HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 858 08/21/1962 :.:/r;"I':~"/' . I . 4/ ~}fmINANCL rJ(;. 4#~ Ll DUi NCI; VIlJI7;i(; V'i ~:'l' AN !L lJrrrC!U\L TAX FOH ~')THI;.T Aim HH IDGL rmll"CSL:3 b FISCAL Yl:..AH EnCI1H}~rtAY 1, 1962 ,. j G APHIL )0, If)6J VILLAGE , 'T.i' 1v' \ ' ':'1\,(;, U.I'''' 00 ..r; {" m C' v" "v I' 0" 1 'UITnj' I":". L I~,'l' " '7' (\ ~':."" ';'1/.,,)1.):,4 .- \ ~;J4"i..'IV-L. . v'~\. v tJ.'..~, . J..J.. ,J;,V4'''.~ 'T" , pUl'suarJ.t to Chapter 2.4, paragraph 696(a) of' t.ht: Illinois ::;6v1sed Stat:,ltes, a village 1s empowered to Ie"...r iUl ,( " annual street and bridge tax of not more than .00 peroent of the f\.l1l fair oa.sb va1~.le 01' tay,.able property in said village, as equalized or Il\SEHUH!ed by the :;:'iepal.t!tlent of Hevenue subject to other provisionfJ ()f the T.l11no1s law, and , a village Inay, by three...tOlJrths vote of' thtl t\1.ember8 elected to the 1)08.1"<< of :frustees, ~ vy an additional tax for street and brldp;e 'pltrnOses at the rate of not to exceed .OL~160 percent 0:1: the fuli fair cash value or taxaole property within naid village, as eqva1tzed or a!'lse~~:0d by the ~'epa.rt1"'jent of ~: avenu.e, and .Ji ;:Jli.'d~<;-~'~;' add.! tiollal fWl'..is a.re reqt~1rod for s treat; an(,l i:n:>:1dr.!:e P1\t'}JoBes in order to properly !'1a.1ntain RRr'\e, :,;~J,.~' .q. ..:-, ,J .!. b;r the President and :Jmu'd of Trustees of tb.e Vl11al'-!6 of "~Otlnt Prospeot, Cook l.,cnJnt~!', Tll5.noiH: ::ectlon 1. t; an Q(ldlt:tonal tax of .0416b percent of' the full f'air CE'u':ih value, as equa.lized or assessed by the ;epart- T\ient ot"evenua, of a.ll t;axa.ble property within the V1l1agfi' of lount Prospeo t, Cook "-;OlInty.. Illinois, be levIed tor t:lt:l fisca.l ':re8.t' :~ay 1, 1962 and onding April 30, 1963, for Btreet and brtdf~e purpof\es; said .tax to ;,H1 in aJ.dit;ion to a tax levy al; the rate 01' .OG percent of tho fllll fair oash value of the property in 8aid Vil1f:\[":e. ,i".JCtion 2. T';;:,ut f;aid stI'~et &nd bridge tax 'oe :in ii'.1CI1.- cion to taXfH) l~~v:ted fel!' genera.l corporate purposes. (:;ect1on 3. 'J'hat this ordinance shall be in full force a.n,J efrt){~.t from and at'tol' i ts passa,,~~ and approval aooording to law. :ectlon 1+. rfLat the 1!1l1A.fe ;l()r'~, shall file a cart-iried oopy ot this ordinAnce with the county Clerk of Cook COtmty, Illi- nois, along with the tax levy ordinance o:f the Vl4.lage of' ,MOl.Ult Prospect :for, the fi!ICal :~tear corm'rlenell1g :~ay 1, 1962 and, ending '.1'1.... b 1 )- t". 1 ' j (., ') ,ar'.....I. v. ..../v..;. Vot~n l'A:~S,.d' tbJ.a 02 l ~ day, r..:f Ayes t j'3..L<;:~.!" ta.L-LLl..3:',i :iaya: --- " A bs en t : c!1I' 1..1:-,.-" 1~.ppr~.011l.~~.;. tl1i.,s d ( - (ti_L"j, .' ,. c 1:11y; 1-jo,;;:. ~-o...4..t:z t...L.c.. "'-.... , 40-_....4- L .::J/'",pilA I :.,L.;.....'/!._A.-'i....$<J!d J~;l~k LLI~(~:\;;:;-_____. :F'Il.iJ) in my office this .~ V daJ' of . ltc.l7 1/ ~ 7;' 1962. _ county (,lark of Cook County, Ill. QLc:...,. " " #' ;.j'i4 da;; C'.J. ,11.<. .' .l'ivc.. .<. ~ <2:c. a \~ ~~~~,'~\; " Pre.srdont ~ : - Attest: