HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes 01-75 01/07/1975 -~" t'~ ,--.,. RESOLUTION NO. ~ -I t A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF AN AGREEMENT WITH THE FOREST RIVER FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT WHEREAS, the Administration of the Village of Mount Prospect has reviewed the contract with the Forest River Fire Protection District for the calendar year 1975; an WHEREAS, the said Administration has recommended to the Mayor and Board of Trustees of the Village of Mount Prospect the adoption of the said agreement; and WHEREAS, the Mayor and Board of Trustees of the Village of Mount Prospect have ascertained that entry into this agreement is for the best interests of the Village of Mount Prospect; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS: SECTION ONE: That the President of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Mount Prospect is hereby authorized to sign and the Village Clerk of the Village of Mount Prospect is hereby authorized to attest the agreement for rural fire protection made a part hereof and attached hereto as Exhibit I. SECTION TWO: That the said agreement shall be effective January 1, 1975, and shall be binding upon the parties thereto and their successors through December 31, 1975. SECTION THREE: That this Resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval in the manner provided by law. AYES: D NAYS: 6 PASSED and APPROVED this ('\ 7 t;;l '\,! day of i~ ' 1975. (/1 L7'~~4l Mayor ATTEST: !'1 ~L4 It/ j / . j(j/II'Pt.Ld tU ~. Vi1lage Clerk " ,'" """-. 101Ul:SlflUV1i:a i':t~ f~O';f.'~IOHl).t..., A MUNICIPAL CORPORATIONiCOOlt (:OUtill'1', ~':_IS, HSMI0, and THE VILLAGE OF MOUft PROSPllC'f, A MlJNICIPAL COnPORATION I COOK COUNwt" ILLINOIS, UUTO. A G R E E MEN T liHEREASt the Village of Mount Prospect, hereinafter referred to as lithe Village,lll a municipal corporationor9aniaed under t.he laws of the State of Illinois and the Forest River J;"ire l?rot.$ct.ion Dist.riot, h.e:r~inafter referred to as.t1".le Dist.ric:t,l~ a munioipal corporation organizi!l:d UI.tder the laws of the Stat.e of Illinois, are municipal oorporations organized under t.he laws of the State of Illinois and as such. have the pow-e.r under St.ate law to enter int.o aqrlSlements fot" providing fir~ .prot.eotion; and \~H.EREAS, the 'Vi11a/i$ 15 desirous of pX'ovid.ing such services t.o t.he Dist.rict., tiOW, 'l'HEXW:rOM 1 IT IS AG1iU'l:e;O ift J.lu"fD BET~E,t;;11 TaB VILLAG~ AND THE DISTRICT AS FOLLOWS: 1. That. for the period beginning January 1, 1975, to Dece!lill:;er 31, 1975, &1: 12:0Q midnight said day, tne Village shall furnish all fire fighiting, fire 'protect.ion, fire pre- vention,.a:l1ld other emergency services, incl\1ding emerg&llcy alwulanee service, by su$h volunteer Qr paid on CAll iU:~d/or ,,: j/ :f: ~" ---,~ r.,ular f1r$men available to the V,111age a$ tit. fire Cht.fot tme V111a91& shall determ1n., to t.n. UJ..s~r;t(1tt'.r a c.ru.in ... as shown and outlined in red on E~jJ:;)i. t I af:d:.a:cfi...ti h.r~t.o and made a part hereof. .2 . That for the period. of time duringwhieh this af'X'ee.... m.ent shall :be in. full forae and effect, the .District. aqrees to pay to and t.he V111af$ aqreestoaccept as full pa~t for said fire :protection, fire prevent.ion services, a.n.a. emergency suu:.'v1CQS that amount of moni&$ received from tax re.ceipts col- lected durin9 t.be period beginning Janu.ary 1., 1'75, and endin(J D$aember 31, 1975, less all costs of running the said District. il'1cll.l41n9 but not lintit.edto all atbninistrative legal salaries od ether expenses ineurred. .'. It:. is undersrt.ood that t:h~ Dist.riot shall levy t:.a)tes at:. the ttla.ximum rat:.~ aut.horized .by st.atut.e wit.hou.t. referendum; and shall apply for and mak~ all efforts t.o receive a.ny ave.ilable state and/or t'eu.1eral aid taltre prot;Ellet.ion districts as is nQw ava;J.labl~ or may .be m.ade available during' the term. hereof; all such levies, however, stulll be exolusive of tn. a_Wit of ta~e$ levied for p.y_ ment. of t.he bond$:a in4ebtednes$ of the District. whieh existed prior to t.he disconti.nuanoe of the fire depart- ment of the .Distriot.. It is Wlderstood that 'the Distriot will con:tinue to levy and extend tue$ upon t.hf.;': t.axable propert.y in it.s t.e:t:ri t.ory for i t$ proportionate share of su.eh. :bonded indebtedness of the Distriet. at. the t.ime of tn. said. Cl.1soont.i,IltUmc:e for the put:POse ofaD,\Ort.izinq $ucb bonds .until such time as lSuffioient funds to retir$ suob bonds bave btilJ:en COlleQt..4. b.. Tile payment.$ by tIle Oistricrt. tQ the. Village shall he made in the follQwi~g m<<Utner: -2- _. "",--'-, (1) 'lhe $'. of ~lV'e ~"Illred ($500.0~U t)QllaJi's shall be paid upon the e:ki90tlt.iQn of thiB affr.~t.. (i.i) 'l!hes\Ul1 of :.rive t1'Wldred ($500.0(t) _11ar$ on or befc>re Apri.l 1,U)75. (iii) 'the swn of J'ive Hundred ($500..00) Oollars 011 or before July 1, 1975. (1v) The balance re:maining after all eXl?~$es ) have been paid shall be paid on or before D.ce.m.... be::: 31, 1975. 3.. 'fhat t.he! Fire Chief of the Village shall have the s01e aad exc:;:lu.$i~ ri9ht, duty, ana X'esponstbility to prescribe the mann.r and method of giving t...'le alarm. fo.r fire and/or ot.her smargend1.es occurr.inq wit.h,in the District. 'sterr1t.ory .as" out- line4 upon said :Exhibit. 1. 4. That. the Fire Chief of t.he \1i.ll&96 or his aut.horis$d .repreaen.t.ative shall ha". t.hesole an.d exelusivfill ilu.ttJ\Qrity and respons1l::ti.li.t.y to direct. and.QQ:nt.~ol any ana a1.1 fire fight-Ln.", fixe prot.ectiQn,f1X'$ prevent..ton, and ot.h.er e_;rge110:1 operat.ion carried on. at tbe $~ne oiany alarm or eme.r9'ency ocourr1n<;J wit.hin that. t.arrit.ory of t.h.e Dist.rict. shown upon the said Exhi.bit. I. 5.. ':Chat all fire f19ht..ing, fire protect.ion, fire preven- tion a.n:dot.her en1ergency procedures cond.uct.ed under tht.1 provi- sions hereof SlUlll be conduct.ed. in accordance wit;h the re<julat.iQns of the Mount. PrQspect Fire Department and. t.he or4in.iU1Qesof the VillagE). tu:rt.hermore, t.he Dist.rict allree$ that. wit.hi~l t.en (lO)day$ of tne execut.$.on hereof, It.$hall pass ami aPP%:'ove ordinances ld..nt.ical in form and content. t.o. theo.r<U.npce.$ of the Vill:ava-e whieb deal wit.h firefigh:t.inq, -3- .....--,.... fire. p~ot,~ction, fire preventi.on, :buildi1'1q eonfl't>>\\cuion as re- lat.ed 'to f:i.re safety I and o'ther Em\e:t'geney proCftdure$. 6. Tbat. all expense. and cost of :mainuinin'.J eQu.1p.nt, appat'a.t.\Uil, salaries, insuranee pr'Elmiwrns, and any and all other it.e_ of ."pea.Gaona.cted with the ...veral .servioes cont.em- plate4 b.enin to be supplial':i by the Villa9'e t.o theOistrict shall be borne by tbe V111a9'$. The only expen.se falling upon the Pistlt1et shall be in the forme! the payment.s scbeduled t.o be mad.eberein.ahove under Paragraph lb. Vill_te Clerk. 112Sast.Nort.h.w$st kll4i,fhway MOw.1t ProsPflct.,Illinol$ 6GOS6. IN WTNESS WHE.1\i1QI', the part.ies heret:.o have cause t.his .'jreemant. executed by their respec~ive officers Po. have .ffi~ti here.unto tb.ei~ re$~c"ti_ ~rpo:r:at:.e seals, .....4.- .~~. ~"'. all ha:vi.ng been aut.noriz$4 );)1 tM adoption of a l!ulttable ..$0- lut.ion passed and approved by..eh (i)1! t.herespea1d..ve partie. here'tD. VILLAGI O:fi' MOUNT l?ROSPEC1' ~.iS'f; /7 1/ 1~ltJ 4~~ village ' Clerk ' b. ~. ~~ r-...~. ff2 y~ .......... .~.... FORmST RIVER rrIB$ ;P;aQ'iriC'1"ION DIS!J.'MC.'l by; ~. Dated this /J~( 7 day of December, 1914. -5- ~ ~:.'~ F ",,"~_"~"~''"''',,';J,.~...l'J. '" Wc..".:jt:'':'Y:;)o;,'l:~'.', \ . '~'_, ...........,....~.._. -. , 1- .... ..... .;. -" 0':. &QNWIE8ROOl<, J , Golf Club :/ ".,:, , , : MARY~/LL I ACADEMY 'cEHAl'$tILLE )... I~ Ct:: Q3 .\j -\ TOWNSHIP ~'f'-'~...il> ".;"". ~--~_.- ...