HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 2786 05/02/1978 Ii' }--!. OR-DINA,NeE NO. 2786 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING lWAP 38-8 OF THE MOUNT PROSPECT ZONING ORDIN.ANCE .7HEREAS . the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Village of lvlount Prospect cUd her..:,- fore conduct 11 ou.blie hea:::ing under Case No. 5-Z-78 at the hour of 8:00 n.m. 4. ~ n Februa.ry 23. 1918. pursuant to a request forzon.ing classi.f1cation changes in onjunction with a planned unit development ,which requested chang'es were rom R-X (Single Family Residence Distri.ct) to R-4 (Residential DeveloplJlE~:n.t istrict) of certain propert-j hereinafter described; @''ld \7HEREAS. a notice of the aforesaid public hearing was made and published in the lafiDel' provided by law; and '\YHEREAS, the Zoning Board of Appeds of thfj Vi1l8ge of l\-Tount Prospect has l'e(~om'- lended to the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Mount PI'ospect that he petitioner's r'13quest under said Crise No. 16-Z-77 be granted; and lHEREAS, the Building Committe(~ of th'~ Board of Trustees of the Village of Mou.nt 'rospect has reviewed the matter herein and has recommended the approvd thereof o the President and Board of T:r:ustees of the Village ex J\~ount Prospect; and VHERE.,l\~S. the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Moun.t Prospect aye determined that the best interests of the Villag'e of Mount Prospect v,rin bE: .,ttained by the adoption of the follov-ling' Ordinance regarding the subject propc!r-ty; -:OVl, 'I'HEREFORE. BE IT ORDAIN'"'ED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOAR.D OF TRUSTEES F TEE VILLAGE OF IVlOUNT PROSPECT. COOK COUNTY> ILIJNO!S: E~!ION 9NE: That IVfap 38-8 of the Zoning Ordinance of the Villa.ge of l\lou:ttt rospect> as amended, be and the same are hereby further t'1mended by r'2c:.<'lssifying' rom R-X (Single FamHy Residence District) to R-4 (Residential Dev(;;J.op:i:ent DiE-- rid) that land IegaHy described as follows: ThB North 5 ae::'es (except the VJest 25. 0 fe~t of the East 50.0 feet t1:v~reof) anc (execpt the West 210 feet thereof) of the South 30 acres Ot ~he Southf.:asr 1/4 of the Ncrth.east 1/4 of Section 22> Tovrnship 41 North. Range 1:1., Ear:;t of the Third Principal Meridian. in Cook County, Illinois. ~CTT9N TWO: That M:ap 38-8 contained in SECTION ONE of Ordinance 2410, pas;O:'.'d nd 6pproved Ma:cch 20, 1973. shall be deemed amended so 8S 1.0 eonL.i1:'m '\-'lith the ec1assificaiton of the property hE);(.dn eontained in SECTION ONE above. EeTION THREE: That this Ordinancl2.' sholl be in. full force and effect f:::'om nd after- the l'(;Cord.ing of an approved plat r'3subd.:1'vidin.g the subject property to one (1) lot of l'f.:cord; and after its passage. o:.:p'proval, and publicaHon in he manner provid,?d by law. YES: 4 ..~~ A Y S : t / _:::::','::- .:~ , ../.../~>4 I",~~ /. . '.;, . ,j... ASSED,'d;.is _2~'lO_ d&y i::-1 _ 1\I~.::.__~_._.., PPROVED this ~ZP......ri_~_d3Y of __..___pTu"L. '_/. . lS?S. , 19r(8. ~.,:.i.:'~'"" ''''_ -":-...;J" ~,'" ---C~~~14~.---._._.__.._..... ViHag'c Pd:'es~.den'i. --- TTEST: ~>.. dz~ ~a~~iz~~-v--~ il1arfC Clerk