Sections 84. 1-1 to 84. 1- 4 9 of said Act. That the aggregate amount herein ordered to be assessed against the property and against the municipality, if any, and also the assessment on each lot and parcel of land herein assessed shall be SECTION 4: divided as follows: The said assessment to pay the cost of construction of said improvement and the cost of levying, making ane collecting said assessment and all expenses allowed by law, shall be divided into ten (10) installments, in the manner provided by the statute in such case made and provided. So much of the aggregate amount of the assessment as represents the cost of levying, making and collecting the special assessment and all expenses allowed by law, together with all fractional amounts so as to leave the remaining installments of the aggregate assessment equal in amount and each in multiples of $100. shall be apportioned to the first installment of the said special assessment. The first installment shall be due and payable on the 2nd day of January next after the filing of the first voucher issued on account of work done on the said improvement. The second installment of said assessment shall be due and payable one year tl:E reafter, and so on annually until all assessments have been paid. IT IS HEREBY made the duty of the Board of Local Improvements of the Village of MOUNT PROSPECT to file in the office of the Clerk of the Court in which such assessment was confirmed, a certificate signed by the Secretary of the Board of Local Improvements of the Village of MOUNT PROSPECT of the date of the first voucher and the amount of the said voucher, within thirty (30) days after the issuance of the said first voucher. All installments shall bear interest until paid at the rate of six per cent (6%) per annum. Interest on all installments shall begin to run from the date of the first voucher issued on account of work done. Interest on such first installment shall be due and payable and shall be collected at the same time as the first installment. Interest on the second and succeeding installments shall be due and payable and shall be collected with the installments respectively as in said Act relating to special assessment provided. That for the purpose of anticipating the collection of the second and succeeding installments of said assessment for the cost of said improvements, the Village of MOUNT PROSPECT shall issue bonds payable out of said installment, bearing interest at the rate of six per cent (6%) SEC TION 5: per annum, payable annually, signed by the President of the Board of Trustees of the Village of MOUNT PROSPECT, and attested by the Village Clerk of said Village. Sai d bonds shall be issued in accordance with and shall in all respects conform to the provisions of the Revised Cities and Villages Act, approved August 15, 1941 and amendments thereto, not including Sections 84. 1-1 to 84. 1-49 of said Act SECTION 6: That the President of the Village of MOUNT PROSPECT, be, and he is hereby directed to file a petition in the Circuit, Superior or County Court of Cook County, Illinois, in the name of the people of the Village of MOUNT PROSPECT praying that steps may be taken to levy a special assessment for the purpose of defraying the expense of said improvement so far as the same may lawfully be done and to ascertain what property will be benefited, in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance, and in the manner prescribed by law. SECTION 7: That all ordinances, or parts of ordinances, in conflict with this ordinance, be, and the same are hereby repealed. SECTION 8: That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval, thereof, according to law. PASSED, < T~s 13t{da. y of J;l,<-V<\o ~, A. D., 191)-'1 CA.~,tG..~ .. . . q _ AYES: ~-i....LJ.SO~\I.!"'~ NAYS:I\c~ () ~10.L/ -? ABSENT: ); o-'U1-<..+) k,1.l.;~ _ vr---<< APPROVED, This tJ!~ day of Ja~'(f_,A, D., 19 ,;'-7 . A TTESTED AND FILED IN MY OFFICE THIS 1M day ottt7 ,A, D, , t!Jf/tJ~/<- f Villag Clerk \?fici#'1L(/ ~<1-/ President of the Board 6'f Tru s of the Village of MOUNT PROSPECT, Cook County, Illinois .r~. 19 7. The following territory be, and it is hereby made a sewer district and the present and future o~~er or owners or occupants of said property in said territory shall have the right to construct, and maintain necessary connections with said sewers as may be provided and subject to the reasonable regulations of the Village of Mount Prospect. Said sewer district shall be described as follows: Commencing at a point 33 feet north of the northwest corner of Lot 1 in Friedrich Schafers Addition to Mount Prospect, a sub in part S~ and point Nwt, Sec. 12-41-11, thence south to the center lane of Sha-Bonee Trail, thence east in center lane of Sha- Bonee Trail and Sha-Bonee Trail extended east to a point 157.25 feet east of east lane Maple Street, thence north to center lane of Lincoln Avenue, thence west on center lane of Lincoln Avenue to a point 33 feet north of the northwest corner of Lot 1 aforesaid, which is the point of beginning in the Village of Mount Prospect, Illinois. T hat a vitrified clay pipe combination storm and sanitary sewer having an internal diameter of twelve (lZ) inches and fifteen (15) inches, vitrified clay pipe house sewer services having an internal diameter of six (6) inches,. a cast iron water supply pipe having an internal diameter of six (6) inches, and copper water service pipes having an internal diameter of three -quarters (3/4) of an inc hi be installed and laid in Maple Street between Lincoln Srreet and Moehling Drive, located within the corporate limits of the Village of Mount Prospect. Cook County, Illinois. -1- . . '!:be co.t. tU eat1m&ted, for the .ilI: (6) bleb cast hoo pi,. w..~.r mala lDC1~cie. tba e..t of fit"&l,_, labor. 841&U.pm.ct ..ac1 material. lad\lcUq excavatio.. 1.&11.. .. pip.. ba<:kfUU.. aM Qi.po.al ot..rplu euavateci matenal. eomp1et. 1D place aDd ready lor ~... The coat, aa .atUnateel. lor .ix (b) lIActlle.te valve. lachlcl.. tM cost of aU labor allMl material. .ec....ry f.~ tub iD.t.llatlon. complete i. place au l'eM, fer 1,1'.. T fut coat. a. a.boated., for fire "d.r.at. ineW.. tbe Co.t of aU labol'. material. ~WpmeDl. w1u41ua ..c:aY&t1oa. _c1dlllh,., AU disposal of .Ul'p1\l. a&c...ted mat.r1&1, cQ....Ce 1ft plaace aDd 'eUy t.. use. Tile coat. as ..timated, for the four (.) feet luanal diam-ter valvo baaina ilu:lude. e..t iron trame ara4l COy.... CGM.retc ...... .lei.walla, 1.111&"" &lid. naotel'lale. cOMp1ete ill place aacl Nady lor Q... The coat. a& 85tbnato.cl, for wat.1' ...1'...... pi~.. tal' .W., tadue. the eoat<< aU exc.vaUoe, Mc;ktU.lhaa.. 4t.po..l of ~ ..avat" matcl'la1. aCcl ...u lAbor ._ Material fo~ .aid aaMee ,.pe. Tk. coat, ... ..tlma'e4. 1M' rite l~..lMlt. standard strength vitrified da, pip. lae1uci.. ,be C04t& of all ......'1.., backtlWaa, ..po.a1 01 a\U'pltAa eac...&la1l MatHia!. removal aa4l dl.fO...1 01. material trOln ..htina p&vem... .... aU labor 304 mat.riala. .-.pl.t. la ,lace. The cost, as estimated>> for the 15 -inc h standard strength vitrifiea clay pipe includes the cost of all excavation, backfilling, dis- posal of surplus excavated material, removal and disposal of material from existing pavement, and all labor a!ld materials, complete in place. '. .....a- The cost, as estimated, for the 48 -inc h internal diameter man- holes includes the cost of all excavation. backfilling, disposal of all surplus excavated material, and all labor and material for the concrete base, the walls, cast iron steps, and cast iron frame and cover. The cost, as estimated, for house service sewers includes the cost of all excavation. backfilling, disposal of surplus excavated material, and all labor and material for said sewer service. The cost, as estImated, for IZ" xb" standard strength wyes shall include the cost cf all labor, equipment and material to complete In place. ThE" cost, as estirnated, for 15" x6" standard strength wyes shall include the cost of all labor, equipment and material to complete in place. The cost, as estimated, for the drop pipe assembly shall include all labor, material and equipment for an assembly, complete in place and ready for use. The cost, as estimated, for trench backfill includes the cost of all labor, material and equipment for disposal of excess ex;cavated material and for the supplying, placing, compacting, and "jetting" the trench backlill, complete in place. -3 - That the estimate of the total cost of said improvements made by the President of this Board is $~O, 887. 12., which is as follows' 1, 105 Lineal Feet 611 Cast Iron Pipe Vv ,iter Main and Fittings. Complete @ $5.50 per Ii,wal foot $ 5,582,50 2. Eac h 6" Gate Valves, Complete @ $125. 00 each 250.00 2. Eac h F ire }~ydrants with Auxiliary Valve Complete @ $425,OU each 850,00 2 Each 48" Diarreter Valve Basins, Complete @ $2.50~ 00 each 500.00 14 Each Vvdter Service Pipes. Far Side Complete CS $125.00 each 1 750.00 385 Lineal E eet 12" Standard Strength Vitrified Clay Pipe, Complete ~ $6,00 per lineal foot 2, 310, 00 275 Lineal Feet IS" Standard Strength Vitrified Clay Pipe, Complete (s $ 7 . 0 0 per li n e a 1 foot 1 , 92 5 , 0 0 2. Eac h 48" Dlameter Ivlanholes. Complete ~' $27:' 00 each 550.00 12 Eac h House Senicp Sewers, Complete is $100-00 each 1,200.00 7 Eac h 12" x 6 'I Standa rd Strength Vitrified Clay Sewer Wyes, Complete @ $7 00 each 49.00 5 Eac h 15" x 6" ~tandard Strength Vitrified Clay Sewer .v yes Complete @$8.00each 40.00 1 Eac h Drop Pipe Asqembly, Complete ~: $250.00 each 250.00 610 Cubic Yards T renc h Backfill in Place 0,:. $4,25 per cubic yard 2,592.50 Total Construction $17, 849. 00 Cost of Engineering &: Inspection Services I, 784. 90 Total Labor and Material $19, 633. 90 -4- . J Cost of making, levying and collecting the aSli>cssment. and all lawful expense attending the same. as provided by law, not to exceed six per ceM (6'/0) $ I, 253. 22. Total Estimated Cost of Improvement $20,887.12 The above total estimated cost of the improvement does not include any costs in connpction with acquiring right-of-way on which to install any part of the improvement ^ I hereby certify that, in my opin ion, the above estimate does not exceed the probable cost of the f;aid improvement and all lawful cost attending the saIne, as provided by law. President,. Board of Local Improvelnents, Village of Mount Prospect, Cook County, Illinois 0 -5 - .. That a vitrified clay pip8 combination storm anJ sanitary sev,er. having an internal diameter of twelve (12) inches and fifteen (15) inches; vitrified clay pipe house sewer services having an interr,al diameter of six (b) inches; a cast iron wa[pr supply ilipe hal.ing an internal dia- meter of six (6) inches; and <.:opper watfH service pipes havwg an internal diameter of three -lJl.:arters (3/4) of an ine b be installed and laid in l\llaple Street betv,een Lincolr Street and Ivloehling Drive; located withln the corporate limits of ttJe 'v'lltage of Mount Prospect, Cook County, Illinois, The proper and detailed locations, size) elevations, points of connection to existing utilitie::, and other data affecting the installation of the combination storm and sanitary sewer, house 'iewer services; water supply pipe and water service pipes enumerated above are more fully described OIl the dlawings attached hereto and by reference made a part hereoL T hey are entitled) "Mount Pros pee t, l11i nois, Cornbined Sewer and Water l\Iain, Maple Strf:'et"; and consi~t of three ( 3) s he e t s 0 - 1 - ~ CAST IRON \\ AT.t.K :;;UPPJ.,Y PIP1:- &. APPURTJ.1.NANCl.S: A U cast 11'0n plp~ and fitting s he rein provided l\. hAlU be m4dd of the ~st quality of C,l.~>t iron. centri!ugdll:" <;,1&t in metal .nolds. l>ipe .hilll weigh not lesfl ttwo 24. 7 p()und~ pel' liue..:.! foot. ,llowable vari...tionli 1n rii...meter ...no thlckn~.$. mdbo.J of Tnanul.cture. marK111g uod cO<l.ting liballl. oniol rn to th~ U. ~. Government .:>pecificatioo \. v, -lJ-4l1a. l.,ld.Si~ 150. Me<- h.&nici.ll joint fitt10i:> shAll iH u~€d throughout <xcept wht. re cc:.nn.ection.. .ire mode to exbting water maio,.. Tho mech4nicllll joint pipe ,.~."ll be siolibr ~nd eljlOiil to ;::upe.r-d~ Lb.v.aud .Ie -Nil .'.iedwnic;:;.l Joint C...,;,t Iron Pipe. and shall conform 10 ..11 r~u~pect., tu the F edl:r.!l.l SpecUic,uioo& mentioned hereinbefore. Th.. joints ..b.all be .xecut~~ in _ccuroclnCll ~ith maoufllc:turer'l5 r_comrn"odatioo.a;. <tod bolte:; s b.all ~oe ti8htcDt;J wlth .lpproved to;-'1ue wr.enc:b or other a.pproved m~an.; to et:<:urc uniform and allowolblt: teniiiClIl on tl1e bolt. G~t. va1vt.~ in tne supply 110.;6 sball be provided .t locations a;hown Oil thu i&ttached drawingl> ii.na shall Dft of tb. mccholnic..l Joint type. Hub at' ..pilot end vlllvea will not be permitted. ~\U "'6.1v~" aor.l1 be of tot.: double dia,k typIC ..Dei so.dl bav~ mectw.oic.l joint ~ndli.. The valve waterw.y .tw.U be .llmooth And Mh,).ll ,. t<1nd without loakini. "" test prallaure 01 three lwndrca POD} pounJs ?er square lnch. and a workLng tlresbure of 150 pounds ~t:r ..quare inch. The valve body ahaH be of the be&t qu...l1ty C.::It iron, brolU'.. or brass mounted with br'on&e ~t.m. , ~ .1[ nrot hydrant. .hall be properly connected to tho water .U?ply lines in the locations .hown on tbe attached ?lan.. The pipe connecting the hy.:iraot to the W~fJF supply line altall bve an inside diarneblr of six (6) inche.. Hydranu shall be eq\dppe4 with a mechanical joint auxiliary valve and valv>! bcu aa shown on the plan. attached he rote. Saia hydl"anta shall be of ~ ba.t quality ca.t iron, brcmu mounted witb a five (5) ioeD valv@ opening, two (Z) two and one -half (Z-l/Z) inch hOIU Dozzles, and one (1) .teamer connection. Lach hydrant !Shall be equipped with a &ix (6) inch awdUary ~&.te v.lve and vt.lV$ base. Hydrant. shall De that type adophd .. standard by the Village of Mount Prospect. Each six (b) inch valve .hall be housed in a valve basin having an inelde diameter of {our (<t, feet. Vahe basin. .ball be dr- cwar in .hape and the waU, .hall be cauatruct,,;t of concrete block ma.oary in conformllftce with American Soci.ty for To.tin, Materlala fot Concrete ~'aaonry Units, C-139-H and block.. shall bo five (5) inch.. in thicitneu. The upp.r portion of the waU, shall ".por to an ind.Je aiameter of twenty-four (1.4) inchf}' at the top .f the ba,ill upon which shall relit a c..t trOD. trame and cover; tha combined weight thereof .hall be (i;v<< hundred and '!-orty (5..0) po~. and the top of .aid cOYer shall be 8Lllt at the elevation of tho adjuent al"Guad.. Mortar \I.ad in layio.g up valve ba.aln ddew.lb aad for pladnlag outdde of l1iclewall. 5hall be comp~ed ol OIle (1) part Portland Cement and two (2) parh !t~e aagregate. -1- r : ~. -~/. .' -". ?/, ,.~f -' ". J l t ~ ~ r Tlle >>.ee. of the valve ba.hu .hall be coa.trw.c:ted of Portlai1ci c.~nt concrete dx (6) tuhe. in tbicbe.., c1l'cWu ~ aha,., of a diam...r .ix (6) inches larlel' than the ouhld.e wall d.i.m~l' of tJae .alve bast... Coucrete for th. base of valve b&aiQ8 .hall be a. hereUlalt. r tpecU'1ed. The water valv.. to'" hou..c within the basin. .hall be 8u.pport4d tly two (2) by bl'iek wUl., extend!aa ffont the tep of the ba.e to the bottom of tlM water main, ou (1) dry wall to be co..,truct~d on either alde oi e.cll val.... \~'ater .u.pply pipe. ,hall be placed wit1\ thAt top .vlue Dot 1e.. than. five and ODa-half (5-1/Z) feet below the surface of tbe Iround and ahall bave a ,oUci b.arill. thl'oqhotat their elltil'e lenath. Upon completion of the maina and klore it i. covereel the pipe ,hall be Ilydrostatically teated at a pl'e..ure at one hundred (100) powlde per 'quare inch. Bdore plutDC the maiD ill ..rYlce it ,hall _ tlt.oro\l&hly fiuhed &ad eteriUz~.,l with wator baYina . C....at 01 tilty (SO) pArte per mUll_ of chlorine. The eh!orllla.tUl, peri_ .hall be at l.ea.t twellty-fOllr (2.) !lOur., and tb chloriae "..1401 at tAe end. 01 the coatact pe"i04 .hall N at lea.t ZS part. per rniWoa, a. mean.J'e4 by orthotoUd1ae n....na. If tW. r..i411alb o.ot obtained, a.:UjU....l calodllatinl .hall be performed.. Alter flu.hina_ the maJa .hall aot be place. .. ....vic. aor accepted ., the OWlWlr until .&thfactory Met.rio16pcal teat. OIl sampl.. taken OIl '. two (2) 4if1ereaat clay. are Obtained. .AU tl"etlcllu excavated for 'Ule 1lr&ter mUll' .AaU IN refilled ~ the l'DAt...lal excav&t.cl ~ tam,.. ud Ooodad .-0 al to leave tbe surfaco of the j'l'oWlcllD a. aood c:Oft4ltiM a. DefMe tbe .tart of work~ .... Existing w a 1 k s, g r a vel and bit u m i no uS d r i ve way s and street pavement shall be removed at loclltioaa where Ilcce..ary for tbo 141iol of tM pip.. The waste material ..e.w.tina t~r.trom full be re.novl!d .il.cd dillpobcd of off the oite. The walks, driveways and street pavement .. remcwed sndl be repla.ced with l.natorlab equivalent to the oriainal material. and to tkle u.m. width and tRickMt.~. ~s- , :_ J ...~:. '.. W A Ti:R SERVICE PIP_: 1 . wu.. ..rm. pipe d&11 .. hYt.n.4 la ...c~r4aDc. with and e.. at the locations shown on the plans or as designated by the Engineer at the time of construction. Water ..rYSc. pip.. ..U be of .oft eopp.r. Type K. ., .a.... ~ (J/.) lach lat.raa1cUa.mata1'. wtdell.u.u ..atsh act 1... au. 0.6-4 pou4.t pel' liMa! toot. Eaek. .aiel pipe. .Mll -. c......W wttJa eempr...i4m UUia._ to the ,.,op-..d. ma!. ...at... pi,. -tlwO\tlh . bl'''. corpNaUol1 .top of tlu'ee ..folU'th. (3/'). tneh lInen&1 ~.te.r Md .a.au ute1ll4 hona..ally at ri,lat .,lA. with .aW waUM m..ba pipe to .. ,otat .. hereinafter ._eftbe4, ad _ball be p~. ....th .1>>..... cub atop cock of thr...totR1lla (3f') t.n.ek l..l'w dieaeter .ad .a &l'ch ty~. eJC:te!Ulioa ...."Iice ~ of tM 'ben qG&litJ OIl ...t boa of two uul....balt (2-1/3) "chaa uu.raal ......tu .. el ,w:h coo.atJrVoQU_ daat it can.. a:deQ4ied ta 1.UC* from feu (4) f.at. .t. (6) iu.... te~ n.. (5) faM, .lx (6) lacIM. ia ~aa*. placecl at a polAt one (1) fNt fr~ the eM'" \be atab.a _..aift "uI..iMd.. au top of 1M eowr ot .aiel .aut.... '"* lllall be cut 1M ~ "W.e.rl'. AU ~ ..4 co~... .u.u be of the ;,o1lftd. ..,..., type. 11M ..rrica pipe .hall IN 1&14 fa... tread. ..wdeDtly ..,a.Yiq to aUtnr tt.ot leu dwl Oil. (1) fMt ~& le.,.a. ar.ad. lit .Uh . .....1' .. *- ,..... 1'1Ipture ., ..ttle..at ., tAe eartll. &bout it. TIM........, ....Tic. _,. .)aaU '-a lut&U.e4 ..w. ,a tnlaba1lD\ eo".. 01 6ft .. ou..U1f (S-1/2) fed ....ur.al born 1M .UI"lue ot tlaa ....41. 'I'M .atel' .enice pipe..aau tel'1Zllute at. Pet!It te.u(l()) feet .tftMwu'c:l frQID the rtpt..t....., .. atr... Uu. ..6- COMBINED SEWERS; The combination sanitary and storm sewer shall be constructed of twelve (12) inch and fifteen (15) inch standard 5trength clay sewer pipe conforming to the latest standard specifications of the American Society for Testing Materials for "Clay Sewer Pipe" C -13 -54, Construction s hall be to the lines and grades shown on the attac hed plans. All pipe shall be smooth, straight and sound, thoroughly burned and vitrified, well glazed. free from lumps or other imperfections and with the least possible variation from the specified dlInensions or true cylindrical shape. All <;traight pipe shall be straight in th~ direction of the axis of the cylinJer and the inner and outer surfaces of eac h pipe 5 hall be concentric, The standard minimum thickness of the s hell of the clay pipe herein provided shall be as follo\\ s: Fifteen-Sixteenths (15;16) of an inch for 12" Standard Strength Vitrified Clay Pipe. ASTM C-13-54; and One and one-eighth (I-I; 8) of an lOch for 15" Standard Strength Vitrified Clay Pipe, ASTM C -13 -54 EXISTING WALKS, DRIVEWAYS & ST REET FA VEMENT: The existing walks, gravel and bituminous driveways and street pavement shall be removed at locations where the sewer con<;truction necl'lssitates such removaL The waste Inaterial so produced shall be removed from and disposed of off the site. The walks; driveways and street pavement so removed shall be replaced with materials equivalent to the original materials and to the same wldth and thickness. -7- JODITS: Je1&ts bet...... MJowa, b6U. and .pi,ot& .ball ar. m&de by eltbe.. ., the rollo_bla tIlethocb,: A. Ole-Ca.' Taper" Tye-: J01Dh .bAll be COG641CUU.. bell alad .piaot pipe, euU be m~. by {!ttina _he sewer pipe with 1&1l .pi>>rov~d die; -CaN tapeJ'ed type Joi.nt, whlc h .ball be m~de I:ty fitUna tbe spigot <!oM 50Cket ill tbe pipe _ith cclb.rw of a eltumtnol.lliO compound baving a melting point ot l40.Z10 cteluU 1., (anet a ?enetr.ltian of 4-7 at 77 desues f .). A liae or riD. of the Wtl.4mhIOUS .;ompouM .ball be die- cut we the $ock.t of the p1pe dnd Ilround ctut .piaot of the pipe, of 8ucb Ii .i.... <And dlm<<l'1li>ion tluat \lihtll the "pigot i:;; .tlo...ed firmly iQto th.e &Oc::ket porUOA of th.e pipe. a Uiht fit ..tweeD tbe !locket ADd .pilot wUl to.. oo&cle. III storina such pipe ~.re u.u...t be cabl'l !lot to cibtort lll~ h bitwnll'l~. linin._ aDO rillSS. All plpe lib.l.ll b. dry and c1~1l when U.u... aacl colla.r. a.ro <:allt, No pi,. !OUU be l,1ud if eUber collar or .lininS .bow. .ILY VGici or unfiUed lOp4llce. Whoa laying ti1. pipe., tilt' 1huD8 !lad cQUar ..11 firat bet p-lated witb a bituminous 801.0*. wbic:b abaU Qause tb.ir .~dac.. to Heom. pl..tic or sticky. an4 wn.n the pipe. are $~ firmly to,ether tll. joiat meterial .ball "'Bite 41lct, bu:ldeat&l te c.tUfu.5lon of t.he aolftot, coaa..1 aM become 081. HmOleuCMil. ~y aad tborCMIllaly wale!' proof. IS. J5it\1miaou~ JohlU. ,M..tic TY~: Jolnhl betwO.1l cOU$e(:~tl.. pipe. .ball be made with Jut. aad. a bitu.millous pip. jo1ml1l8 -8- e~. J1Ite ehaJ.1 M ., tIae ..... ,&taa1Uy '.1'1'.. ~ ~nla ran n4 of .. ai.. te Ilt tM _lalla ., die pIfe .jetU. Tlte lit1.mUaou..... 81Mr .Wl~ 1ft.... boat. a.phaU. llq_f1eu. mbaeral au.r. aDd 8herl .... .uu '" free from moiatW'e. TN f111ft' .laall" such tkat it .hall INk". p4tftti.. Uhe.t01l to pi,. 'VRc." Uld. .hall \)e ....r. acW aa4 alkali r'HdaIIit. It lUll ... ,lut1c lUUI "Ork.. able with a tr~l UtI _ .. c~.1Uotl -..hich wUl DOt rel,"* in .. plutic l10w of the mate..l-.lat htnperatue. \&p to 10 utre.. F. The IUle' .haU be applieJ with a trowel'. the &IilINlar .pac.. et the lMll 01' .ock4t and. flpicet of tile pipe.. M ..tie pipe jQlllWw comp0u,4 .hall h .prea4 111 the bGtiom olle.thirc1 of tba bell 41. 6. pipe pre-n.a.ly laid. ~ clo..ly t'triet64 ."'kot of J"*- tH- pr.po r tlddaM.. ad oi .ufficUat '--8th te .,u U"o\uul ~ ptp. aad 1-., at tM to,.Ull tMll ta. ltq1Mec..llllto t~ m-.aue. The .pt;aot 01 tAl aext pipe .Ql1 tUft be .-...ed aad .ha.... Urn.. Alt4t, u.. Ji,. Au -.,u tJaoro~y Mdd.& to 1111.. aDd ,raile, tbe JUh ....k.et n.au .1>1 caulke.cll.ato the aaD.w.ar .pace 1ri~ .. .Usable c au.Ud_. tool. Sa .uh maaMI' .. to ..._ Ole joiU ..... lea.kqe. '!"M ..em.'.der of 0.. .pa<:~ .aau be c....pa.et.ly &Ue4 wtt1a lDa.tic ~ft1ed off witll u.. out.leSe ot the pipe. c. B~JJ1ftJ JoitIH, P</\Jred ~: JoilU' MtwH1l COIlIkuttve _u aut .plpt pipe .~ lM .Ada wltll tlry Jute aDd. . blWmh~ou. Joiatia, compcMlUd. ~ luto pl&ea. Tu Wtumm.\&1 CCIDlJHMl1ld. .1laU h '.w:~ ~ it will l10w !",..ly at .. ZH .p... F., WitJa.. maltl., ,... fIl &0. 1... tbu 100 .$a...... F., ~ .MIl hat.. to . c08fl~y tUt will 'IlGt r..~ Ia a plutie now at to ..,,,... F. -9.. The bell aM Spiiot of pipes to be joisued tosetbler ;;.ball au, be pai.atec;l with a bi&"miooua prime ~~t to luurll .dbereace of the pour.d fille.. to the .1aea of the pipe. VI ith pipe al ar.cte au butted, t.. dry jute .ball be caulked lnto pOliitioa In ''ich a maaner aa to leave... uniform .pace all around.. Tb.B johu llhall ~ m.de in 000 po~r. -10- PIPE LA YINO: Eacb pipe sbAll be laid Oil It.n evea, firm bed, so that no uneven strain will come to any part of the pipe. Particular care ,ball be exerci.6eG to pnveAt the pipes bear-ina on the fiocket.. aen bolu lor bell anel spigot pipe shAll be dug at each pgint .it. b.ereinbefore ,pecified. The bell-end of tbb pipe s.ha.ll be laid up grll4d~. The interiot' of the aewer shall, a:i the work progr.,"ses, be clea.ned of all dirt, Joilltina materiAl and 5uperfiuOQo material:; of ~vlilry descriptiOl:l. All pipe sew."., .Ui soon .15 laldp shall n.3.ve tbe apace between tb.e pipe aDd the bottom and ddes of the trenc h packed full with sand 01' selected materiAl by hand and thoroughly tamped with a sbDvel, hoe, or llaht tamp.r~ as fast as place<t, up to the level of the top of the pipe. The filling sb.all "e carried up evenl)' on bott. !.lde$. Care shall be taken tbat no rock, 11"ozen material or other bard SUbstance.. are placed in c;ontact with the pipe. In areas where clean, fine -nd dry .au h uaed for backfill to top of pipe, tamping will not be r~uired. The pipe :is ball then be covered by bADQ to a depth of at leit.iit tw.nty.fo~r (Z.) incbe* with clean, dry.arth. Tbe material shall be plac-o in la.yel'l IIOt e~..diD8 four (4) inche" in depth, and each layer tboJ'ouab1y tamped aacl computed, with at lea., 0118 maD tampiD.8 for .ach man c1ep..ltiIl8 mateda! in the t:relle h. Matedal for t&ck-fnUna tbe spAce betw.e. th<< pipe and the bottom aD4 sl4e. of the U$DCb. and for cove~laa to .. depth .1 two (2) htet, shall be de.np dry earth. fre. from "tooe. larier thaI' two (2.) laches, froxeD material" or od~8r bard sub'tances (except for C:ODctl~OJl. beret.aftet' defined). Tb.e umainder of the lrench :linaU b. backfiUed by ~dnl the . material e>>>iail1ll.l1y excavated from tbe ditch (except for conditions b.~reinarter d_fib.d), to a beiSht slightly .bove the original .u.v.UOQ of the ground. :~~l- A4AMHOU;:3: ?I Manhol.. .ball be}ou:r (4) f.et intel:Dal diameter, with waU. of cu~v.. concrete blocks five (5) itlclu~s i.n thickne..,.nd concrete floor aad foundation,etlht (8) ibCht:s in tl1ickne~s, ly1na directly below tnc " invert of the 1&rg.:1t UIWfH' entering the m~nhole. T ht: upptlr two &ftAi One -half (l-l/Z) feot of said manholet shall be drawn in eo~e wh4p. to an internal diaftleter of two (2) feet at the top by the usoe of con~entl'ic concrete rings 01' monolithic concrete con.>>uuctloa, aU a.~ det..Ued Oil tbe attached plans. AU ".wen entering a manhole shall terminate _t the ins1d. {.le;e of the ma>>hole. Conc:rate for maJ:lhole balPc&> sQaU be aa tu,r.inafter apecllied. I\U manholeao shall be equipped with c. cast iJ'on frame an<i cover, the combinec4 weight ol which shall not be leu than five hundred and forty (5.0) pounds. T be tops oJ the covers ill haU be ..t at tb.e elevation of the surface of t~ adjacent aroul'ld. The cl,lrved concrete block. ubed. In nuu~bo1e COIl~ tructioD . ball c:on{or:u to the Anlerican .>odety (or T.stio8 Material.~ Serial D.:.llnation <;-139. The cement mortilZ' uec1 ill the mllllhQI.. or other purposes tn Ul1. lm.provement .ball b. compo.eo of one (1) part PortlADd cement 'lIl4 two (2) pilrta c1eac torpedo u.Dd.. -li- Sl;.Wi;n 6UV1CES: r Tb. 1uN4. ....'1' ...nc.. atall ~ of ..i~ (6) iDC1l1Dt~1 4lAnaeter day Ulwer pip. cOGlonniog to tu !at.at ata....d Sp.GUl~.- tlolUl fJi tiwl Ame ric:an 3oc:ielY tor T .~Utla .Ma:'.rial.... for "Standard Strength Clay Sewa.. PlpellC 13-54. r~e Jo1ut6 .ball be ~ouC~",ct"., herelD- befo-re .~~i!i.d. ~.. .ewe"t .ball k cOIlMcted te the comblaed ...,.r Ilt tlw wye c~..ctioa. 0.. ciatail.d OIl 'H pIau, aD41aW ~om that poiM towat'G to. et.J'lI~ ll... at a uuiform upwn...t 1"&40 of Olle. !oorth (1/.) loth "1' foot. TIM lenniul .M ef ellch hou.e cOBlle~ ...w..r .b.t.11 ~ c:iO.lieQ "itb.. YitrlftM tile I'ound dhc: on" (1) hlCb.i.1l tak..... &ad of the wieStb of tb. exterior d!am.... of the pipe to be elM". The dbc: O~ _Sopper llbAll be sot lD t~ bells of tlw ten:nlaal pi... -..u..u ~ ...1.-4 lato place witb eame. mortar na hortriab.col'e .pedfl.u. T.e tnDeN. fo~ the c:OU4tctt~ ...ers $baU be ~aya~.d in aaeta cUr.cU... reqall'ed .act to . deptb .Utce~.ar, to ..care the \ I f, ~ ,toper Il'we.; tl'.ach.. .ball be .,.,14. ....all to .UO'4t taa. ~M8trgeti_ of the co...ct1cm ..wer& 1. the maal1el' .,.ciAecl. Tunc.... .ball bo ~1h1y ..ac.. fer the proteCUOll 01 the worit. AU... .baU ate smoot.. ~'Uai.ht a. .~ ....r...bly ..u'".. aM Y1trUI..s. well 11&__, fl... from lump. OJ' eft be I' lmperlecU" .ad wU~ fba ....t poeaibl. "ariat1oa from tba .pe~ua..4 4l.ateulODi OJ' U'uo c,.u..t~ic..l 6.ape. AU atrai.ht pip. .hall be .trAi.bt in ~... .u"-Uoa ., eM ..le of tile cylladel" aM the 1=er aM outer .urface. of each pi,. .MU be ctn)C.ntl'lc. T_ ....1'4 II'Iia.lrmnn tbldaa... of U.. .uU of ttut day pipe here18 pro"'" .baU be a. 10110w,": HiDe..t........ (9/16) of an lDCh fo,. '-iaell standard strength vltriftM day pipe A.~. T. M.. C -13 -54. ..u.. ~;'f ~ . Sewer wyes for house connections shall be installed at all locations shown on the dra wings, s hall be of standard strength vitrified clay pipe, twelve (12) inches by six (6) inches; and fifteen (15) inches by six (6) inches, and shall conform to the specifications for standard strength vitrified clay pipe enumerated hereinbefore. - 14- CONCRETE: , Co.cre'e for cOMtruction provided h<<euin ,.ball be composed of 000 (1) part Portlaad eem~nt, two a..t one-halt (2-1/2) parts ot line allugate aDd fou.r (4) parh of eoaue allrelate as her.iM-ftel' . pee iiied. Tbe Cetnollt ,ball be of a good grade of Portla.. cemeat wbleb meet. the 1&te.t l'6quiremelltil 01. the America.n Society tor Teatins 14ater1a15, aad ,baU be aeal!loned .0 as to pro4uce init1alltet in not leu tban forty-five (45) minlltes. Coar.. a'lro.ate for concrete shall consbt of clean, bar4. . tough, clul'ablA crlllsHe rock or pebble., Irlilded ill aize, ir.. fram . ..setable or other d.eleteri.O\l' matt.r~ and shall contaia IlO soft, flat or eloRsated piecea. T be .t... of u,id (:l'u.b.ecl rock or pebbles shall b4t au.<:h a. to pa... a two (l) i_a round opeaia. and .hall raDlle dOwn 80 that.. more tb&a !lve (~) pore.At ..ball pa.. a tiereeu havioa foul' (t) moabe. per llneallncb. a.u so that DO intermediate size. ..ball be I' emo..a. I'i.e aSire.ato or 5aad ,hUl con.let of l:iuart& panicles or other eftually bard materiallra.4iieG {rom {tne to CO&r50, with the coar.. partide. predomi...t1na_ Sai.d fin. agll'.8at~, When dried, .bAll pats a acre.. uvi.na tour (.) meshes per UlleallDCh. Not more than tweaty (10) pCI' CeIlt .ball pan a stev. luwiDI fifty (50) me.he. per liMa! inch and Dot more tbaD el,bt (8) ~r cent sball ,.... a aie.e hav1na OIl. bu.u4zed (100) me.ta.s p.r H....1 loch. Sai4 flo. a,lrelate ..baU co.....tn 110 veseta.ble or other deleterious matter or O1or. t..a thr.. (3) pel" coat by wailht of clay or laazn. -u- t', ' , . : '...~ ... ..Jlb".......' .-11 1M .~_...... .hall "fre. l..~ ell. ulei .' ".. .... ~ a.~JIt. .,......... ......, aJ~.li...,. ot.,. .&Jq, ., tr ' ' ." . . TMlape4iut. ., ttaecoac.... .Ull b4t l&oJ'OU.ab1y mixed utl1 ...h ..~ ol au .....qat. 11 ~tNlt04 wit, .am.. aM Mea panicle 01 C$&". ..,,..atela eMted wltllmol'tar. 4 ...ebaaleal m_l' .au ... .... wtUck aWl nUa tM l..r..u... at !un on. (1) 1Ill..e, l~om ~... u.. .tl the matel'ial., l..~ ....Ul'. al'. La t'" dft1n utU tile ........... of '1M 41H.,.... Ta. ...iet.MY el &M -1u4 C:ODQJ'.~ ,ball be aut" te-t aG Mp&l"atloa of 'o. ....,e4~ot. tau. pl&e8 i. baMli., &n4 .0 tbat ',om. t~t. ........y to briJla JaOI1&t' to the .."ace. . . -16 - ~ .> _. .. : ~C!1 ~a:~~ AU cr.DO..... cau... I>y t'- C"WlIct~.' 01."- ....1'.. wal... .up,ly plp.a. wAwr ............ .~ eew... ..mere. ..h.lcb ~ .,....tll o.d.aUnl .t...., .."~, .i~, ev.rba and lid.......,.. . sball M badl:r1U.4 with .ad, ",..-1.... pl& ,,,,I'U'el, c:nahed It.._ or ,.. Iran! fr.. tM 'PriDlUM.of t.. pip. to tu fiDJ..bed. ....-.ra... Tbe tl'..w:h ttac&lU1 .h&1l '" thol'oullaly t1jettec!" iD I!l maaaer ....-l&h -.upm.. t<<thlaatory to tboe .EqllMl'., AU material, of ,."y kiDd .ad chua~ter to be IlI.d 111 tae ~Of:UtN.cUoa ~ ~imp"ovomeut .~U M of f1rt-t-c.1au qua11ty, .uUaW.- lor ahe plal''''' fer ..w.e,- tM' are to be ll..d and .~ct to the mt;,.~tlQQ'" approval of tu .~. of Lee&! Improyem'.1 of the Village of Mount Prospect, Cook County, Illir;lOis. AU of ..td work ,luaU b. c;onstrUC:led tft a woda:QanUke m....,. uuder the aUp4JriDteluienc e of tbe .a"~ of Locallmprovemeat. .of the Village of Mount Prospect, Cook County, Illinois. All euyad.. Otl tile attacked 4J-.wj:nls are 11..... in I..... aftC!decimals thereof above United Stabua Geo4.etic.Survey Datum. U.S.(i.S. Datum for the purpose of this improvement is hereby established as the square cut on the northwest cor~er of the west . ~ lIVingwalL. on the north $ide -~... of the concrete bridge over weller Creek at Emerson Street -- Elevation 654.45. The eleVa.tioN of t. .....rious part!! of the hnprov.m.at .....1.. .,.ciUe"- tc> be co..nru~t.d ~W1_ a.. $ho~ on the attJlcbe4 pUll.. . 'i f't-