HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 2762 01/17/1978 Ii II II Il il II I I, Iii I II I ii.'TI,r-'Df'A'''' tl-- 7"1-~"-'r B )""(} of IJ. '~peal", or^ t'l" 'V-i'lno-,', O'(~ 1'.'j' -',u'r't. P,,,,,'_"r' "",.L (';.1 )' ''''.,r !l,y._.t:'.d.'\.J ~":),. .tleL.Jl.1J.J.l., (c:~l ~.~..t:,1..C....lJ .1-:; ....1._Qt:.1\,,~ ...~t~.' ..t, .h.L\.'...'k'....~'\':.. ......... i.t'.......... lion ihe 15th day of Decembex', 1977, at th(~ }-wur of 8: 00 p ,;~:1., at the Publh:; ::::Dff,ty I/Building, 112 East NGrtl)west Hiehwav, and did. hear CaB\-} No . 65'-"V---T:', TJUI"}U,t.ot lito proper legal notiee; and .... . ~ iI !i 11~^i'IJT:CDE \S +J':, Z .....-i.~ . l'O "'d "^ "" o..:.Js of t'I~;:> UPlqcre of "1f(')1111'- Pl'a"."..,~'t (':;..l :"..,.,,, I ~: ,"oWl>.. 1_ , ~,.tJ JOH__,.lg. "?'Al . or r:..epc<o<. ,,. .: ..u.L . _J. ~'-b. . l~k .. L..: ""':!~"", "~..~'.""-,~':: iltIl1S request for a varultlOn 1rom the dCIlTIlt"tOn conta:med l:r.. Sechon 1i.::" 2(lO:c".B __',)}o; U II;WFERE'A<:: ,;'11e 'LYO!l1>lQ' Boa~a' of Apn"",,'l<' nf t}-lr.> 'lTi11ac"e of r.f[O'P1t Pl>OC")-"'~ .1 'l' ",,,(-r,,-,'-- ! ,.:l..J_.,. 1o.J, l.. .....J .....Io.:e.> J.. .J,.;:_.......c.:_u ~~ ... "'...... 1,: .a.~.'...b ,.~ l~'..'".,... ...J;t......"... v,..~. - ~., ...--.,-.\ lillT,lend to the President and Board of Trustees of the Villag'e of lViount Pro;.-:pcd; the D.pproval of this reqnest under Cm;e No. 65-V-77; and .1./.1: ORDINANCE 1<;0. ?'lG2 }\N ORr) l!\JAi"~(;E (1Itl\.1<r~rIl~"(J (~'I~I{ 'T~j\.rt{ "l,;ll~.J1"Ii~(~rIt),t~.S FOR PROPEHTY LOCATED AT 201-241 WEST RAND :ROA..D \^7HEHEAS, the Buildin~ Committee of the BOtlrd of Trust<::e.s of the VHlage C1 l\Io,;,:t I "'rJ"n' c:< ~ .t- 'hQ~"l .; _ ~'C: 1 tl.....I;,' ('\t-'- "."~ ~ :'l'."" y ~i' 'h'~lC' 'loa r.-'-. .) r~d ~ t"\.#.....,. . - ~"..~...,J;, .;-j.., :~-.t!':(""C ~.~o,-,p~;c,- _.",,"' 1 ev...C\\<(;( .de .rno. t€l, HvrcLl a_lu A.(..'~ I<cC...mJJ'Le._! 8(. '"l-''prC,,',.l (.,.cl.<:'.~" to the President and Board of Trustees of the VilIage of IvIount P::'ospect; and I IlwHEREAS, the President and BorrI'd of Trustees of the 'linnge of lVIolE-!t Pr'o:3pec:1: 0(;........:\ . ,. T L (:\ ~.t "i ._"":...1." ,... r h T~::' ,,~ :..l"l '';'~I'. ,_'t( t,.".l:' 0. t.-.~. i ,{~ -l':; ~ po 1-~(':.\.... Ihuve revlelA;ed th~ Inv_teI hereIn v.n:1 ..8."\)<:; QEtelLlne:l t.weJ. th,_ "cl.J"1... ...,> ..n 11L .......~.t I inte~l.,~ests of th,e Vinage of Mount Prospect; I i 1....'01'1 TI-TEREr~I'p 1f(" IT ()'~D [; I-'"ED BV rrqE DRrsID'F'l.T..." t\ -~'D '::r.' > .....r I u ~,', "..r: v \...c. > .lIi~.. .K d 1\;, -J ~ __ J... -,.r: .."".... _ _,1.'1 1.. ,.~__t.,.. .i..-",--,.,C;,J-~.J.) I OF THE VILLAGE OF rviOUNT PROSPECT, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS: I SE!;:TIO~..-9.NE: That the property txdl1g the subject :;'l1atter of' Case No. G~)-\I'--7'l, I being legally described as follows: I That part of the East Half of the South West Quarter of S(;;ctIon 27, TO\i;,n-- II ship .12 North,. R::mgl,~ 11, East of the Third Principal Meyidian lYinf;," S01.;'th. of the center line of H.and Road, described HS follows: CGrnmenci:ng nt I the South West eorner of the E3st Half of the Sou:i.h West Quarter of said I Section 27, thence East zllong the South lin(:; of the South ,Vest Quart('.r of said Section 27, for a dista::lCc of 758. G 1. -[eet; thence North on a liEf} f~;I'l\1iniT an ::mg"le of 90 degrees ,10 minutes 40 seconds as measux'E.d from \V'";~;,t ~'.O Not'th with the SQuth line of the South WE::st Qunrter for 0. distariC{~ of .i~37 .35 feet thence East along a line which makes an angle of 90 degrees ~',B ;nil~lltc8 as measured from South to East with the last d!~scrJ..bed line i'm' [> distEn('C' of 253.93 feet to the eenter line of Rand Road., thence North Vvestedy :::-,lcn[': the e;~:nter line of :Rand Hoad for a distance cf ~~~18. 34 feet to a point c:,f (?O:ii"" menC8illf,mt of a CU1'V"~, thenee North Westerly :)101'1[; a c:u!'''ve hil.ving a radjm~; of 15G26 .10 feet Bnd bdng,:;cn'l."ex to the Sc..n~;.th We'3t for !;:, distau;..-:c c::' 72;} . ~)i) feet thence South ~"!e8t()'2]Y :':JJong' a 1in,t~ lvLich makes an angh" ,)f ~)8 f~.(';;rees 10 mint:rtcs 1,~;1.tI1 tIle l:lbt flesc;r1il)ecl1iJ:le r.tlE!.aStlI~ed fr~onl ::10l1tl1 EV.st ff} ~';r"u.tLt ,-, ...' rr Y....' (', -- 'n'r' 1; 1.J.ti ::.. J:t, l; I..~/' ft. ~U :'1 i I I I West, for a dist8D.ee of 316.80 feet, tb.ence Vlc:?t ;;dJJng '1 line vvhicb. Ic,:-i:kes en angle of 21G degl'f;eS ;)5 ~?linnt'~f:.), mei;,suI'C'Q fx'or;! N'irth Ecst to Wc:;'t "d..i:..h. '::h-s 1::U3t described line for 1:1 distance of 33. n f(':ei: f() on intel'Eedio:'l wiih Hie I} ,,:'.1 line of the East Half of th",! Sovth West Qtw.rV':t' of s3id Section 2'{, Tovrnsl>ip 1') N "h -~ J 1.,...., t f th T'h' '})' . l'lf 'd"' , l..:1..4 L !ort ..., !\.nr.:.gG ~ )~as 0 e . Ira .1-'lDclpn J.'a.e:rl"" lc'tn tnenee S(rU.t~11 [:.It./I';g s[dd West line of said East Half of the South 'Ne~t Quarter for R diE:'lD!1(:Q or. 1043. U feet to the pl,sK';;: of begi;"m:ing, except {hat part of .said pm"('(>l bke!! for R.a:nd I?.oad, ~lld e:x.c~.::p.ti.j:'lg_.~ tb.e;:cfro.t:1 tl).....,t PG.r~t of saiJ Dr'ern:~.s(~~; (:1cL--:cr.j});?t.-1 ~ ~ .' . , I I i I 'is currently zoned under the Zoning Ordinance of the Village of MountPrGSpect 8.8 13.-1 (Business-Shopping Center) District, which zoning classifica.tion shaH !.'2.mn:ln in effect subject to th~; variation granted herein: as follo'tvs: EcgirlIlil1g at [l p'oirlt :irt tl-l(-~' r::;C"t:tl1 J.:~.l1e of saicl SCHlt11 ~"lcst (~::",--12~:,.tel~;t '{58,61 feet EaEt of the South West corner of the East Half of said SC't~Ul W,;i;)f quarter, thence North on a line fonniag an angle of 90 degrees ,10 r:d.nutfs 40 seconds as mea8ured from \Vest to North with the South line Gf th(': ScmU:1 IVest Quarter, a distance of 48'i . 35 fE.et > therv~e East on a lirH: fOl'mjng' an, angle of 90 deg-rees 58 minutes as me.s.sured from Stiuth to East with the 16.:31 described line, a distance of ~~53. 93 feet to the centET line of H.B:cd HOfld thence North WC;3h;;I'ly along the eenter line of Rand R.oad 298. :3,.j feet *.~) ':~ point of commencement of a curve, t.h(mce North 'Westerly along (~ .21.;J \!'() having a radius of 15626.10 feet andboing conve;{ to the South W\:st fot' a distance of 102.06 feet thence South \Vesterly Blo:ng a radiallilh:: of saict last described curve, a distance of 236.15 feet more or less to 1.111 inte...""- section 'with a Ene 200.0 feet West of and parallel to said 1jm; forminl:~ an angle of 90 degrees 40 minutes 40 seconds as rneasured from \Vest to Nm::.th vvith the South line of said South West Quarter thence South hlong the last described line, a distance of 600.35 feet more or less to the South lin~.~ cf said South West Quarter; thence East along said South line of the Sou,ill W,~~;t Quarter 200.0 feet to the place of begi.nning- am! (~xcepting also from sa:~d. parcel the South 333.0 feet, as measured aJorlg the West line of said Ep..st Half of the South West Quarter of said Section 27, Township 42 North,Rangc 11 East of the Thhd Prineipall\'h;l'idinn in Cook County, Illino1s, ;:md excepting also from said paree1 the Vlest 33 feet thereof; That, for the purposes of the use of the subject property bereinabc>~'e de::c:dbed by the Forest City Hardvvare and Lumber Center and Department Store as well :;lS the Chic!3.go Health Club, suell US~~ shaH be deemed to include four indoor retail stores connected by pa1'ty vJalls, developed under one ownership. SECTION TWO: That this variation shall not run with the It:'i.nCl but sh~~U 'be ------- lirn.lted to that period of time during which both Forest City and the Ch.icag'o Health and Hacquet Chlb occupy the premises Hnd building located upon th.c; I subject property. I~ECTION T~jREE: That a.ll requirements of the I\1ount Prospect Building r.m,(~, Zoning Code shaH be applicable except the variation noted in SECTION O:\'E hereto' forE mentioned. ~~S:;TIOJi F.2_P~: That the Director of Building and Zoning of the Vn};::!?:e ()f Prospect is hereby authorized to issue a building permit for constructiOi} 11',,~ f,e'.";);:';" G.nce with the variations hereinbefore mentioned. ~~~_TI~:Yl\J _:~~Y.!: That tb.e variations gT&!lted by this O:r:dinance shaH l)(~ rid, D";d void and of no force and cffeet v>Thatsoevel' unless an application for a b1.dJding permit pursuant to such '..ra:dation is mHd(~ and constructlon (.;o111menc(;dwiUrin Dlt'c CO year of the daLe thjs said Ordinance becomes effective. SECTION SIX: That this Ordinc.l1ce srwIl be null and void and of ~10 fC';.'e~;; ,Ind eff;;ct~.jh~1$oever until after its passage, approval, publication, [me:( SEer-:. tirne ,1':' -2.... II 'I II , I T .nabove is recorded 'with the IlecoJ'clcr of Deeds of Cook COU71~Y > lJ~hld8, a c"i~/ I 'f wlrlch plett of rcsu1)divisioll sh:J.ll be [lttaehed !leJ'(;[O and 'l(~l'(-;b~: Ylla(~e (1 p;.:I, t' I t81.'t::OI. I~ YES: 4 II~AYS: 0 DASSED this __~'7t!~. day or ~anuaE..L_____..______' 1978. I~PPROVED this _ 1'7_~~_ day of .....:!am~rl': I "/.-"..- , 1978. APPROVED: II II IfTTEST: lJ!~--u}-,-~ rillage Clerk II I //;, .~' /.,' , j (. 1/ /1 ., /t' ...-1'-"'7' Al _.---:.....,.._..., u>- :"~",~~V{..-.. / i' VillHt~e Pr(~sident ) /~ /~. /'1..":'1. ,;z",;{.::-""..~~,,~.__ ..,._ .___, i I I I I I II I L " -" ,)--