HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 1100 10/19/1965 ,~~. .,' s/Z . h~5' / AN ORD:NANCE -# II()CJ ~:\\. b 6 PROVIDING FOR Ti:-IE MAKING 0::<' A LOCAL rnPROVEMEl\J""T IN A1.TD FOR THE VILLAGE OF MOUN""T PROSPECT, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS BE IT ORDAINED BY the President and Board of Trustees of the Villase of Mount Prospect, Cook County, Illinois: S3CTION 1: That a local ~-;-,-,?rovement shall b.:;: made in the Village of Mount Prospect, Cook County, 'Illinois, the nature, character, locality and description of wh~cn improvement is as follows: "" ". That the public streeh in the Village of Mount Pro.pect, Cook County, nUnoia, at the locations as hereinafter eet forth, be improved by constructing Portland Cement concrete sidewalks, together with all nece..ary adjultments and appurtenant con.truction, Sidewalks are to be installed in the street at the following described locaUon. : Centra 1 Road In the north side of Central Road from a point one thousand and for"y (1,040) feet east of the ea.t line of Arthur Avenue to a point two hundred fifty (250) leet west of the weat line of Kenilworth Avenue, and In the north .ide of Central Road frorr. the northea.terly curb of the pavement in Rand Road to the westerly curb of the pavement in Westgate Road; (except the intervals where commerical driveways are exhting). Pine Street In the east tide oi Pine Street from the exilting sidewalk in the south half 01 Central Road to A point one hundred and thirty-nine (139) feet south . thereot; and In the ea8t side of Pine Street irom a point three hundred and sixty-seven (367) feet south of the south line of Central Road to the exhting sidewalk in Northwe.t Hijhway, a diBtance of one h1.mdred fifty-five (155) feet; and -1 - In the west aide of Pine Street from the existing sidewalk in the south half of Central Road to a point seventy- six (76) feet south thereof; and In the west side of Pine Street from a point two hundred seventy-nine (279) feet south of the south line of Central Road to the existing sidewalk in Northwest Highway, a distance of one hundred eighty (180) ieet, Maple Street In the welt side of Maple Street from the existing pavement in Pro.pect Avenue to the existing sidewalk four hundred fifty-two (452) feet south of the south line of Pro.pect Avenue; Elmhurst Avenue In the west side of Elmhurst Avenue from the south line of Elmhurst Road to the existing alley entrance pavement at a point one hundred (100) .feet south thereof. -2- The Portland Cement concrete sidewalks ehall be five (5) feet in width and five (5) inchds thickn and shall be constructed at the locations 8hown on the drawings attached hereto. The forms for the sidewalks shall be BO set that the slab will have a fall of one (1) inch vertical to four (4) feet horizontal from the edge nearest the property line toward the edge farthest from the property line, A l!Iubgrade shall be prepared by excavating or filling, as the case may be, so that the top surface of the sidewalk to be constructed at the edge nearest the property line will be at the established grade. A cuehio,(l of sand two (2) inches in thickness shall be placed under all sidewalk and firmly rolled or tamped to maximum practical compaction. Upon said sand c..l,.:;hion thi're shall be placed Portland Cement concrete of a mixture of or..e (1) ;?art Portland Cement, two (2) parts of line aggregate, and three and one -half (3-1/2) parts of coarse aggregate mixed as herein- after speciiied for concrete for sidewalk. Said fine and coarse aggregate are to be the same as hereinafter specified, The concrete shall be placed in successive batches for the entire width of the slab, struck of{ one-half (1/2) inch higher than the finished slab, tamped until all voids are removed and free mortar appears on the surface, thoroughly spaded along the edges, struck off to thE. true gradfl, and floated and troweled to a true and even surface. After tamping, floating and trowelling, the depth of the mixture shall be five (5) inches. Upon completion, walk shall be brushed to produce a roughened or non- skid surface. -3- Joint filler Ehall be premoulded strips of asphaltic felt one-half (1/2) inch thick and as wide as the thickness of the concrete s lab. It shall have .uch a consistency that it wi'tl not run in summer or chip out in winter. Forms shall be of lumber two (2) inches thick or of steel of equal strength. They shall be held rigidly in place by stakes or brace. with top edges a.t true line and grade. Ends of adjoining forms shall be flush, A template, re sting upon the side form. and having the lower edge at the exact elevation of the subgrade, shall be drawn along the forms before any concrete i8 laid. Any hi~h place in the subgrade shall be removed so that the temp.late will pass over without being raised of{ the side forms or being tipped at an angle to the crosswalk surface. The sand cuehion shall be damp when concrete is placed upon it. The walk ehall be divided into separate retangular slab!!! by marking with edging tools at five (5) foot intervals. No concrete slab shall be longer than six (6) feet or less than four (4) feet 011 anyone side. The surface edges and side edges of each slab shall be rounded to a radius of about one-fourth (1/4) inch. Expansion joints .hall extend from one-quarter (1/4) inch below the surface of the walk to the subgrade, be truly at right angles to the sidewalk surface, and be made by putting the joint filler, hereinbefore specified, in place beiore placing the concrete. Such expension jointl shall be placed as follows: At or near all places where the sidewalks intersect a curb line or other .idewalk or existing concrete driveways, a one (1) inch expansion joint compo.ed of two (2) thicknesses of one -half (1/2) inch joint filler shall be made at right angles to the centerline of the walk; and at a distance oi -4- approximate ly each fiity(50) feet between terminals of a continuous portion of the sidewalk a one-half (1/2) inch expansion joint composed of one-half (1/2) inch joint filler shall be place\.i at right angles to the centerline of the walk. The cement used in the construction of the Portland Cement concrete to be ufled in this improvement shall be of the belt quality of Portland cement resulting from the calcination to incipient fusion of an intimate mixture of properly proportioned ar gillaceoUI and calcareous materials and to which no additions greater than three percent (30/8) have been made .ubsequent to calcination. The resultant clinker .hall be 80 ground as to produce a cement so fine that at least seventy-eight percent (78%) of the volume will pasl through a sieve having forty thousand (40, 000) ml~8he8 to the square inch and be so seasoned as to produce an initial set in not less than iorty-five (45) minutes. Fine aggregate shall consist of sand having clean, hard, durable, uncoated grains, free from deleterious substances. One hundred per cent (100%) .hall pass a one-fourth (l /4) inch Icreen and ninety-five percent (95%) shall be retained on a 100 mesh screen. Not more than twenty percent (20%) shall pass a fifty (50) mesh screen. It shall be well graded from coarse to fine, and shall not contain more than five percent (5'-') by weight of clay or loam, none of which shall be in lumps. When the aggregate is mixed with Portland cement in the proportions of one (1) part cement to two (2) part. fine aggregate by weight, according to the standard method of making briquettes, the resulting mortar at the age of 7 and 28 day. shall have a tensile strength at least equal to that developed in the same time by mortar of the proportions and consistency, made of the same cement and standard Ottawa sand. -5- Coarse aggregate may be broken stone or gravel. The broken stone or gravel shall be clean, hard, durable rock. It shall contain no organic or other deleterious matter and Bball be free from soft, thin, elongated or laminated pie ce s. One hundred precent (100%) of the coarse aggregate shall pass a one and one -half (1-1/2) inch screen, and at least ninety-five percent (95%) shall be retained on a one-fourth (1/4) inch screen, with all intermediate sizes retained. These ingredients shall be mixed in a batch mixer, and the mixing shall continue until the same are uniformly distributed a.nd the concrete is uniform in color and homogeneou., and sufficient water shall be added so as to produce concrete which can be spread into position with a temp4te, but the amount of water used shall not be sufficient to cause a separation of tl.e coarse aggregate from the morta.r in handling the concrete; said concrete shall be of a consistency such that the mortar will flush to the surface under light tamping. The mixing of said concrete shall continue in the drum of the mixer not less than one (1) minute, and the drum shall be completely emptied before receiving material for the succeeding batch. The drum shall revolve at a rate of speed not less than twelve (12) revolutions per minute. The method of measuring the materials for concrete, including water, shall be one which shall insure uniform proportions of each of the materials at all times. The existing catch basins, manholes, inlets, valve vaults, and handholee within the limits of the improvements shall be adjusted to the proposed sidewalk grades. These structures sha.ll be adjusted with Portland cement mortar and brick (Grade 8 W building brick, made from clay or shale, or Grade A concrete building brick). -6- Existing con<:.rete, graveL a.c~d bituminoul driveways which interfere with the construction as herein prcvided .hall be removed a. nece..ary to facilitate the construction of the new sidewalk. The driveway. 80 removed shall be replaced with materials equivalent to the original material. and to the aame width and thicklJC S s. Fire hydrant:: indicated nn the plan. .hall be moved to a new location outside the proposed sidewalk. con.truction as directed by the Engineer. The lidewat< improvementtl as herein provided -hall be con.tructed at elevations which have been determined by a minimu.m elope, from the top ot exilting curbs or edge of existing pavement (where no such curb and gutter exht.) which are adjacent to the propo.ed lidewalk of ol\e-quarter (1/4) inch per loot and a maximum of One (1) inch per foot, or a. indicated on the plant. The elevation of the prooosed walk shall also be governed by the elevation of exi.ting wa lk., driveways and adjacent ground. Exbting culverts sha 11 be lengthened as required 1(,y the propo.ed ddewalk cOD.truction. and concrete headwalh be constructed a. detailed on the plans. Where aciditioLal rnatenal is n~eded to construct the propo.eJ- eidewalka to the proper grade, suc.h material shall be secured irom approved lource.. Said "borrow" material ehall be incorporated into the lubgrade in layers not to exceed six (6) inches compacted thickness. Each layer .hall be thoroughly compacted. Any utility poles interferiug with the construction of the propoled improvement. are to be relocated in the parkway by the utility companies. Exi.ting concrete curb and gutter, lIidewalk. fences, and other objech conflicting with the construction of the propolled sidewalk .hall be removed. -7 - When excavating for sidewalk construction, all black dirt shall be removed from the sidewalk area and .tored a.djacent to the construction. Upon completion of the sidewalks and removal of the forms, the contractor .hall dress all adjacent areas disturbed by the construction with a minimum four (4) inch thicknelJ' of black dirt. Di8turbt~d areas shall be hand raked luitable for seeding, but seeding shall not be done. All materials shall be of the best quality and suitable for the purpose for which they are used. All work shall be done in a workmanlike manner under the superintendence of the Board of Local Improvements of the Village of Mount Prospect, Cook County, Illinois. .8- -~- fr~ -l'~-I -- O~_::; ,..~ ~h~t ~he ~~co~ue~c~~io~ of the BO~Td of :'='oca::' :::-.;.JroVCT":l2::.t:S of t:-.e V:..llage 0:': Moun'::' Pro.3pect, i.J:::"ovi&ing :cor: - , l.:.~:8 i~""'-l?:: c~v .J:-:-~;':'l-"'.!':' I. 3.::d J_"_ ~ ,-...i~ " , G S -c l:112.. 1:0 of 'c.he cosJc 'chereof made ;:):/ .-- ... ~, '-.o.;.t",...: ?:......cs ~c:2::t: 0:.: the Boa.rd of Local ::i:mprove:'T.eJ.1ts I bo-::'h ~~r~~o a~~&c~QQ ~nd ma~e ?&rt h~reof, be, and the same ~re ~:C:.r2by ~~,)~)::0Vc..l:. s:~ - --: ~(~ <~, >1 --. That 3a~Q im?rovement shall be waGe and t:::a vw"':-.O':2 r'l ,.-..,... :_ \-'-"t.",i ..... .:L.:-...c.:......eo~ I tCSGthe~ witn a~ &moun~ 11.0't:, c:xce\:::G. i~1.g ~~x d~~ cc~~ (c%i o~ t~2 e~t~m~~ec cost, ~o-wi~: Tv~~~Y-TWQ '':::-:CT..:;2,A=''ill, 3:G="~::::: :'::G"Lw::\2:l SIXS:Y-O:'\..::.; ]:.:8 76/100 :;)OLLARS, ($22 I 861. 76) , \'.72-: ic:-~ ~3 ~erG~Y ?rov~a~~ for t.O <:.::; i.-::J .J. Y , ~ ~CC\'~~o.rc.s .I-"l.-.,-..., '-'....,,-- cost .- ~'"" ,..., c....i. J."-'. (;;x~:;en.::e 0:.: rnz..:<.:i:-.i.g 1 levyi:--:g ai-:d collec.c.':;"::g9 said special &ssess- mc:-..-c CO...iU a_L 0-::':,,-::;:::- C:}~?C:J.-.;:.es a:=-u,lC:C~ by l;;;.Vl, bei:lg- Jche amoun't .! ":'"'I ...., -: ~.... ..~-' ___, -, _.J.';'\".,;..L..\..\."-"-I...... ":':-...\3 0':/~::"::[~:."t:.~ -c:~~::c~cf 3h~:'=- b..:;; ~:)aic1 by spec:.a:L ~ oJ S 2,3 ~~-~-~0 :"'.i.~C 1 ill z..CCO:cd&:lC2 W::"C.:1 .'- -,-, --. l"... 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Sa id Dcr;.d s stlc.~..l... .0"'::; . -, :1.3 s.\le~ i:1 accc::c.ance vlit::.L 2;. :-"d s :-...~ 11 :'11 "'l.., aJ.....L :cespec':cs cor.i.~O::'::-::.1 ;:0 t::~ ~)rov:i.S ~Oi'13 oJ: .f- ~y....", '-J..l.i.;,.; Illinois MUL:cipul Code, i~\:ct.iclG 9, :Jiv:...:;io:..: 2, ~.l."'\..4. u~~~10rJ.c:~~~i..::;:a."...t.~ -cll.ereto. s='::;~~:.:._; '0 (~ 1J:'::a t: "c1:e ?~'e.:J~c.c:J.~c of :- "'-. -=:. l...l..\;;;: Villc.ge of ... , j.:~0ur...-c ?:"~03~J2C-:: .......-~ w,- ~ ':'""'"('"".'-' ":":".L...\..4,. "'.. ~', .L~-.;;;; "1 !""'; .J-':> ., ., - ~ ...... ,('lereDY ~ ~::,z;c"Cec -co f iie 2.. Pet. it, ion th~ Ci=c~i~ ~ou=~ C~ Coo:<. Co~::-.t.i'l ::~::":'"'.Oi3 I IT.i. the l1aIT~e 0:': ~'- - - ,=::" '-.l..l.1C: p(:op_e of -:.-~...... -:':l. '-...l.....- Villc:.g~e of Zoun-t ?:CC.::..~::'2Ct I praying tl1aJc ~ ~~~..I~ r.i.c:..y :..J..;,,; .c:.;:':'''-':'_~'1 t.o levy a 3l:)''::c:",;;"".i. 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J..J.....:~.:.1."--..; f.....:ll Q:":~:~C-~ .from 2..ll.d a::c.cc:r . , ..l.......~ ~~8r~oi, accc~~~ng to ~aw. ?...~SS=D; r:l;.., .; r-' ~.l,.L...i..~ ..... '\7--' '"'I ... C;..J,."':::';u, b Al')?:~()VED ;; 7:his :~- ,=l'=~2 S.~~;~~ ~~N") :? =~2D ::::~ ~.~~y O:?:'.?IC=:: ~r~i~ ,/~ d~y 0:Z -i1 ~-kU1--;-' ",.,., ,..... ~:.. ..i.J. I :"965. ,/) 'Ill A'---/ ;; , // Jt/t:4l~k/;,. ~>Vwc- 7 v' - C"'';> '"" '".- ~ ..L.-'-.J-c....:)'lro;.;o '-.......'_.......).. /1 .LE+-. day of NAYS; Sl1&:'l JJ.:;: irJ. p&ss&ge a~d approv&l, (fl~t::~--&lj 1965 A:SSE~"'T : o of :So'~d of Trustees 0:Z tn8 Villago of Xount ?rospect Cook County, Illinois