HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 808 12/27/1961 "j/;I. r'l/""/' 1 / J..~ c_ I 0__ (," "'I~'-'",j ""r T,' "(r', O/'lf v.. ......~ ~L.J.'~...l,j U~.J l'~ 'v'. ~~ AI. Um:':INAI,\t.;:2; I ','Lj:JEA, LE:G YJ," ",','" L", C,;li I,\.t:'-,"":;'~' ':" 0'" anc'l 1-.. !"",' ::':',"-"1' T/')','" , ......-... '_''IIr. u_ __, t'') 1. 1J \...' ",-,.l..:J\.;'! \....' ill }')(;'] I-jJ~j':A(.;.')A>':"'f{ b (,,'C1 <":':",r;'II'l"; l'i, 'I')O')~ C','(',rrlI~'-' 'i,-l-')-::C:" ~l-~ .c..., -,., :~.-~ ,",:__t. .L ~~ .j_~ ,iJ..1....:,v.... v'J .....L{_.;'-.. j ~ h.-).bv.L. \..:1,) J..d..__c-U 1 AHD Sl:~C'jlIUiJ 1~..1206, ;~lTl:': A IIW S~CIJ'I(;H lLL,.120LL OJ:!' 1'H~ ::mnc Il'AL C Cl):C~ Ul" :,TuTJ1,',!,' 1:'1; 031':.6C,l' hi:" !I'. 'T' T\,"F 'lie: Qj':l'! ITT/",,: (. ,(,[\ rPIUY1"((" _,___'....~___.__., _ , .l-J.&._ _ 11.........1 ,......1.'-". 'J _'-:'..:::::..-...~:.....,... \j....~ lJU~J , 30ard of Trustees Illinois: , I'll CILL-AnTED by the I)resj(~ent and of the Villa!'~e of Fount Prospect, CooL County, Section 1. Hat tLe following sections of the "'vnici- pal Code of J,~ount i~Y'ospect or portions thereof referred to are hereby repealed: para6:;raph (f) of Section lL!_.1201 re3.din~~ as follows: II ,;'ronta;;ell means tb:Lt part of a plot of ground iW.Ele- diat~1.Y .3.~L)acen~ to and acuttin2: the street or public hishway, prOVlOeo. "Gnat wnenever a plot of ground is acJ.jacent to or abuts more than one street or public hir:;hway, the frontac;e on all such streets or hiE;hVla~'-s snaIl oe cou.Ylted if witrlin the frontage areas as llereinafter set forth. Paragraph (e) of Section 14.1201, reading as follows: lIprorertyll '!18ans real property anet the "Nopa "oYiner" '1'.eans the l"ecord owner of tLc re[~l property. ?o.ra<:raph (11) of Seetion lL:..1201, reading as follows: II' '1 1_11' ,~.' -!- f -, ' " bib' :)_.OCL },::; una.... ar8a u .tau'::., SUrr01.1JlO.eu y ur s-creets. Alleys are not to be considered as streets in the definition of bloclc as L'sec1 in this article. }:'Ql'8.r'I'aph (b) of Section 11:..1203, readinr;;; as follows: lJi thin three hundred. f8et (JuO I) of tue location of any existinf; service station or tank or iC;;Ci.soline storar:e tank. (As a~11ended bJ Crdinance yo. 5dt\ passed and approved 12/17/57 and published in the 1unicipal Code 12/20/57). Ejec tion 1[;,.1205, readin,:'; as fo llows : :Ji'rontage consent. In no case shall a perLlit hereafter be issued for a service station or stora~e tank for motor fuel in this viLLar;\:, withol<t the written consent of seventy-five per- cent of the owners within 150 feet of the location upon which it is intended to erect, constrvct, or install s',ch service station or storage tanlc. Section ~4.l206, reading as follows: Ti'0 rm, of consent. ~L'l:le consent by the property owners as requ,ired by the above section of this article 81.1a11 be filed with the application for a per~it and shall clearly describe the premises upon which the service station or storage tank is con- templated to be erected, and must be signed by the requisite prop- erty owners as provided in the above section, and indicate the lot, block, and subdivision for which the signer is giving consent, and the number of feet frontaf:e fa!' \vhich tbe signed bas consented. .. Section 2. That Section 14.1204 is hereby amended to read as follows: Application, contents. 'Che appllcation for a per::nit required by this article shall state the interest of the appli- cant in the lot, parcel or land on which the erection, construc- tion, building or installation is conteElplatcd, and there shall accompan;l saj.d application the plans and spec ificat ions for the construction of SUC11 contemplated station, tank or appurtenances thereto, and a plat of s..:,rve;;;r showing the location of the con- te:nplated structure on the lot upon YiTh:!,ch the strl~ct1Jre is to be erected. Section 3. ~['hat this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage approval and publication according to law. PAss:::m this ~ -1 day of ~)ec er;lOer, 1961. A~)l)IWV.ijj this c:J -; ciay of' L:ecember, lC)61. n i) ,.. (;\, (-+--- ~ 1 ~\).:...~ ~ /~~.. Pres ic',ent Attest: -IG~c:-'~ (L,. UJ~ v,-' Village Clerk d /1 Published this '7 day of' -Jj ~ , Ita-. (J(l<~ #.e-r "jLL ---.--- 1 'j61., in tbe