HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes 09-73 02/20/1973 RESOLUTION NO. 9~73 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF AN AGREEMENT WITH THE FOREST RIVER FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT WHEREAS, the Administration of the Village of Mount Prospect has reviewed the contract with the Forest River Fire Protection District for the calendar year 1973; and WHEREAS, the said Administration has recommended to the Mayor and Board of Trustees of the Village of Mount Prospect the adoption of the said agreement; and WHEREAS, the Mayor and Board of Trustees of the Village of Mount Prospect have ascertained that entry into this agreement is for the best interests of the Village of Mount Prospect; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS: SECTION ONE: That the President of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Mount Prospect is hereby authorized to sign and the Vil- lage Clerk of the Village of Mount Prospect is hereby authorized to attest the agreement for fire protection made a part hereof and at- tached hereto as Exhibit I. SECTION TWO: That the said agreement shall be effective January 1, 1973, and shall be binding upon the parties thereto and their suc- cessors through December 31, 1973. SECTION THREE: That this Resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval in the manner provided by law. AYE S : 4 NAYS: 0 PASSED and APPROVED this 20th day of February , 1973. ATTEST: , /lJ 0'" - t ii' ,,; </ "./ ,. ';;, . / "".. /.' /' :X:/f t''-.;>, ~, ,/' 6-<'4;' '.!.v.:,-"-,,,/-. /' V~llage Clerk /0/..;::;:...0 / 0/" oJ' " . .~,,-"'~7 ....' /' Y;' / ' /' // . .--"".~:'.:'/ ;. /./~//. <:'~ L..,,~ ~/<..#~-<.,,>.. ,.-<,,/ .../ , Mayor FOLU;s;r RIV&R FIRE Wl't.O'l'.ICTIO:N DIsr.w:aICT # a l'lUNICIPALCO~OAA1'lOt:~ ~ COOl'\: COO1J'l'';l ,ILtIliOIS hereto, (lad 'l\fie VILLAG~ OF' M{)t,n.~f31 PI~OSPEC'1', a :}lUJ1'4ICI.?,;u:, C{)a!'on'1~J:Ot-i, 0001< COU!i'l~ 11 :tLLIi:~OIS hereto.. ,,~~~~1:l~_ WHERi:A$ q t1~ VIl.LAt~i'; or l~()Oli~t P;RO$'!i~CT, hereinafter re- ferre~ to a$ the ~VILLAGE;u a munisipal corporation orqaniaed Mder the laws of the J,SH:.at$ of Illinois and t.he FOlUnS'I' ZtIV&R p'IFm j'i"{O'i'IiiCTION OISTIUCT, hereinaft.er reftirred to a$ the ~'OIS'latIC'l' f "' ltmunlclpal go,rpora-eion ol.'qei.zed under 'tlu~ laws of t.!U,i Stat~ of IIlino!$.. are municipal oorporat.ionliJ or9',u1!~elZ1 unaer the laws of t.he $tat.e of Illinois and as $\:u::l't have t14e power l..\nttler st.at.e law t.o ent.er int.o a9reement.~ for 'providin9 fireprot$et.ion;and \l~l'U.~RiAS t tb,e VILLAGE is dasirouii of providin~ ,f-iliuch :S(er'~ ~iees t.o tbe DIS~aICT, ~ow i 'rlUil~~FORE , IT I S~\GRE~.o ~1t~ AND BJ:~'l'Wir1tl\l TI~E VILt..t\GE iUJP ~$E DISTRICT AS FOLLOWS~ 1. Tnat for the period be~1nn1n9 January 1, 1973, to Dec- ember 31, 1973, at. 12dlO midnight. said4ay., 'the v:tLLAG!: shall furnisb all fire f1.gb'tin9,fire protteot.ioJWt~ fire prevent.ion, and o'ther Gm~lu:genoy serviceu:., ineludin911iUJnerqeney amlJulaaoe $l!l.tt'viee, by such volunt.e~r or paid on call and/Qr r$9ulat' firemen availaDle t.o 'the VILLAGE as th$ u'ir$ Chief of th~ VI.tJ:..AGJS shall det.erminee to ~e DI~TRICTfor a oertain area a$ shQWn, and outline~ in red on ~hibit. I at.taehed heret,O and r:ttCiu!e a part hEu~eof. 2. 'that for t.he period of t1:tllfi during wbicn this a9reernGflt shall .be 11\ full fol'c~ and effeet,,, t.ttenIlS'rRICIJ,~ agrees to pay 'tQ and the VILLAG~ a~rees t.o adeep~ a$ full paymen~ for said fire pro-teation" firlia preventd.on tiUiUf'v1c&$ , and, muerg'l1.u'1cy service$ that ~ount of MQftie$ received from ~ax reeei~t~ collected durin~ th~ period be9inniu,i;J J'4ltnuuy 1, 1973, and .t.ldin~iOeceliiber 31, 1973, le$s all cost.s of runnU1(j ~he said tiIgtr~:tCT 1neludin~ but. not 11mit~~ to all administrative lS9&1 salari~s and othe~ e~~ens$s ine:urred$ a.. It. is underst.ood that tbe DlST'f.tlCT $b.all levy ta~es at. the maximum rat$ autli~rllea by statute with- OUt r$fer~naum~ and sball apply for an~make all ef~ fort.$ t.o rGcei VEt any available stat.. atui/oX' federal aid to fire protea~10A Qistriots a~ is now ~vailabla or maybe ~ad@ available d.ur:iny ~~e t.er~ hereof; all sucb levies; however.. shall b@ ~xoluilive of t.he anlCUll.t. of t~$ levied for paynf$l:lt of tb& bonded indebt.ednes$ of tb.e 0IS".t'1tIC~ whiGl1 0:Hist.ed. prien: t.o the discont.in- uance oft.he fire depar~$nt of the PIS~RIC~. It. is underst.ood that the DISftICT will cont.inue to levy an~ e:ttend t.axes upon the taxableprcperty in its terrl~' t.ory' for its proport.iQnat.e l!lhare of such bonded in- deb~Qa.$s of the 018'1'1\10'1 at. u.h.(ttd.me of t.he said d1aQont.inturmee for the purpose of amort.imin,suon bonds ""'1?a9l;tl 2'" un:til ,lilH1Ch. t.ime a_ suff1ci~nt. fun41B t.o rEllitlre such bonGs lU1V$ h~en collect.ed. .b .. 1'he payruents by 'the O:tS1'IU:C'1~ to t.h~ VILLAGi: $.t:iall D<e made in the fol1owinqnl~$r i> (1) ~he sum of FiV$ aunar$d ($500.00) pollar$ sha.ll be paid upon tj:v~ e~eeut.lon of t:.h1lS aq.ree- ment.", (il) The $um of P.iv~ ~und~ed ($$00..00) Dollar$ on or before April 1~ lt13. (1,11> The tHUle! Five Sundt'(\)d ($500..00) Dol1arSSl on or before J'uly 1, 1913.. (iv) ',1fne balance remain.i.nq aft.ar all ex-pen$es hav$ been paid shall be paid on Qr befcr~ ~ac~ eJ.m:H~tr 31" 1"3. 3.. ~'nat. tbe Fire Chief of t.heVILLASI shall have th$ ~ole and e~clusJ.ve ri9ht.q dut.y ~ and respo:nsibil1t.y 1:0 presc%'ib~ the Wlflri$:r and ltiet.bod of t1ving 'tl'$e e.l~ for fire ana/o%:' ot.her $mergonciesocQur.r1ag within t.h$ PXS~il'.IC'lH $ territ,()r:r a. G\t'tlined upon said ~hi~it 1. -4 OJ ll'hat. tite i'iX'$ C:t11ef of tll$ "l:U:,LAG:I or li1s au'tborized %'$presentat.iv$ sb.all bave the $OlGM4 e~u'Jl'l.1$iveaut1'1orit:.y and re$poful1bilit.y to <i1relet. and cent:rol any -Md all fiX'e f19'htl:n'ir. fire p:rO'l;ectd.on, firepr"w'.nt.!.oa, and ctber ~m.er'9'ency operat.ion car%1ed on at 'the scefie of any alam or emertenay ceeunin~ wi:thin tha:t t.errit.ory of 1th41: tlIS1"IUCf $hown upo~ t.he $Ud ~h1bit I. ""P&.<;19 J- $.. ~'b.at:. ~ll firefiiht.;bt9, ~U.r'e PJ:'ot~ct1on.1 fire preven'" tion aD4l oth$:t' emt'ilrt:jenoy prool!ldwre$ C:!cnd:uct.ed under tile provisions hereof $hal1. be conducted in acoordanee wi:th ~~e re9ulatiena of' the Mount i?re$pect fi'!:t~D$par't~~at. and th~ ordinances of tb.e Vi1'" la.~G,. $ .. :xrhat:. all ~spen$e a.."ld OOS~ Gf '$tlalnta.1nin'9 ~quipment. /! ap- para~u$# salaries, in$uran~e premiumsQ and any and all o~~er i~~m$ of expen$~ CGnneo~ed with .t4~ $ev$~al $erviaea cont.em~lated barCi!in t.o be supplied by the VILUG!l to tb.e I)lS'I'RICT $hal1 be borne by t.he VILLAGi:.. 1'he only is:i:penl,\H.;l fal1in'Sj u.pon the OIS'1'RICT shall be in tb.e fom of t1'1$ :@li.yme.n.'ltliJ meheduled to b~ mad,<e herein- above unde.r :Paragraph 2 b.. 7,. Tn.to; wit:J\ln seven (7)daye of t'e.eelpt of llct1c0 of an'~ ft$:Kation ~y any l.tu,m1cipalit;y of landarui tenltor!{ ~ithin it;$ dis... t.:r-ict(as shown in 3!'$a upon 1::1'1.e sata. 1~1bit;. 1 he:teto), the r~IS- ~RIC'I' sball forward & copy Qfeaid nct.1.o$ (with the 1$9_1 des- oript.1on oontained tberein) t.o tAe VILLAGE by ad4re$$in!same 'to 'tbe at.t.entio.n of t.h.0 V1.1.1a~. Cll$rk 112 Ea$~ ~orthwest ~i~bway Mc~t ~ro$peet# Illinois 600S6. I~ Wrll~:iSS WH~:fWOF I tilie pa.:ttd.e. heret.o nave o:a\i~ed. tid.$ aqreement. to Dfl eaeout.ed. by tllfJli~ respGc't1ve' Qf'f.icerll and -~at;J0 4- llave aff1~e.dhe:rNa\mto tb.elr resp$Qt.i V$ corporate $aal$ """ all having been aut.bQri~e4 ll1' 'thli adopt.ion Qf asuit.abl$ ~tesolut.ion passed ana approved by $aahof the r_spective partie$ bereto. AlJ.'TESlf 1; VILLAG:t OF~lOU~tr PitOSJfr-iC'lt , -// I~~ ,) "./:) 7,.,9 ~//' l / / / -:;>~ .../:.;...../ . // ~7'" iy~ ~-c<:.._.~..'" ~,,-2,.,_/ vm~a"iih'iiRiiii~.- .j . CO" . ,..,--~ tv.. a ~. Grk~--- FOEU!;SI$.' :RIVBft rIM PROTmCTION :aY<l lI'l1'1'Ut, ~......,~... .' 1i~{/ s . "2:,~._~,, .e.rG 4ry Peted this .~. day of December, lt72. -Pal'S 'm>