HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/18/1995 VB minutes MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE MAYOR AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT APRIL 18, 1995 CALL TO ORDER Mayor Farley celled the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M. CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL ROLL CALL Present upon roll cell: Mayor Gerald Farley Trustee George Clowes Trustee Richard Henddcks Trustee Paul Hoefert Trustee Michaele Skowron Trustee Irvana Wilks Absent: Trustee Timoth. Y Corcoran INVOCATION The invocetion was given by Trustee Clowes. INVOCATION APPROVAL OF MINUTES Trustee Wilks, seconded by Trustee Clowes, moved to approve the APPROVE minutes of the regular meeting of the Village Board held April 5, 1995. MINUTES Upon roll cell: Ayes: Clowes, Hendricks, Hoefert, Skowron, Wilks Nays: None Motion cerried. APPROVAL OF BILLS Trustee Hoefert, seconded by Trustee Wilks, moved to approve APPROVE the following list of bills: BILLS General Fund $1,211,080 Refuse Disposal Fund 7,090 Motor Fuel Tax Fund 175,499 Community Development Block Grant Fund 5,956 Water & Sewer Fund 226,443 Parking System Revenue Fund 6,162 Risk Management Fund 103,511 Vehicle Replacement Fund 3,041 Capital Improvement Fund 1,030 Downtown Redev. Const. Fund -- Police & Fire Building Const. 540 Flood Control Construction Fund 46,000 EPA Flood Loan Construction Fund 17,389 Street Improvement Construction Fund 7,502 Debt Service Funds 110,591 Flexcomp Trust Fund 9,335 Escrow Deposit Fund 63,444 Police Pension Fund -- Firemen's Pension Fund -- Benefit Trust Fund 2,226 $1,996,839 Upon roll cell: Ayes: Clowes, Hendricks, Hoefert, Skowron Wilks Nays: None Motion cerried. FINANCIAL REPORT Trustee Hoefert, seconded by Trustee Wilks, moved to accept the financial report for the month of March, 1995, subject to audit. Upon roll cell: Ayes: Clowes, Hendricks, Hoefert, Skowron, Wilks Nays: None Motion carried. PROCLAMATIONS: MAYOR'S REPORT CHILDREN'S FIRE Mayor Farley proclaimed the week of May 1 - 5 as CHILDREN'S SAFETY WEEK FIRE SAFETY Week; April 28th as ARBOR DAY; and, the week of ARBOR DAY; CLERKS May 1 - 7 as MUNICIPAL CLERKS WEEK. WEEK A request was presented from the owner of Tedino's Pizza, 110 East AMEND CH. 13 Rand, to change the liquor license issued to his establishment from TEDINO'S PI77A, a Class "R" to a Class "W". It was noted that a Class "R" permits 110 E. RAN D ROAD the sale of all kinds of alcoholic beverages and the owner explained that while he has to keep an inventory of all types of alcohol the most often requested beverage is beer and wine, which would be covered under a Class "W" license. An Ordinance was presented for first reading that would change the liquor license classification for Tedino's, 110 East Rand Road, from a Class "R" (service of all liquor) to a Class "W" (beer and wine only). Trustee Hoefert, seconded by Trustee Clowes, moved to waive the ~-'~ rule requiring two readings of an Ordinance. Upon roll cell: Ayes: Clowes, Hoefert, Skowron, Wilks Nays: Hendricks Motion carried. ORD.NO. 4718 Trustee Clowes, seconded by Trustee Hoefert, moved for passage of Ordinance No. 4718 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 13 OF THE VILLAGE CODE Upon roll call: Ayes: Clowes, Hendrlcks, Hoefert, Skowron, Wilks NayS: None Motion carried. APPOINTMENTS There were no appointments. COMMUNICATIONS AND PETITIONS - CITIZENS TO BE HEARD JAYCEES CARNIVAL: Linda Kohl, President of the Mount Prospect Jaycees, informed the WAIVE FEES Board the annual Memorial Day Carnival sponsored by the Mount Prospect Jaycees will take place at the Mount Prospect Plaza May 24 through the 29th. Mrs. Kohl asked that the Village Board authorize all fees and out of .pocket expenses involved with conducting thecernival be waived. Page 2 -~Aprll 18,1995 Trustee Hoefert, seCOnded by Trustee sk°Wr°n, m~3ved to waive all fees and out of pocket expenses involving with COnducting the annual Jaycees Memorial Day Carnival. Upon roll cell: Ayes: Clowes, Hendricks, Hoefert, ..'"- Skowron, Wilks , Nays: None Motion cerried. OLD' BUSINESS Mayor Farley celled the Public Hearing to order at '~:50 P.M. noting that PUBLIC the Public Hearing was being celled for the purpose of considering the HEARING: adoption of the 1995 budget for the Village, following proper legal notice ADOPT having been published in the Mount Prospect Herald on April 6, 1995. BUDGET It was noted that the budget being considered for the 8 month period in 1995, May 1 through December 31, 1995, was as follows: General Fund $14~607,665 Special Revenue Fund 2,845,775 Debt Service Funds 3,390,090 Capital Projects Funds 5,724,800 Enterprise Fund 4,781,710 Internal Services Fund 3,314,140 Pension Funds 1,093,555 Total Village $35~757,735 Library 2,240,000 Totals $37,997,735 A resident asked what the percentage was for salary increases for employees and if the increases are automatic or mandatory. Mr. Janonis stated that most employees will receive a 3% increase, however, the increase for employees represented by unions or associations are yet to be negotiated. The resident also asked if the space study for the Village Hall is a competitive bid and how many bids were requested. It was noted that Requests For Proposals are being sought from 12 vendors for this project. There being no further comments, Mayor Farley declared the Public Hearing closed at 7:57 P.M. Trustee Hoefert, seconded by Trustee Skowron, moved for passage ORD.NO. 4719 of Ordinance No. 4719 AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING AN ANNUAL BUDGET FOR THE VILLAGE OF MOUNT pROSPECT FOR THE EIGHT MONTH FISCAL YEAR COMMENCING MAY 1, 1995 TO DECEMBER 31, 1995 IN LIEU OF PASSAGE OF AN APPROPRIATION ORDINANCE Trustee Clowes~ seCOnded by Trustee Hendricks, moved to amend the proposed budget by eliminating $3,500 budgeted for the extension to the leaf pick up program; eliminate $36,000 budgeted for the Holiday Season lights in the downtown; and, reduce the amount budgeted for the Page 3 - April 18, 1995 Mount Prospect Historical Society from $35,000 to $10,000. Upon roll call for the motion to amend: Ayes: Clowes, Hendricks Nays: Hoefert, Skowron, Wilks, Farley Motion failed Upon roll call on the main motion to adopt the budget: Ayes: Clowes, Hoefert, Skowron, Wilks Nays: Hendricks Motion carried. TCl TECHNICAL The technical review for TCl (Cable TV) was continued to the REVIEW May 2nd meeting of the Village Board. NEW BUSINESS CLASS 6 TAX A Resolution was presented that would support-the application of EXEMPTION: SCOTT Scott Lift Truck Corporation for Cook County Class 6 Tax Exemption. LIFT TRUCK CORP. It was noted that the Class 6 Tax Exemption, formerly known as 6b Tax Exemption, is being sought be Scott Lift Truck in order to build on a vacant site in Mount Prospect at 2214/2218 South Busse Road. Their present building in Elk Grove Village is not large enough and they are unable to expand at that location. RES.NO. 10-95 Trustee Hoefert, seconded by Trustee Wilks, moved for passage of Resolution No. 10-95 A RESOLUTION IN SUPPORT OF SCOTT LIFT TRUCK CORPORATION MAKING APPLICATION FOR COOK COUNTY CLASS 6 TAX EXEMPTION Upon roll call: Ayes: Clowes, Henddcks, Hoefert, Skowron, Wilks Nays: None Motion carried. AMEND CH. 4: An Ordinance was presented for first reading that would amend CREATE COMMUNITY Chapter 4 of the Village Code to establish the Comrhunity DEVELOPMENT DEPT. Development Department, which includes the former Inspection ELIMINATE PLANNING/ Services and Planning and Zoning Departments, and to include the ZONING & INSPECTION Village Engineering Division in the Public Works Department, rather SERVICES than Inspection Services. Trustee Hoefert, seconded by Trustee Clowes, moved to waive the rule requiring two readings of an Ordinance. Upon roll call: Ayes: Clowes, Hoefert, Skowron, Wilks Nays: Hendricks Motion carried: Page 4 -April 18, 1995 Trustee Hoefert, seCOnded by Trustee skoWr°n, moved for passage ORD.NO. 4720 of Ordinance No. 4720 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 4 OF THE VILLAGE CODE Upon roll cell: Ayes: Clowes, Hendricks, Hoefert, Skowron, Wilks Nays: None Motion cerried. A Resolution was presented that would authorize the transfer CEDE IRB of a portion of the Industrial Revenue Bond funds alloceted FUNDS to but not used by the Village to the Village of Niles. It was TO NILES noted that there is a business in Niles that is eligible for these AND MCC funds however, Niles does not have the IRB funds necessary to assist this business. It was noted that if $2,000;000 of the Village's IRB funds were ceded to the Village of Niles, the balance of these funds, $665,750, would COntinue to be allocated to the Illinois Housing Development Authority for the Mortgage Credit Certificate Program. It was also noted that 6 families qualified and participated in the MCC program. ..---. Trustee Hoefert, seCOnded by Trustee Clowes, moved for passage RES.NO. 11-95 ~ of Resolution No. 11-95 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE TRANSFER OF A PORTION OF 1995 VOLUME CAP OF THE VILLAGE OF MOUNT PROSPECT TO THE VILLAGE OF NILES, ILLINOIS Upon roll cell: Ayes: Clowes, Hendricks, Hoefert, Skowron, Wilks Nays: None Motion cerded. A Resolution was presented expressing the Village's intention to COntinue participation in the Mortgage Credit Certificete Program and alloceting the funds for that program. Trustee Wilks, seCOnded by Trustee Clowes, moved for passage RES.NO. 12-95 of Resolution 12-95 A RESOLUTION APPROVING A MORTGAGE CREDIT CERTIFICATE PROGRAM Upon roll cell: Ayes: Clowes, Hendricks, Hoefert, Skowron; Wilks Nays: None Motion cerded. The feasibility of instituting a floating Coffee with COuncil format COFFEE was presented for discussion. WITH COUNCIL/ FLOATING MEETINGS Page 5 - April 18,1995 It was noted that previous discussion had taken place relative to rotating the location of Committee of the Whole meetings, however, the Village does not have the equipment necessary to provide live Cable TV coverage for satellite locations. Members of the Board expressed their opinions relative to moving the monthly Coffee with Council meetings to various locations throughout the Village each month. Some of the suggestions supported by members of the Board included: Moving the meeting to a specific location each month Have a floating meeting possibly 4 times a year; Maintain the existing stationary meeting with a tour of specific areas after the meeting. There was discussion relative to the fact that a considerable amount of time had been spent on this subject and since there was no clear consensus, it was decided that Trustee Corcoran should be given the opportunity to express his opinion and possibly that would give a majority vote. Members of the Board agreed that they would follow whatever the majority vote was. The Mayor stated that he would get back to the Board with the final decision as soon as Trustee Corcoran came back to town. LEVEL OF DETAIL Mayor Farley asked the Board for their opinion relative to the level IN COW MINUTES of detail for the minutes of the Committee of the VVhole. It was noted that while not meant as the official record, there are audio and video tapes of the meetings of the Village Board so the amount of detail in the written minutes need not be so in depth. A suggestion was made to reduce the amount of detail in the minutes of the Committee of the Whole minutes, however, if a Trustee wanted a specific opinion or statement to be recorded in the minutes, the Trustee could ask that "For the Record" that statement would be included. A majority of'the Board supported this suggestion stating they would support less detail in the minutes with the ability to have a brief statement included by prefacing that statement with '!For the Record". VILLAGE MANAGER'S REPORT BID RESULTS: Village Manager Michael E. Janonis presented the followin, g bid results: VIDEO EDITING The following bids were received for a video editing system: SYSTEM ~ Bidder Model Amount ~ ROSCOR AVID Edit System w/Sony $40,095 tape decks, Apple Quadra, installation and training VIDEO IMAGES Bid #1, Option 1: Radius $34,490 Videovision System w/Sony tape decks, Apple Quadra, installation and training Page 6 -April 18, 1995 VIDEO IMAGES · Bid #1, Option 2: Same as oPtion #1 $34,945 with Apple Power MAC instead of Quadra VIDEO IMAGES Bid #2: Grass Valley Group $76,745 VideoDeskTop System w/Sony tape decks, Apple Power MAC, installation and training Trustee Clowes, seconded by Trustee Skowron, moved to concur with VIDEO IMAGES the recommendation of the administration and accept the bid sub~nitted by Video Images in the amount of $34,945 for the Video Editing System. Upon roll call: Ayes: Clowes, Hendricks, ~oefert, Skowron, Wilks Nays: None Motion carried. The Village Manager noted that bid specifications Were sent out FIRE DEPT for Fire Department uniforms. It was noted that the Fire Department UNIFORMS operates on the Quartermaster system, each firefighter having a specific amount to be applied against clothing, with a total of $20,000 being budgeted. Mr. Janonis stated that only one bid was received for Fire Department . uniforms, however, there are only 2 companies that provide these services, so it would be appropriate to accept the bid submitted from Kale in an amount not to exceed $20,000. Trustee Hoefert, seconded by Trustee Skowron, moved to concur KALE with the recommendation of the administration and accept the bid UNIFORMS received from Kale Uniforms for the purchase of Fire Department uniforms in an amount not to exceed $20,000. Upon roll call: Ayes: Clowes, Hendricks, Hoefert, Skowron, Wilks Nays: None Motion carried. Village Manager Michael Janonis presented the folloWing proposals ENGINEERING for the purchase of scanning equipment that would handle large SCANNING plats and plans for the Engineering Division, including hardware EQUIPMENT and software as follows: 1 - V/dar TruScan 800 Scanner 1, Hewlett Packard DesignJet 600 Plotted 1 - Personal SCRIBE 1000 CD ROM Records 1 - GTXRaster CAD PLUS Conversion Software I - MYRIAD Document Viewing Software The following proposals were received: Wheeling Reproductions $26,525.00 Imaging Technologies $29,135.00 Allison/an Scanning & Reprographics, Inc. $33,290.00 B & H Industries $ 5,748.99* *Did not meet specifications Page 7 - April 18, 1995 WHEELING Trustee Hoefert, seconded by Trustee Skowron, moved to concur REPRODUCTIONS with the recommendation of the administration and accept the proposal submitted by Wheeling Reproductions in an amount not to exceed $26,525.00 Upon roll call: Ayes: Clowes, Hendricks, Hoefert, Skowron, Wilks Nays: None ~ Motion carried. PONTARELLI Mr. Janonis noted that the Village was successful in obtaining CLOCKTOWER TIF reimbursement from the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency DEVELOPMENT (IEPA) in the amount of $146,632.20 and with the $100,000 received SITE CLEAN-UP from Pontarelli Developers towards the cost of the site clean up for the Clocktower Development in the TIF District located between Pine and Wille and Northwest Highway and Central Road, a total savings of $250,000 was realized by the Village. HAZARDOUS WASTE Mr. Janonis reminded everyone about the household hazardous waste CLEAN-UP DAY clean-up, where items could be dropped off at the Wheeling Township Transfer Station on River Road on Saturday, April 22nd between 9 AM and 3 PM. PUBLIC WORKS The Village Manager also reminded everyone that the annual Public OPEN HOUSE Works Open House will take place on Saturday, May 20 between 9 AM and 1 PM. -----. ANY OTHER BUSINESS NEW BUSINESSES Trustee Hoefert read the names of new businesses opened in the Village. EXTENDED LEAF Trustees Hoefert and Clowes asked that the administration look into PICK UP PROGRAM the method of educeting the public relative to the proposed extension to the leaf pick-up program so those .using this program do not double pay for this service (with a sticker and through their taxes). STREET LIGHT, Trustee Hoefert also asked the status of the request for a street light BRIARWOOD/ in the Briarwood/Algonquin Road area and for staff to monitor the ALGONQUIN number of vehicles parked at the Marathon stati°n at Central Road and Northwest Highway, noting that the recent approved variation for that property was conditioned on reducing the number of vehicles parked on that site. CABLE SUBSCRIBERS Trustee Clowes asked that members of the Board be provided with the number of Cable TV subscribers there are in Mount Prospect. TRANSPORT TO Trustee Clowes also asked that an upcoming Newsletter provide .HOSPITALS information relative to how the determination is made as to which hospital the Mount Prospect Fire Department will transport patients. IMRF 5 + 5 Trustee Clowes mentioned the proposed IMRF 5 + 5 buy out, noting that participation in this plan could be costly to participants and requested information as to the cost to the State. LOUIS STREET It was noted that the Louis Street meeting will take place on Monday, April 24th at 7 pM at the Senior Center. Page 8 -April 18, 1995 LOSED SESSION ': ' Trustee Skowron, seconded by Trustee Henddcksl moved to go into Closed Session for the purpose of discussing ligitation, personnel and propery acquisition. Upon roll call: Ayes: Clowes, Hendrlcks, Hoefert, Skowron, Wilks Nays: None Motion carried. The Village Board went intO Closed Session at 9:45 P.M. Mayor Farley reconved the meeting at 10:39 P.~M. Present upon roll call: MaYor Farley Trustee Clowes Trustee Hendricks 'Trustee Hoefert Trustee Skowron Trustee Wilks ADJOURNMENT ' ADJOURN Mayor Farley adjourned the meeting at 10:41 p.M. Carol A. Fields Village clerk Page 9 - April 18, 1995